Journal of Ferdinand Locke

  • _Much is happening, at times I barely find the time to breath.

    My children have come of age, and are set to make it in this world, Sigismund has expressed an interest in commerce, a fine choice. It is my hope that he will become a splended addition to the families business ventures, Sigismund has taken the Oath of Oscura. Amunet, she has expressed an interest in the Bardic College, something I had suspected since she was a child, I was frightened that with Val Kyries abduction that this would perhaps be a difficult task for her to achieve, but she has her charms, and I am certain she will find her course, she has decided against taking the blood oath at this time, although her bloodlines will keep her protected in a similar manner. This pleases me at least. I have tasked Dar'lith to serve them as he has served me, at least I know he is a warrior of the utmost discipline and loyalty, unlike many of the other who live within my city.

    It is a relief to see my children at an age where they can discover the world on their own, for some time I had feared they would not make it to such an age.

    I've had an interesting dinner with the blue haired elf. She is kind, for unknown reasons and like all elves she completely has my interest. I almost feel at ease when she is around, and…....happy...a feeling ive not truly felt since Ahmose and I first married.

    Ahmose.....I DO miss her, she is the love of my life, but she has grown so distant, her uninterest in her families business and Oscura has caused her to remain in Sekhrum to continue her studies. I think I will schedule some time to journey to Mulhorand and spend time with her..

    This must of course be delayed untill I have dealt with the disciplinary matters of two of my Peacekeepers....two of the more skilled warriors. They set a poor example to the recruits, and constantly put their own agenda ahead of Oscuras. They are selfish, and their actions are constantly being brought forth by others in topics of discussion. I am told about lacks of proof, that they are innocent.....I scoff at such, I know these men, I know their hearts, their capabilities, their self serving nature. There is no doubt that each time the surfacers speak about my citizens, that they often speak the truth.

    Speaking of surfacers, I spoke to Aelthas oddly enough for a few moments a few days ago. He spoke of the potential upcoming war that slowly makes its way to our gates, many of the trouble deriving from the actions of few. There are many folks who attempt to make an innocent living, I would not see War come to our gates if I can help it. But folks can only prod the sleeping beast from afar for so long before it is forced into action. I fear many of the blooded have gone out of their way to flaunt their intentions and the content of their heart and desires to others on the surface far to openly, Alexander Red Falcon does speak some truth when it comes to removing cancer, some tough decisions may be coming soon it seems._

  • _I slept well last night, for the first time in monthes. I do not know if it is coincidence or not, this women, this elf. I can't seem to shake her from my thoughts. We've only spoken a few times, but her words seem to cause such a stir within me. My head seems to swirl at the thought of our next discussion, like the morning after having too much wine. I should not think such things, she spoke of finding beauty, even if nothing but chaos surrounds you. I find her beautiful, intoxicating even.

    Ahmose, the twins…

    Far away, safe in Mulhorand. Or so I hope. I love my wife, love my children. But she is so far away, her voice seems almost unfamiliar to me now when we speak. I think of her often, I think of her now, how I disgrace her by the thoughts which run through my head. This is not me, I do not fall prey to such reckless impulses, such feelings.

    Stay to the task...

    I must focus, clear my head, think of a plan. The Senate needs results, the Tribune demands service. How can this work...Something must be done, something BIG.

    The threats of stopping the trade between our cities will do nothing but hamper my plan, such an occurence will only further the slave trade as it will become a much larger export than it currently is.



    I can't get her out of my head...FARK!

    I need some wine.

    ::A small red stain is on the bottom of the page::_

  • _My dealins and interference in the Markets of Mulhorandi is having adverse effects. Multiple times now my family has been attacked by Thugs and Assassins.

    I've hired another bodyguard to protect the twins whilst they are in Oscura. Thrar is his name, a giant of a man. Thus far he seems to have taken a liking to the children, I have faith he will serve them well. If he fails, he shall join Dar'lith in eternal servitude to my family.

    Creg seemed interested in Tutoring Amunet in magics, seems her skills are developing rapidly. It is best she learn how to control her abilities, i do not trust her with father, or Maximillian.

    Much chaos has taken Oscura recently, The Kyzanos estate was attacked, multiple incidents in the Coppers occured in which blooded were killed. This lawlessnus must stop. I have pleaded with the Tribunal to ammend the laws, so that us Peacekeepers might have more power within the city.

    Hopefully they shall appoint an Overseer and our city can begin fixing itself after the Gallows debacle. Only time will tell._

  • _It has been long since I last put quill to paper, perhaps the raising of my children has consumed all time or perhaps it just the warm bed which my wife lies in now. My time here in Mulhorand has been good, my children are healthy and I have bore witness to them achieve their first words and their first steps.

    Amunet has taken a real liking to the arts, and Ahmose has hired a mulhorandi skald to teach her the ways of Dance and song. It will pain me to take these things away from her, but such schools do not exist in Oscura. Perhaps the Bardic College in Peltarch will take her, I shall contact Val Kyrie upon my return to discuss the details.

    Sigismund, he has taken a liking to battle, he spends his time harassing and playing with the Mamluk guards who watch over our estate, but I think his love for the blade shall be over-ruled by his blood. I've seen him, he has my families bloodline, he has yet to master it, but I have seen him shape raw magic, albeit crudely a few times now.

    There is also the matter of tutelage of faith, Amunet has become so engrossed with the arts and she is always by her mothers side, I would teach her my ways if possible and when we do have a moments notice I whisper to her the truth about faith, the gods and how to best please them. She is her mother, sharing the same grace and beauty but also a similar mind, I will not condemn her soul to my lord, not yet at least.

    Sigismund, however; I have been preparing for great things, on the eve of his 16th winter I shall have him partake in the Binding, and as such he too shall follow in my footsteps._

  • This entry shall be quick, but I am happy to remark that I am now the proud father of a baby boy and girl!. Amunet Sahkmet-Locke and Sigismund Locke. Both born healthy and strong.

  • Twins! That is what appears to be the case with Ahmose's pregnancy. I cannot believe it. Two young Nobles to be raised, I hope we are up to the task. I wonder, will the blood of my families bloodline run in my children? Giving them the opportunity to follow in my fathers footsteps? I wonder what traits they will take from each of our families? I guess in only a few short monthes we will find out. I just wish there was a way to determine if I was having sons or daughters. I must hope for sons, as the last thing I need is to be fighting off my fellow Keepers and Oscurans as they try to court them.

  • _Well this journal entry shall be a bit of a mixed bag, I am overjoyed to write that Ahmose is pregnant. I was informed immediately upon my arrival to the estate. We of course in turn spent the rest of the eve in celebration and had many of her family members and old friends stop in to congratulate us. Apparently she had kept the news a secret untill my arrival, So we were all quite pleasently suprised. My mood I thought would be un-changeable and the grin on my face would be permanent. Unfortunately it only lasted till morning.

    As I began shuffling through some reports which I've been receiving from Oscura I encountered one written by Elendel warning of hostilities between Oscura and some of the surface towns. Keeper Sogar also made mention of hostile folk within Norwick. And even mention of a Black Sail slandering the city of Oscura. I have no clue what Tribune Ashire thinks of this, but it is disheartening to see such actions to be going on and have us Keepers sit in the dark. It is our duty to protect Oscura from such things, yet the Tribune seems to rarely ever pass information to us, nor give us any form of direction.

    I feel like I have done my best, I have worked endlessly to make Oscura safe and prosperous, I have gathered many able troops to enlist within the Keepers, and for what? To know have Oscurans hunted? To have no support from those we seek guidance from? At this rate and especially with a child on the way I just dont see how I can continue. The Tribune has to do something, this inactivity, this indifference, this laziness on their behalf, if they arent going to do anything, then why should I even bother.

    Perhaps its safest for Ahmose and I to stay within Sehkrum for a while whilst all this turmoil unfolds around Oscura. If it is to be continuing down this path, perhaps we shall just stay in Mulhorand. I can always sign on with one of the Military Organizations here, or perhaps start my own Temple.

    I guess I will have to continue to monitor reports, but in only a few short monthes I fear my time will be occupied with my child._

  • _My business is complete, and I will be returning to Mulhorand early in the morning. Val has crafted me a pair of exceptional boots that shall aide me for many years to come.

    From all reports Oscura has been quiet and I trust in my subordinates to maintain the Peace while im gone. It is a nice feeling to leave freely and focus on what is most important.

    Time to turn in early, im eagerly anticipating my journey. as I hope to find out if I am to be a father or if we have to continue to try. Either option would be good news to be honest._

  • _It is official, Ahmose and I have been joined and are now husband and wife. I do not even have the words to describe the feeling of happiness and jubilation that resides within.

    The wedding night was spectacular, and a night I will no doubt remember for the entirety of my life. Time will tell if we succesfully sowed the seeds to have a child. I anticipate that within a few tendays we shall see signs. Perhaps I shall be required to hire on a full time priest to watch over her in my absence. I am certain her family knows of many mid-wifes who can aid.

    I depart for Oscura, early tommorrow morning, a Detachment of Mamluks will stay behind and I shall travel on my own. I am growing more familiar with the land and should be able to make it back to the port at Skuld with little diffculty.

    Over the next few seasons I will likely be travelling from Sekhrum to Oscura quite often. Ahmose and I still have much exploration to do, with ourselves and the old ruins._

  • _We arrived in Sekhrum a few days ago, our trip was uneventful and we reached Skuld with little difficulty. Ahmose and I travelled under escort and made it to her families estate in a few days time.

    Since arriving the pace has been hectic, we have had slaves setting up for our wedding, a detachment of Mamluk guardians have also been providing protection for us to ensure our safety, thou I think they are here mostly for Ahmose's sake. I have been brushing up on my Mulhorand so that my vows may be given in her native tongue. So far so good, I am uncertain yet if the Baron or Max will arrive, im certain they will use magical means if they wish to attend our ceremony.

    In the few lulls, Ahmose and I have walked the ruins, and spoken on much. We both have decided that we wish to begin our family, and we will aim to have our children as soon as possible. We have discussed options on raising them, a few ideas have been tossed about. I had mentioned that if we have a daughter that she perhaps attend the Bardic College back near Home. We shall see how everything works out. I personally hope for a son, I intend to raise him as my father neglected to do for me.

    I am eager with anticipation to get on with the service, there is much I have yet to accomplish back in Oscura, and will likely be leaving Ahmose in Sekhrum for a while to study.

    We are to be wed in only a few days now._

  • This will be my last journal entry for a while as I depart once more with Ahmose for her homeland of Mulhorand.

  • _I thought I would continue on with my reflections on those I've encountered in my time and write my thoughts on some fellow Oscurans as well as some surfacers I frequently encounter.

    Quelcoth Darkmoon
    One of the more powerful Clerics of Oscura. Quelcoth more or less leads the Banite congregation within Oscura. The Banites always seem to be up to something, however it seems things often go wrong for them. I wonder the cause of their failings? Is it lack of support, Low level minions? perhaps leadership? Even with the stigma of being a follower of Bane, I find him to be a valued ally. He quietly goes about his business and rarely if at all disturbs the peace within Oscura.

    Creg Fester
    I know that Creg has carried a torch for my Ahmose for quite some time. His intentions to betray my trust as a friend to attempt to steal her heart does not sit well with me. But I simply must hold faith in Ahmose that she shall stay true to me. All that aside, I have or at least had always thought Creg to be a friend. He is skilled in spells which manipulate the mind, its a shame he does not see himself as a Peacekeeper. His talents would work well during interrogations.

    Allanon Leonsin
    A long time Cleric of Bane, I remember hearing tales of his exploits on the surface when I was a child. I have spoken with him a few times, he seems to have wisdom in his words, but he seems to be a sad man. Perhaps his years of service have changed him or perhaps I just dont know him well enough.

    The polite Gina, her manners impeccable, her martial skill unquestioned. I am not quite certain I buy into her politeness however; I think there is more to her then she lets on. I have never thought to sit her down and intrude on her past or what her goals are, perhaps I should have spent more time with her when I imprisoned her for suspected Demon possession. Maybe I should stop being paranoid, I guess its entirely possible that She COULD actually just be this way because its who she is.

    A shame what happened to Jay, I traveled with him on a few occasions, always thought highly of his skill with a blade. His mouth could use the occasional shutting up, but one learns to ignore that aspect when you are watching him rip apart your enemies one by one. Perhaps our paths will cross again, perhaps not.

    As I write this entry, I look over to the husk of Dar'lith, just standing in the corner like a furnishing. He will obey whatever command I say, with no questions, he will carry it out to the best of his ability. In his current state he shall serve me forever, but nonetheless I still wish sometimes that he was more of a conversationalist. Dar'lith was a good man, perhaps too good to get mixed up with the likes of me. But he did sign my contract sealing his fate, he knew the risks.

    Val Kyrie
    A talented bard, I've only recently been blessed with encountering her and her songs. They have inspired me enough that I hope to commission perhaps some work from her in the future. I have even thought that perhaps I shall speak to Ahmose about sending one of our children to the college to learn under her. Oscura needs more music and arts.

    Learning that Aelthas of all people is a blooded of Oscura, has truly caused confusion in my mind. Add to that the revelations passed on from Elendel that he is in fact a werewolf on top of that, and I find myself wondering. As a Peacekeeper would I protect him as a blooded? To my knowledge he does not hold a residence within Oscura, and from all reports he rarely visits. Do my duties extend to this "Blooded"? Can he even be considered as much? The Tribunal must have some reasoning for allowing such a loose interpretation of what it is to be Oscuran & blooded continue for so long, and I have to trust that they know what is best for the city. After thinking on it, I am still uncertain whether or not I would aid him if he required it. The Tribunal really needs to release a list of all those who are Oath bound to Oscura. Most Keepers were unaware he was even blooded._

  • _After thinking about those whom I serve with as a Keeper, I thought I would write down some anecdotes on my opionions and feelings in regards to them.

    Senria Shivarn
    A dangerous women indeed, she has often followed me for hours with out me even noticing. Chilling if you think about it, how easily she could end someones life, Perhaps that is why she is in command of the Peacekeepers. We have spoken little as of late, and I am unsure if our visions of what the Keepers can be or how we can be utilized are the same. She has my respect as a warrior and leader, and it seems many on the surface hold her in high regard. That fact however is one that I am unsure I completely understand. Perhaps I should spend some time learning more of her past, maybe that will give me more insight into understanding her.

    Drelan Ashire
    Drelan is a man with many connections, such is to be expected as the Captain of the Black Sails. I have always enjoyed my discussions with him and hope to learn what I can from his experience in leading men. Lately however he has been in a mood. It seems as if he questions my loyalties, or at the least my motives. I'm not exactly certain why, I have my thoughts. I guess I shall just wait and see what becomes of this, I hold him in high regard and I do not wish to dissapoint him. Perhaps I subconsiously look to him as a father figure, The gods know my Father was not very dilligent in raising me, perhaps that is why the Tribunes current displeasure with my performance does not sit well with me.

    The grizzled veteran, he is a man of few words, but a wel trained warrior often speaks with his deeds rather than his words. He would make an excellent candidate to train young soldiers. His harshness and girzzled demeanor would likely instill a bit of fear and discipline.

    An odd women by all accounts. My interaction with her has been minimal, perhaps its for the best. From all accounts it seems as if she and Louis would perhaps get along well, they both seem to have odd behaviours. I heard some stories about her from a man she apparently was involved with named Riku. Some odd tales indeed. Nonetheless she no doubt offers something to the Keepers.

    Elendel Baenre
    Elendel, Rumors say he is Drow, I often wonder if the rumors are true and wonder if it would effect my opinion of him. I believe that I would accept him for what he is, afterall he has taken the Blood Oath and also has pledged his blade to the Keepers and thus seems to be loyal to Oscura. He is an excepionally skilled swordsmen and seems to have few peer. He is also resourceful and seems to have many connections and allies. He is however much more difficult to manage and even control, not like you can control Elendel, perhaps I should say contain. He has made life for me difficult as of late, his few outbursts and run-ins with the Tribune have placed me in akward situations. I can only hope that his value as a weapon for Oscura outweighs some of the headaches that associate the ego that accompanies it.

    Sogar Ag
    Sogar is quite reckless on most accounts, but he is a very capable warrior priest. I have only worked with him on few occasions and his penchant for destruction was quite the sight. I am unsure if he has motivations or alterior motives about being a Peacekeeper, im more inclined to think that he just likes to destroy things and cause chaos on the battlefield. A powerful weapon indeed, and a value to Oscura.

    The quiet killer, I know little of her past, or how she was trained, but she has a charm to her and an innate ability to gather information like no other. She often shows much affection towards me, I am not certain if its her ploy to gain knowledge from me, or if her feelings are genuine. I try to keep my distance from her at the moment. I love Ahmose, I do not need other women clouding my mind, especially ones whom I fear I could fall prey to. I will try to send her on missions that take her from Oscura for extended periods, perhaps that is safest.

    Brynden Blackwater
    A bit cocky perhaps, but he is talented nonetheless. He will become an excellent tool for Oscura should his training and skill continue to improve. He has already proved to be useful in pairing with Gabriel, their familiarity with eachother allows them to work in tandem to complete tasks well. I would like to see them perhaps start to look to other members and to work with them as well. Blackwater does have one weakness, women, and his unwillingness to harm or kill them. This could at some point cause issues, but we will work around them when they occur.

    Gabriel Delacroix
    A bit rough around the edges, calls it like he sees it. A good quality in a suborinate. He will no doubt have no qualms about speaking his mind, a good quality. He and Brynden have impressed me with their work thus far. Gabriel doesnt display much leadership potential, and he follows orders with minimal questions. He and Brynden both seem loyal to me, I should start relying on them more to undertake some of the more day-to-day operations, especially when I depart.

    Orin Taismos
    A young aspiring mage, he shows great promise. He is the only current Mage within our ranks and I can only hope he is prepared to endure the heavy work load he will no doubt be facing. At this time we will be leaning on him heavily for Divinations, enchanting and aiding the front line warriors during battle. He will also be required to hone his skills to defend against arcane threats. I have asked that he report to Spellweaver Academy to learn what he can, once he has completed that perhaps I will ask Creg or Louis to spend some time with him as well.

    Victor Croft
    The Junior priest of the Keepers, Croft has impressed me with his prowess in combat. He will no doubt be in high demand when I depart for Mulhorand as the other recruits will seek his aid. I hope his likely devotion to his god does not often interfere with his duties as a keeper. He has not allowed it to effect his duties thus far which is good. I myself have learned to balance the two and I can only hope he manages the same._

  • _As I prepare myself once again to leave Oscura and visit Mulhorand, I thought it would be wise for me to reflect on some of my Relationships with the other Nobles of Oscura, I've known them most my life but it is strange how in Oscura,it always seems as if you truly never really know someone. There are of course exceptions to this and not everyone who calls Oscura home is self serving or scheming. Where shall I start, perhaps with those I know the best.

    Ahmose Hetempet Sakhmet
    She means the world to me, she is a rare beauty of grace and intelligence. Her knowledge of the world around us never ceases to amaze me. Her bookish nature and aversion to adventuring suite my needs fine. For she seems to know just what to say and how to calm me after long and often dangerous duties are taken care of. Her goals seem to align with my own, we both seek to better Oscura, to improve its place. She would make a great ambassador for out city, if only the Tribune would realize this. She has shown a great compassion and I believe she will make a great mother, I pray that we shall have a large family. My only concern is that she has a curiosity of the Soul Well. While learning the secrets of the Well would be immensely important, I fear I am not willing to sacrifice my wife's mind in order to achieve such a thing. I will have to work to keeping her busy for the time being. Perhaps that if anything is a reason to have children soon.

    Vladimir Kursk
    Ah, Vladimir the ambitious one, some might say overly ambitious and at times I tend to agree. He does not like his place in life as the second son, he seeks to one day take control of his fathers business. I am not quite certain I foresee Vladimir running and operating the family business. I always pictured Vladimir leading armies and men. It is one of the reasons I always pushed for him to join the Keepers, he does show good leadership potential. He has however made a few judgment errors in the folk he associates himself with at times, and is a bit more outspoken on the surface for my liking, perhaps with age it will calm the bear down or perhaps he just needs to find himself a strong women.

    Louis Du Lorraine
    A shrewd man, Louis displays a great mastery of the arcane arts and is quite the entrepreneur. His families allegiance to Bane and the black network are important and powerful connections indeed. At times I find Louis most difficult to read, perhaps that is the cost of learning the weave. He had some form of relationship with Gina that to this day I still do not quite understand. He also I fear, has a deviant side when it comes to his women. He has also spoken in the past of performing odd surgeries on himself and others. Truly there is much that goes on in his mind that I am not privy to.

    Ekmen Kyzanos
    The hunter, quiet and cunning. Our families have been at odds for decades and while I hold no ill will toward either brother I cannot help but think that they bear grudges. Ekmen has a unique skillset for Oscura, I have pleaded with him in the past to offer his services to the Keepers. His tracking skills and scouting skills would be a boon to us while we patrol the caverns and caves that surround our city. Perhaps he just wishes to be a free spirit, that I can understand as sometimes the weight of my duty feels as if it is crushing me.

    Monshar Kyzanos
    The shadow, I know little of Monshar, except the time he and I both battled a shadow entity to nearly our last breathes. He is a priest of the shadowlord and as such you never will likely learn much of him. I had also hoped to entice him into using his skills to aid Oscura. He likely commands a network of thieves and spies, or at the least has access to such assets.

    Zazamoukh II Sakhmet
    My future brother in law, Zazamoukh is a good man, an aspiring spellsword of Anhur if my memory serves. It has been long since we last spoke. It seemed at one point that our friendship would rival that of our brothers. We went on quite a few adventures together. He was even planning on joining the Keepers. Then it seems he just became to absorbed in his studies. He gave his blessing and support for Ahmose and I to be wed, perhaps that is good enough. He never seemed much for words after all.

    Zenais Komnenos
    I have always felt sorry for Zenais, she lives her life as if it is not her own. She seems to be seeking nothing but a husband, but it is plain to most who spend any time with her that she seeks more than that from life. She seems to be a nice women. Her and I shared a few discussions within the Coppers over the last years, seemingly she seems to have been confined to her estate. Perhaps the incident with her brother has caused her parents to be over protective.

    Gabriella Skovhus
    I know little of Gabriella, and she knows little of me. A relationship I think we can both live with. She is cold. I shall feel remorse for the man who falls for her charms.

    Lazlo Darkhaven
    His sister married my brother, I can't say that it has helped improve family relations. But he seems an aloof adventurer, so perhaps he is away traveling the surface. Other than our childhood I know little of the man Lazlo has become.

    Valeria Darkhaven
    I know little of Valeria, perhaps its for the best all accounts point to her seeking a husband. Perhaps her and Kursk would make a strong pair.

    Perhaps in time I can add to these reflections, only time will tell. I think that if I have time I shall do the same for some other people who I know well. Perhaps the members of the Keepers and other Oscurans._

  • _Ahmose and I have decided to travel to Mulhorand again, there we will have a wedding in her families tradition. It is unknown to us yet whether our families will be making the journey. In my case I know that the Baron is likely to stay close to home. He never does stray far from mothers grave after all.

    The space from Oscura should do me well, it has gotten quite suffocating recently with all the commotion Elendel has stirred up within Tribune Ashire. I seem to be lost in the dark on this one, Elendel is a hard man to pin down, far too wild to be controlled by force. I believe he is a valuable tool for Oscura to have, but he needs to be dealt with a certain way. I can only hope that my superiors see the value and are able to use the weapon rather then have it turn on them instead.

    The Tribune has questioned were my loyalties lie, or at least that is how I interpret his visits. I have no intentions of obstructing the laws of Oscura, If the Tribune decrees that Elendel is an enemy of the city then he shall be known as one. I do hope that it doesn't come to that however.

    The time I spend with Ahmose, I never take for granted, and this upcoming trip will likely make it even more difficult for me to return. Oscura seems to be so fractured, if we could only work together we could become so much stronger. Perhaps I fight a losing battle and should cut my losses and focus elsewhere, there is definitely plenty to be learned in Ahmose homeland, and much to be gained. So should I bury my aspirations to make a difference in Oscura? perhaps for the moment at least, in the mean time I can focus on starting a family._

  • _The day of Union fast approaches, I have been asked on many occasions "Am I ready?" or "Am I nervous?". Of course I am ready, as ready as one cane be. I have known Ahmose for many years and I have always cared a great deal for her, joining our lives in marriage is but the first few steps in a much longer journey, our families both grow stronger by this marriage and perhaps with added strength will come the added strength which we can then use to take the steps ensure Oscura's continued growth and prosper.

    Am I nervous? Perhaps a bit, but definitely not as nervous as the first time I communed with my Lord and embarked down the path of the Clergy. I wonder how marriage will compare? As my connection to my Lords Divinity grows stronger, I find myself filled with many different thoughts, Are these thoughts even my own? perhaps my Lord whispers to me? Which duty will consume me most? My Faith? My marriage? I like to think myself capable of walking the fine line between the two. But gods can be demanding, and wives even more so. Will my future wife understand? These secrets I hold within, they eat at my core.

    These are the times I wish I had more of a father, The Baron seems to distant, almost alien to me as a father, his sadness consumes him and I do not even know how much humanity remains within him, and Father even holds many secrets from me. It seems those rare occasions when I seek someone whom I can trust, to confide in there is none to be found. Perhaps my greatest fear is following a similar path to that of The Baron.

    It is a lonely existence when one has secrets indeed._

  • _I write this entry as I sit in the "Mud pit" as Gabriel likes to describe it. As I look around and see the rain pouring down I cannot say I can argue his description much. I have signed up for "Fight Night" the monthly event held in Norwick. This is only my second time to ever attend such a thing, I am not quite certain how it will end.

    It does gather quite a crowd. Some familiar faces and ones that I do not mind seeing time and again. I am sitting near Ashe and Val, both women have been teamed together, some fantastic thoughts seem to be running through my mind as I look at the two of them playing around in mud. Perhaps its to be expected to have such thoughts, especially prior to my wedding.

    ::Some mud is smeared into the page::

    Seems the Commander has arrived for the evenings festivities, I wonder how her deliberation in regards to the incident Elendel and the Tribune had are going. Perhaps if she has a moment I will ask.

    My original partner for the events has bowed out, his replacement Uljas, I have traveled with this man on a few occasions. He has his own odd set of moral codes and I dare say his fighting style is nothing like my own. But he is a more than adequate tool and perhaps a few blessings will increase his combat skills. Perhaps it will be an interesting evening afterall._

  • _The engagement party is complete, many old friends, many new friends were by to celebrate in our upcoming union. The party was going quite well, the Bard that was hired performed in the background and the guests chatted amongst themselves.

    It was not until Tribune Ashire arrived that the parties mood took a turn for the worse. Apparently some form of argument had occurred between he and Keeper Elendel. From all accounts, Elendel was somewhat in the wrong, lying to the Tribune and then fleeing from the incident. It is really no surprise that authority and discipline do not go over well with Elendel, but he is a great asset to the Keepers and to Oscura, there must be a way to reign him in at times.

    I took time from my own party,in an attempt to dissolve this conflict and it seemingly did little good but detract from the evening and upset my fiance. I've sent my report to the Commander, hopefully she will have answers. I am quickly learning that I cannot do and solve every problem on my own. I will have to start relying on the men I've recruited. MY men, hopefully one or two amongst them will stand out and show leadership potential.

    And in only a few more days I will be getting married. I will be returning on a honeymoon to Mulhorand with Ahmose. She has land holdings in a small village near the ruins of a place called "Semkhrun". She tells me this place used to be full of those skilled in Divination magics. Perhaps we shall be spending some time investigating these ruins in search of long forgotten lore.

    I've yet to speak to her of this yet, but I also hope that while we are away we might conceive a child. I think it best to start the family young, for it is far safer and likely for her and I to safely have children now then to wait and perhaps face complications.

    I wonder how fatherhood would change me? Would it cause me to go off course? or would it simply strengthen me? These I guess are questions for another time._

  • _So much is going on, its a maelstrom of activity and I feel as if I am in the center, quietly watching as everything unfolds. Sure I find myself getting swept up in it periodically but I always find manage to return to safe footing.

    In the past Tenday, I have managed to lead a patrol through Ettin lands, Battle a Kelemvorite Paladin and scour the ruins of Jiyyd for artifacts left over from a large battle of the Blood War.

    Professionally, the Keepers are really starting to take form, soon the Recruits will become full fledged members and we will be truly able to support Oscura as we should. Socially I am getting closer each day to marriage to the most Beautiful women in all the lands, together we will achieve so much and personally my research goes well and I am receiving helpful aid from what most would consider unreliable or unsavory allies.

    With all this going on, One would think I should be happy, satisfied, excited, why then do I find myself wanting yet even more? I must reign myself in, if I over extend myself I will become vulnerable. Especially with the Tribunes warnings of someone keeping an eye on me. Perhaps I should seek an audience with him, or perhaps with Lucidious, he did extend his aid to me in the past, perhaps he can help me once more._

  • _I spoke with Tribune Ashire, he had some words which bring up concern. He did not go into details but he suggested that I was being watched. Without many details I can only speculate on what this means, or the motives behind watching me. Perhaps I will move some assets around to see what they can uncover.

    Immediately after our discussion however; he did mention that he had been impressed with my luck and gave me a few words of advice as I led a large group to investigate that location of an old Temple. A Temple to Myrkul, Hidden deep in a forest. Within was many ancient and old artifacts that date back perhaps to the Time of Troubles. I did what I could to ensure each item was kept in the hands of Oscurans, but some did get claimed by surfacers.

    The findings will undoubtedly aid me in my research, perhaps I will have to visit a few of the other libraries in the region, but I will not tire or waver in my duties._