Alert.. kobold attack!

  • _For the past few days, ex-Captain Aelthas can be seen heading to the eastern farmlands to one of the local trees, carrying long planks of wood. By all appearances he seems to making some sort of treehouse stronghold just outside the walls, his way of passing the time perhaps while he has no other duties to perform. Construction seems to go quick with the time he spends building it, even little makeshift walls going up around the tree fort.

    A few days go by, then a sudden alarm is sounded in the form of a bell dinging near the tree fort, the alert goes up as cries can be heard from below, "Get the scaly menace!" is heard as Aelthas and his oldest son Jonni charge out at the tree fort wearing paper mache breastplates and cloth helmets, all painted in green to look like Defenders.

    Up in the tree fort, three small figures stand, covered in a slaughtered old sequined dress to make them appear as if having scales, cloth masks painted in the look of kobold faces staring out at the charging Defenders, as the two six year old girls giggle, tossing cookies in the shape of throwing stars at the brave Defenders as they charge, behind the girls, a boy no older than two can be seen with a piece of wood with the look of a wand.. waving it about and saying some odd things that only a two year could possibly understand as the kobold arcanist casts his spells of doom.

    Who knows what the battle will bring, will the Defenders win the day as usual? Or will the kobold menace get a secure footing in the farmlands and eventually take over the city? Will the city rally to defend the Jewel? Only time will tell.._

    //One of those silly little threads, feel free to post if your characters would join in on the silliness. I got bored. 😛

  • "Dun-da-ra-daaa-da, dun-da-ra-da-daaaa-da, dun-da-raa..AHH! …ooof.."

    Just before reaching the make-shift trap, Lycka catches her foot on a root and trips, falling face-first into the leaves, much to the amusement of tiny kobolds. Groaning and catching her breath, she lifts a dishevelled head, shaking her fist dramatically at the tree fort until she spies the cookie nearby. Crawling to her knees, Lycka slowly reaches out for the tantalizing sweet..

  • With a smile and a faint grin, Raúl leaves a cookie on the ground, 10 feet ahead of them, with a short rope around it, imitating one of those annoying entangling traps, then disapears in the nearest tree, being always visible to the children and others, but not for Lycka, waiting for the proper moment to do the tackle!

  • Conspiratorial whispers and giggles are heard from the tree, then a red, an indigo and a black little finger all point at the blue and silver figure approaching at a gallop behind the Defender team.. Lycka, sallying forth in heroic and knightly fashion on a stick horse probably hijacked from one of the children. When spotted, she feigns the horse rearing and starts to chant a overly dramatic battle song as she charges towards the fort!

  • Small as he is Raúl appears dressed in green with a black hood, with two wooden small sticks imitating swords, clearly trying to look like a kobold assasin…except for the moustasche... he seems to wisper something to the children, asking for them to point a tackle..

  • _The white-haired little "Kobold Arcanist" Zoma is goggle-eyed at Ronan's magic tricks, mouth a perfect round "o" of fascination, before he eventually joins in on the "Pew pew!" with all the enthusiasm of a two-year-old. Curly-haired twin menaces Siri and Nica are obviously pleased with what they consider a strong ally to Team Kobold, shouting excited suggestions for illusions while hurling a veritable cascade of delicious cookie shurikens down on Team Defender and their noble dire-mouse ally.

    For colours, impulsive Siri is quick to pick her favourite, going for a bold and bright RED, while artistic Nica's choice is the more unusual INDIGO. Zoma thinks long and hard, before he settles on BLACK, claiming with unshakable confidence that that's what bad kobold arcanists wear._

  • _Senator Ronan appears a few minutes after the fun starts. He joins the little scaley ones up in the fort, and bellows out.

    "Muahaha, you shall never defeat the kobolds!"

    He says this in an overly dramatic, comical voice. His fingers wave about, creating illusionary cartoon-ish kobolds for the adventurers to fight. They do not look frightening at all, and they are completely see through, giving away their illusionary status. Whenever a brave adventurer smacks an illusion, it poofs from existance… to which Ronan will shake his fist in mock anger.

    "Silly adventurers! You wont defeat us!"

    He occasionally makes sound effects, mostly along the lines of "Pew pew!" whenever he pretends to cast a spell. For the three little dressed up kobolds that are Aelthas' kids.. he uses some more illusions to make them all shiny, colorful, and "intimidating"... first asking them what colors they'd like to wear, chuckling along with them._

  • Of course, no adventuring party is complete without the fury of nature at their side! Beside the brave adventurers, bravely dodging cookies, is one catching them in his teeth! (Taking 1 pt. of delicious dmg per hit/chomp of course!)

    A dire mouse hops alongside, flashing gnashing … well, they're not really fangs, so much as cute little buck teeth. But the tail lashes menacingly as it to battle!

    Fear Uncle Jerrick, the diremouse of DOooOoOoM! He bravely follows the commands of the tiny adventurers, in leiu of Stinky, who has retired from active duty in battles.

    Why an elder Druid would consent to this, is anyone's guess. Rumor might eventually leak though that ... it was ... his idea to join in? Bizarre indeed!