Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Legion

    A haggard but smiling Benji arrives at the south gates of Peltarch in a flash of lightning. He shakes the hand of the man with him and hands him some coins. He then plods north toward the boats.

  • _A blonde haired, female elf has been seen wandering around the city in search of pixie dust…

    Those who see her notice her sniffing and rubbing her nose constantly as well as a few sneezes here and there._

  • ICC





    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

    //I'm pretty sure if Grak grabbed that -defender- cloack for personal use he'd be shot down for stealing city's properties or impersonating a defender or yadaddiyadadad…

    //could we have dm judgement here? Cloak was discarded and stomped into dirt and Grak tried to collect it..

  • @dac39a3c84=Grak01:



    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

    //I'm pretty sure if Grak grabbed that -defender- cloack for personal use he'd be shot down for stealing city's properties or impersonating a defender or yadaddiyadadad…

  • Late one eveing, a group of four, A tall human man in greenish plate, an Elf man in golden plate, a woman, dressed in white clothes of some sort, and elderly man, bearing some of his weight upon a staff, once again dressed in stark white. Both of the armored men bore cloaks of the purest white, identical to the elderly man's and the woman's.
    They were seen purchasing large quantities of foodstuffs, and returning back towards the Docks district.

    Any that were curious enough to follow them see them taking the food to the soup kitchen, and then helping in the kitchen.

  • ICC



    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

    Grak eagerly watches him leaving, after which he proceeds to check/take can Aelthas Captain cloak which was stomped in dirt before he headed for home

    //May Grak have that cloak as it was discarded?

  • Next time Grak's in the Inn drinking, he will notice after the 5th ale that it tastes somewhat….like... pee. Raúl sneakilngly emptyes a pee-filled bottle on his ale while Grak's mouthing someone and distracted

  • ICC


    _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

    Grak slips out off inn just in time, to witness this rare sight. His grin broadens from ear to ear. he calls out, mockingly
    "Oi ya huuumie peddler, in case ya nay knows dem huuuumie laws ere, littering und disturbing da peace of us fine citizens bes wrong. goes back und pick ups dem filthy garb of yars or Grak bes forced ta report this violation ta dem guards themselves" word guards is pronounced with great amount of mockery in Graks voice

  • Amidst the hurly-burly of dock riots and break-ins, the rumour of a ruckus at the Lucky Ferret may not attract much attention, except for the unusual addition made by some that the trouble-makers were a group of murderous gnomes.

  • _Early in the morning, any sitting in the commons would hear an angry voice within City Hall, cursing out at someone else. A few short moments later, Captain Aelthas is seen storming out of City Hall, tossing his Defender cloak to the ground at the doors of City Hall and cursing out a few words back inside as he stomps the cloak into the mud with a foot.

    "For years of loyalty, this is what a man gets."

    He spits on the ground and turns on his heels, walking off towards his home, glaring at any who get in his way. Maybe whatever happened inside had something to do with his confinement at the Temple Lighthouse as well a few months back, but by all appearances, the Captain is no longer a Captain in the Defenders…_

  • _While the Senate sits in constant session within a heavily guarded City Hall, the City is still gripped by disarray. Whilst the more violent of rioting has now been quelled by the tenacity of the teeming guard presence on the streets, the City is still nowhere near business as usual. Many merchants have closed up shop, partly for lack of much people about to trade, partly for fear of damage to their property. The streets are mostly bare of any save those massed for protests, with most families remaining at home in a united show of mourning for their beloved fallen Senator.

    Rumours of how Senator Lavindo died have begun to spread throughout the City's districts as well, rumours saying the official story the Herald told is just a cover up. These rumours are stoked by further tales of an imminent Fire Giant assault on Peltarch, which in turn are fed by the fact that all of the City's Defenders seem to be stationed outside the walls, despite the rioting. Protesters demand to know the answers to the many questions surrounding the Duel in which Lavindo fell, as well as the results of the Senate election._

  • _Rumors spread through all of the bathers at the bathhouse and reach the Inns… Apparently two elves were getting a little rowdy in the steam room!

    Different bathers have different stories...but they're all similar and include a blonde haired elf, and a black haired elf._

  • As hubbub and discord garbles and gurgles and hisses through Peltarch's streets, anticipating senatorial gnominee, Perriwig P. Doubleday is still bobbing about his public business, awaiting the final result. Keen gnomish observers may well note, however, that when he makes public appearances, does it shopping or slips out flanked by his campaign staff - Caramella Bestefaren and Gilda Haven - for a restoring dessert - Perriwig keeps his spangly coloured, apparently amazing light suit of armour on beneath his dapper dandy custard-coloured jacket. He gasped along with the crowd when Senator Lavindo's untimely giant-squashing was announced but has generally kept upbeat during the interregnum period, grinning at any voters who hulloo him, giving them thumbs up and assuring them that "The Herald is a fine, brisk fellow. I'm sure we'll have the right result for Peltarch declared very soon!"

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word spreads throughout the taverns, even the more reputable ones, that prominent Black Sails member Luke C. Leathertail, has been offering the services of the Black Sails as bodyguards to any other prominent, wealthy, and/or simply paranoid citizens of the Jewel. For a fee, of course.

  • Rumours fly around the taverns in town of riots that saw the lockdown of most of the city, of magical intervention, and an attack by a Defender on Senate hopeful, Syndders.

  • _The City was in turmoil briefly, as rioters took to the streets of both the Commerce and Civic Districts last night. The rioters in the Commerce District managed to storm City Hall, but reportedly eventually left the building without serious bloodshed. On the other hand, two groups of rioters in the Civic District clashed with an armed escort, taking Lord Enenan Snydders and Heffa from the Temple of Tyr to the Snydders Estate, with many fatalities. Throughout the night, General Ash and Captains Velhar and Garand have managed to have the streets in both districts teeming with Guards, and for now Order seems to have been restored.

    Notably since the events, Defender presence within the City Walls has decreased significantly, with the vast majority of soldiers now stationed on patrol outside the City. Some say this is as a precaution against a sudden Giant attack, though others wonder why the Defenders are not being called upon to at least support the Guard in their riot quelling efforts._

  • Word spreads from City Hall that the count for the Election has been completed, but that the Senate is withholding the results for an unknown reason. The already tumultuous atmosphere in the city begins to fray and degenerate, as Guards struggle to maintain order whilst crowds of citizens demand to know the results. The Herald has cited "minor delays", promising the result soon, but the people are not assuaged.

  • The past few days have had many stories going about, the most notable of which might be some type of trip by Senator Lavindo, ex-General Varid, Senator Redralen, Maya and Captain Aelthas. Heading out on a Defender vessel into the Icelace with Captain Hresh at the helm, the group returned a day or so later after a large storm seemed to hit the lake. Yet not all were present that left, Senator Lavindo seemed to be absent even during an attack by displacer beasts and an elemental on the docks. A short time later, riots breaking out in the Gaol, the escape of prisoners and whispers of Defenders being found dead or missing begin to spread across the city.

  • Legion


    … Captain Garand of the Peltarch Guard gave out few details about the bank robbery, saying only that the would-be thieves were found dead by the Bank's Vault, slain from accidentally triggering its lethal trap.

    Benji smirks hearing the news

    <g>Farking rooks.</g>

  • Crime has risen significantly in the City, though not in its traditional home of the Docks. Pickpocketing, scamming and even meticulously executed break-ins are all occurring with increased professionalism in the Civic District. It seems the City's thieves are now targeting the wealthier citizens, and many nobles are hiring extra personal guards, as well as better locks and complex trap mechanisms for their safes. The First Bank of Peltarch is one of the few locations in the Civic District whose security has not failed, though one attempted robbery of the bank has already been foiled thus far. Captain Garand of the Peltarch Guard gave out few details about the bank robbery, saying only that the would-be thieves were found dead by the Bank's Vault, slain from accidentally triggering its lethal trap.