Gathering those that are Preparing for the Dracolich

  • "Ooo. Gravy. Lunch time!"

    After an enrapt period spent observing the heroic toing and froing among the Norwickian gathering, Perriwig saunters off to sample more of the toothsome local fare, clearly still not recognising that the real gravity of the sundry adventurers' discussions…

  • Legion

    Benji seems like he's getting annoyed


    I think you misunderstand TO Adrian Built into the mortar and stone. In essence, it IS the Phylactery, if I understood the divine phrasing.





  • Wog, dressed in his Kelemvor robes smiles to those gathered

    "The temple of the Judge opens its gates for the fallback, for those who wish to be protected agasint the undeath that could spew out of Dun Tharros. THe ground is sacred agasint the abominations, and the doomguides are the most talented at fighting the undead.

    Myself, as a representitive of the temple will provide arrows of eternal rest, it will give our archers a significant force on the feild. I will distrabute them to the Leigon in most, and they will share them out how they see fit. I will also pass some along to those amongst the druid who use bows. If any others wish some, come find me sharpish."

  • "This is not a meeting of who is coming and who isnt…

    We came to a big point a few moments ago, and then failed to speak any more of it..

    Peltarchs senator raised the point that we need to destory the phylactery before all else or it will regenerat itself.

    Is it possiable to scry for its position? Or find any way to hint at its position?

    Perhaps ask the Yaun Ti to share their infomaiton, they are far more devious and cunning than us, perhaps they know of its location. Someone should be sent out to contact them"

  • I can request a sum of arrows from the temple to help aid both the attacking and defending parties.

    Ronan, does Peltarch intend to lend soldiers in the defense of Norwick while the offensive takes place?

  • Ihave one futher queston? Would the temple of Kelemvor, or other temples be able to help by providing missiles of eternal rest? Many defenders will otherwise be unable to harm many of the undead if some of the dragons hordes return while others are out assaulting the lost city.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    _Dietrick enters the meeting place wherever it is, greets the crowd with a nod and says:

    "Dietrick , representing the silver valley will go! Destroying da dracolich is da only way to keep our towns safe!"

    After which he stands at the side , not participating in the arguments._

  • It will be weakened but not destroyed.

    Ronan says in response to Albryanna's question..

    You will still need to destroy the body in order to completely defeat the dracolich. Destroying the phylactery will prevent it from regenerating and make it much easier to kill.

  • Glances to Ronan.

    Am I wrong in stating that the dracolich will be weakened with the destruction of its phylactery?

    Looks back to Val.

    And if Ronan cannot accompany us at least that far, we still have Aram.

  • Sorry to disagree there Albryanna, but if this is anything like other Liches are, destroying the Phylactery won't harm the Dracolich at all. It will destroy his soul, but his body will be just as strong.

    Ronan also said he won't be joining us, so I'm not sure how his ability to detect it will help.

  • After taking Ronan aside to speak with him quietly in the back, Albry makes her way towards the front beside Dwin. She then proceeds to answer Val's questions.

    Concerning distance, I personally do not remember, though I'm sure someone else does.

    You saw the enemy at our gates. Expect the same, if not more, in many greater numbers. I will not risk my Scouts being caught on a recon. All we can do is prepare for the worst.

    Jerrick is figuring out what the Yuan-Ti are planning as we speak. Or attempting to, at least.

    The tower will more than likely be the most heavily guarded one. If anything, I'm sure Ronan will be able to detect the tower with the most energy radiating from it.

    Our backup plan will have to be falling back to the Dwarven Hold, if not as far as the Legion tower to regroup and replenish forces.

    Once and if the phylactery is destroyed, we will have to find a way to hold it before it has a chance to flee, as it will be nearly powerless. At least to my understanding.

    Getting out won't be a problem.

    Any other questions?

  • Excellent questions indeed… I fear already that the answer to some will be "we dont know." Prove me wrong!

    I, too, agree with the evacuation. The Dwarven Hold should also be considered as a fallback position. Koirin and the Council or Moradin agreed to let women and children be evacuated there, and we have many fine warriors that can help defend as well.

  • After listening to the banter for some time, Val clears her throat and speaks clearly.

    I have a few questions… probably basic ones to some of you, but not everyone here knows the answers.

    How far is it to the Lost City? I've not been there, and I have no idea what to expect on the way there.

    Do we know what forces are arrayed against us? Numbers, type, strengths, weaknesses, position, and so on?

    Do we know what part the Yuan-ti are going to be playing in this? It's hard to trust an ally who acts in secret.

    Do we know which one of the towers in the Lost City is the Dracolich's phylactery? From what I hear, there are many towers.

    What is our backup plan, if we fail? Based on the forces we've seen so far, that is a very real possibility.

    Assuming we do manage to destroy the Dracolich's phylactery, how do we plan on destroying his body?

    IF we succeed, how are we getting out of an obviously hostile location when we've probably expended everything we have, and have wounded and dead with us?

    These are the sorts of things we need to work out, if we're to have any chance of success.

  • Aramuil watches the back and forth between the different factions silently, for once. Finally, he breaks briefly into the conversation "We need a coherent plan, and that means no secrets, at least amongst the heads of our groups, if nothing else. Without a plan we will lose; luck only goes so far when fighting a dracolich."

  • @d778474f56=SummonerX:

    I am sorry, but I cannot reveal the plan to everyone just yet. Not until the day of the assault. The enemy has ears in many places, and if they found out about it, they could use it against us.

    _"Perhaps then leaders of involved parties should get together somewhere safe and talk about tactics. I agree the plan needs to be kept a tight secret, but the leaders cannot be kept clueless until the day of the assault.

    I do believe that citizens of both Norwick and the Silver Valley should be evacuated up north. If we fail in our mission then at least we would have saved lives. If we succeed, then while the lives of the townsfolk would be interrupted we could at least say we kept them safe. The Troff Legion is prepared to help escort people up the Nars to Peltarch. We have tents, food, and water at our Tower for any whom wish to stop there and rest on the way to Peltarch. If we wait until failure to evacuate the townsfolk then I fear many will be killed in the attempt to escape up north.

    Earlier there were heated arguments about having to work with the Yuan-Ti. Considering what the Yuan-Ti have done in the past it is understandable, but right now there is a much greater threat at hand. Some of you may recall when the Taint was plaguing old Norwick that some druids and Hinnak from a different Circle came to assist in defeating the taint. Some of these druids and the Hinnak followed Fury gods such as Malar and Talos. Did we like them? Not at all. But would it be wise to attack someone who has the same enemy as you do? No.

    No one is going to make anybody be buddy-buddy with the Yuan-Ti, or shake their hands, or hug them, or even talk to them. No one is going to make you pray to a Fury god. In fact if we succeed I advise everyone to keep their guard up in case the Yuan-Ti try something. But right now two towns are at stake and we're about to go on a mission that has more chance of failure than success. If the Yuan-Ti want to try and kill the damned dracolich, no point in impeding them when we have the same goal."_

  • I am sorry, but I cannot reveal the plan to everyone just yet. Not until the day of the assault. The enemy has ears in many places, and if they found out about it, they could use it against us.

  • The Chancellor watches the exchange with his usual smirk

    Well, if you two are all set, perhaps we can get back to the discussion?

    Ronan, we'd all love to know what your plan is… since we're working together on this... try not to keep us in suspense for too long.

    Now, what do we know of the tower? How many kegs do we think we need? If someone can describe a similar structure my kin and I can make some estimates...

  • Ronan pulls Mariston aside to chat quietly…

  • Honoured to aid, let me know what I can do.

  • Ronan looks thoughtfully at Mariston.

    There is actually, but it's not a glorious task… tis guard duty. I'll inform you of what my contribution will be in private and how you can help, if you would like to.