Whispers at the Fire

  • Elyl is seen packing up items in crates, boxes and bags. Later he walks around town saying goodbye to all those that he knows. He lets them all know that he is moving back to Marsember to take over a temple there and that he will try to come back for a visit whenever possible. He loads up a cart and heads off to the dock to load up the boat waiting there. Standing against the rail as the boat leaves, he watches as Norwick fades into the distance.

  • Talyna seems to be smiling even more cheerfully when she's about. A few remark that they thought it was impossible for her to be even more cheerful, as she is quite a happy person to begin with.

    Any questioning of her happiness results in her blushing as she mentions about a nice dinner she had recently.

  • Legion

    Benji stumbles down the hill near the Phoenix Guild Hall. He continues to drunkenly meander around town with a gigantic smile on his face until he finds a nice spot under a tree to curl up and sleep.

  • Legion

    Benji steps up to archery target line and fires a single bolt out of a fancy crossbow. He hits a bullseye and sighs with a smile.

    <g>She even kept it in tune for me.</g>

  • Word has it that a certain arrow slinging archery skilled vampire was turned to dust by Ronan in a blaze of light that obliterated him completely… apparently he had been keeping people company lately, and "Play with his food" as well.

    Whatever his reasons, motivations, or actions ... they have definitely ceased.

  • //ack accidently put a pm here..that was close!

  • He'd disappeared during the vampire attack; but Yngdír has returned. He holds his side from time to time, but otherwise seems remarkably well for someone who'd recieved such dire wounds, curiously though - he absolutely reeks of honey.

  • Devlin hears the word, and says that he has a little diamond powder to sell for cheaper.

  • Jerrick asks about the fires here and there, if anybody knows of any place selling "A little Diamond Powder" cheaper than Peltarchs horrific rate of 462 GP.

  • Heh dork ^^ hugs

  • @5936da7347=Skeet:

    I always think it's some evil maniacal plan to make little Skeet clone babies to takeover the world. I'm evil enough! We don't need more sociopaths!

    Seriously, I've given blood several times throughout my life, not a big deal at all. Just eat something beforehand, don't stand up too quickly, and mow on a bagel or something after you're finished, and you should be fine.

    uh… reply in the wrong forum?

  • I always think it's some evil maniacal plan to make little Skeet clone babies to takeover the world. I'm evil enough! We don't need more sociopaths!

    Seriously, I've given blood several times throughout my life, not a big deal at all. Just eat something beforehand, don't stand up too quickly, and mow on a bagel or something after you're finished, and you should be fine.

  • Targohr can sometimes be seen sitting up on the cliff at the south gate of Norwick. Waiting for someone.

  • After much thinking and many sleepless nights, Arlan Meynolt has decided to leave the realm, after saying his goodbyes and receiving gifts from friends, Arlan left Norwick with a new cloak waving goodbye to all the gathered.

    He also swore on the Elven code to return someday.

  • The normally sober Val Kyrie was seen drinking herself into unconsciousness at the Grapevine, apparently one of her friends was leaving the realm. That, on top of all the recent friends that have died seems to have pushed her over the limit.

  • Labur having been quiet ever since the death of Telli has suddenly become extremely active. He is seen in the woods just west of Norwick in search of something. After spending all day in the woods, he sets out looking for Jerrick and shows him a collection of nuts. After having them evaluated, he goes back out throwing almost all of them with the exception of the ones Jerrick points out into the woods. These select few he stores in the safest and most protected of his pockets and is constantly seen checking on them. He spends his nights in the Hold helping with preparations in any way he can if its bringing water to the workers on the sarcophagus, random tasks, and is even seen praying with the priest which hasn’t occurred since the war between the priest and warriors in his homeland. When people ask what he is doing he replies with workin’.

  • Legion


    A whisper might be about that he was struck down quite immediately afterwards too, but saved quickly by less holy means.

    Benji remarks on both occurrences

    <g>Lucky bastard.</g>

  • Rumour has it that wild magic caused the explosion of a set of benches near the New South Gate Fire. Confirmation of this rumour was seen when Arlan Maynolt, Mari Yuhanna, Jerrick Rafe and Targohr Steel walked back into Norwick with singed hair… and the results witnessed by Albryanna.

  • A whisper might be about that he was struck down quite immediately afterwards too, but saved quickly by less holy means.

  • While helping to defend Norwick against an attack by chaos spirits, Elyl was felled by a powerful one. However, immediately after falling, Torm's grace decended upon Elyl and he was immediately revived, much to the surprise of those around who saw Elyl fall.