Whispers at the Fire

  • …and as death and doom approaches, and all the heroes of the world unite at the south gates of Norwick, they now face a new battle...


    The cries echo from the south, and in this of all places - people are actually having some fun!

  • A dark armored dwarf is seen exiting the Great Hall slamming the doors loudly. Apparently he was in the chancellor's office trying to use the Chancellor's private rest room when a loud discussion regarding some expedition to the Lost City broke out.

    [d] Dwarf can't find a quiet place to drop an ingot!

    Angrily and re-buckling his belt he is seen heading for the Dwarven hold with a parchment of reading materials tucked under his arm.

  • A big discussion on Norwick involving the dracolich has Jerrick walk in, stay for some time, then walk out shaking his head and muttering to himself as he heads back to the woods. He looks prepared for a bit of a trip.

  • Word has it that the former Master of Arms of Norwick, Maya, has moved into the Grapevine Inn. Unlike most visits however, she has not been seen out back practicing, or sharing drinks or meals with friends. Much of her time has been spent in her room or in prayer, on the hill overlooking the inn.

  • Shortly after Brendel was released, Danika emerged from the barracks without her familiar Norwick scout cloak. She swiftly walked out of town. She has since been seen passing through or resting by the gap in the wall while on patrol.

  • Aaleyah adds her name to the list of those leaving the militia if asked she gives no reason

  • Crux is seen talking to Davos at the hall gates leaveing a message with him that she resigns from the norwick guard aperently rather displeased with the way Dwin has acted as of recent

  • Scout recruit Clayton Greyfeather was seen givng the great hall of Norwick the finger today and yelled two simple words:

    "I quit!"

    If anyone stops the redhaired ranger to ask him why the sudden change of heart, he replies:

    "I'm tired of that fat-ass using his 'laws' to do as he pleases. I'll still protect the people of Norwick, but godsbedamned, I'll do it under my own terms."

    He then saunters out of the south gate, and into the Rawlinswood

  • Anyone who visits Spellweaver will notice that all the books are in the wrong places. Also several townsfolk may find Orc ears under their pillows and around their houses.

    What kind of crazed pranksters would do such a thing?

  • Word spreads quickly around Norwick of the death of the mad mage, Izakiel. Apparently he committed suicide after being convinced by a bystander that it was the only way he would be truly free.

  • Rumours spread about a duel between Hammerhand and a Temposan hobgoblin, and not long after that of an attack on Norwick by said hobgoblin and its minions, though they were quickly defeated.

  • Stories about swarms of undead harpies darkening the sky, near death experiences fighting ghost wolves, and a giant skeletal dragon attacking the south gate dominate town talk for a few days.

  • During a recent goblin attack, everyone's favorite banite tromped off into the forest, only to return some time later covered in bits of dead goblin and what appeared to be a slightly greenish glowi-ness to him. He seemed rather mirthful, humming as he sauntered. What transpired out there is anybody's guess.

  • "Remember the Dwarf who fell for you Norwick." Yngdír says bitterly as he takes his rare R&R by the main fires in the town proper. "He stood to his word. He endured with us, he resisted - for as long as he could. "

  • Rumors of Dondiah being back in town reach the ears of those who care to listen, old and new residents alike. Maybe she'll dance for the masses? She seems to be in a jovial mood, frequently seen shining and sharpening that dark blade of hers with strange runes, not from any language anyone can tell.

  • When news of this Cara Desh-led dissent reaches the Chancellor, (which is how he understands it, of course) he asks the guards to arrest her immediately and bring her to him personally for questioning.

  • Cara Desh has recently been talking about the Norwick workers going on strike, and throwing all of Dwins personal property outside, and scattered them about the town. This was an attempt to discern the reason for all the junk laying around. Let it be known that there's no proof to this, and she's just speaking for the sake of noise, most who know her can understand. 🙂

  • Daveth is overheard talking around Norwick about how he has "mystical druid powers" that allow him to summon bears and "lightning that strikes my enemies!". He also says he might have an army of rats that attack undead.

  • Heading in from the north, Aelthas was seen meeting up with the elf Eresse at the south gates, both of them with their packs filled as if going on a trip. After a short conversation, the two disappear in a flash of light.

  • Recently, there have been tales of a freak early winter storm near the south gate….and just as curiously as it appeared, it also vanished.

    The common folk have been seen preparing for a harsh winter though, buying extra supplies and making sure that they had warmer clothing.