Another Body

  • It has been reported that a body has been found in the steam room of the Bath House. Rumor has it that it's a nobleman's son.

  • Raúl whispers to Yana quietly, making sure noone else hears, then after a quiet hushed conversation, leaves

    //incomming PM Robyn! ^^

  • @0446bc0132=Clan:

    The Chancellor of Norwick arrives with his key, his favorite towel, and a bottle of ale, and loudly grumbles that he just wants to take a bath.

    Yana smiles and waves

  • The Chancellor of Norwick arrives with his key, his favorite towel, and a bottle of ale, and loudly grumbles that he just wants to take a bath.

  • Labur being outside the roped off area asks around the crowd gathered of what happened or any rumors of who did it trying to get a lead from someone.

  • Examines the corpse, trying to tell what killed it, then looks at the ground and surroundings for signs of battle trying to figure out what happened in the place ((Search skill +20, Spot +21, track skill +18))

  • @2cb5ee7818=RYM:

    Lt. Raúl of the scouts aproaches Yana and asks

    "Is it ok if I take a look, Yana? I won't touch anything, just want to see if I spot anything relevant"

    Yana nods, and escorts the Scout inside

  • Lt. Raúl of the scouts aproaches Yana and asks

    "Is it ok if I take a look, Yana? I won't touch anything, just want to see if I spot anything relevant"

  • ICC

    Kylar, having been in peltarch, quietly questions the locals as to if this lad was seen recently with a woman in black, before he heads back to norwick

  • to the above posts

    Under Yana's direction, the guards cordon off the area. No one gets in or out until a Lieutenant takes charge. Anyone already inside are searched, questioned, and then escorted out.

  • Labur rushes to the Bath house to see if he can find any information. Since he isn't a member he waits outside until they remove the body from the house. At this time he questions an employee if he knew anything about what happened or the cause of death?