Telli's Children Book... Log Report?!?

  • ((Aug. 25th, 2009))

    Report Fourteen – Undead

    “Miss Belia wantedededs ta gits hides froms ems kitties wid da tentacles comings outs der bodies da oder days. Da trips calledededs fer Telli, Caric, Miss Belia and a few oders ta travels throughs Norwicks crypts ta gits tae ms. Tings was normals will we gots ta da graveyards and a deader pulledededs himselfs froms da ground and suckedededs da lights froms around hims inta his eyes dats shimmerededs in da darkness. Luckily wid Telli’s new belts froms Mr Lordy Gallows I was able ta see evens in dats darks mess. Unfrotunately dough Telli not havedededs any blessings on her swords yuts dough so da boney skeletons ran inta da crypts cacklings…

    we preparedededs and followeds its in… we found it in da first room and kilts its easy enoughs… seemedededs likedededs da only odd ting in ders till Telli and da oders gots ta da room wid all dems spirits dats throws slivers of their life force atcha… dems tough smelly zombies begans to flood us froms every directions… was a mighty battle ta keeps our ground in da middles. Telli shoved one groups and kickedededs somes off da bridge… miss Belia dropped to all fours and shifted inta dis white wolf spitting cold ats her bunch…and Mr Caric did all he could ta holds his line. Eventually we prevailed and da crypts gots quiet agains… we found a lockedededs coffin and Telli used ones a hers magicals knockers founds on somes kobolds… been waitings ta usedededs its fer long times… did da trick buh when we peeked in da coffin a deader came ta lives and was put ta his final rests. Mr Caric and anoder tried ta scold Telli fer boderings da dead. Buh… told ems Telli was juss peekings… if a spirit came out and yelled at Telli okee…den dats fair… buh a deader skeleton ain’ts naturals and needs ta be puts down. Eder way we kepts goings till we came ta dats BIG room wid all da deaders wid da weird lookings glowing altar wid da tentacles. Once Telli shouldered da door open dats when she saw da twos prolly causings all da commotions… der was a man in armor laughing and a sick buggerbear dats lookededs half dead next ta hims…

    Da man blindededs us wid dat blessing Mr Theaon lovedededs ta use on us… Telli reched fer her scroll bag ta find a remedy and da feller done it agains and tried ta slips inta da ethrael plane afore Telli saws hims. Feel bad abouts leavings da groups fer dat split seconds…buh Telli knew dat feller was da biggest threat and da oders would NEED ta fend till Telli could join ems agains…….wid heavy heart Telli left her friends and shifted inta da Ethrael plane afta da man…. Sure enough der he was gettings ready ta stabs Miss Belia in da side… so Telli ran up and shouldered him as da both a us got jolted inta da plane once more. He kepts trying his dark blessings while Telli thrusteded her stone blade inta his gullet. Soon he crumpled ta da floor dead dough….

    Wid da dead priest da crypts shook and dose dead in da room rose once more until we sent ems ta der final restings place… Wid da deaders necromantic priests gone da crypts gots quiets agains and da rests was purdy straights forwards down inta da seconds levels der and eventuallies inta da underdark…all returnedededs wid der life and Miss Belia hadededs a couple dozens pelts fer her ta works wid.”

  • ((Aug. 25th, 2009))

    Report Thirteen – Druid Circle Meeting

    “Telli was askededs ta join in on da Druids meetings as a representatives of da Legion. Was glads ta see Mr Theaon and Mr Yng ders toos… Mr Jerrick was der too…not so sures if dats was fer da Legion…prolly more fer da Druids. Anywho… da taints almost completely gones in da Rawlinswood. All dats lefts is one lass demons namedededs “The Hungry One”… he supposedededlys a white giants bear… da followings da mosts importants informations froms da meetings…. Da rests was purdy much idly banter as we waitedededs fer some a da druid elders ta show dat didn’ts…”

    • The Hungry One growls and it begins to snow when he arrives.
    • The Hungry One don’t knows no magics dats we knows ofs. Juss gottededs big bite.
    • The Hungry One can’ts be kilts fer good till we findededs da ting dats keeps bringings hims backs ta life.
    • The Hungry One beens kilts by Mr Ronan multiple times.
    • The Hungry One is afters somes druids notes dats he wants.
    • Two ta Three groups gonna be formedededs afta da ting dats bringedededs backs da Hungry One is founds… One group will fights da Hungry One… da oder will try ta keeps hims lockededes tad is plane wid der magics, and da thirds will try ta destroys da ting dats keeps bringing backs da Hungry One.
    • The Hungry One might be locatededes in da Lost City.

  • ((Aug. 8th, 2009))

    Report Twelve - Beholders and Illithid OH MY

    "Tainted caves near the goblin shin clan gobbers…. BE CAREFULS LEGIONARIES. Telli went der wid somes greenhorns jotting out somes a Dolinar's recent maps. Everyting was normals and quiets untils... we came ta a room filledededs wids dems little floating balls a puss dats usually seen nears Oscura when yuh peer inta dat pit a doom in ders. Dey was easy enoughs ta peek in and pick off wid arrows...buh...dats whens tings gots weird...

    Anoder eyestalk critter much bigger was a while furder in da caves... I drew an arrow and lodgededes its in its big center stalk. Dats when it rushed me and snarled... I could feels its thoughts digging in Telli's head trying ta remove da very courage froms her veins... It fell ta Telli's stone slab purdy easy... buh where it was floating Telli saw a traps dats snappedededs and tried ta slow Telli down wid its magics.

    Was hoping was last a da weird tings in da cave buh as Telli turnededededs a corner I screamedededs almosts as louds as I eva havededes.... der was a squidhead staring at me and its eyes was as big as saucer plates... he screamed we both shocked each oder so much.... I stabedededs me sword inta its chest and he stabbedededs his bone hand inta me chest.... he fell and Telli stood....buh....da critter dids a numba on Telli... after dat I shoved da two greenhorns in da back and said MOVE YER ARSE!!!

    We ran all da way ta da cavern mouth pasts a flocks a dems floatings heads eyestalks and caught our breath outsidedededs.

    Wull need ta mount an expeditions ta da cave again soons... ain't good so many a dems nasties so close ta da south gates a Norwicks...

    The log has an evident jittery penmanship to it not seen in any of Telli's other logs.

  • ((Aug. 1st, 2009))

    Report Eleven - Traitors in our Midst.

    "Efforts to help Grag clear Jiyyd's land of undead N'jast soldiers as well as the demon taint left over from our mistake goes well. I havedededs confidence dats Chauntea will once more restores da land ta its formers glory. Mebbe nots build ups da ruined farms town again….buh da land itself deservedededs ta be whole agains."

    "A couple tings boderings Telli da last couples days. One is dis "Edward" feller Telli seens in Norwicks latelies. He's a hoaran worshippers and openly displays his symbols. And he's IN Norwick... walkings around as if deys nots somes sorta monsta... Telli been purdy good keepings her tongue in check. Gonna triedededs ta gits more informations on da feller afore loosing hers cool I tinks.

    Secondly, Mr Devlin approachededs Telli abouts Alestra, one a da new milita recruits. Telli not know her very goods... buh according ta Mr Devlin she was a Drow slave fer twenty five years or so's... Ders suspect dats she mights be a traitor or someting... not sure how trues dis is.

    Norwicks getting paranoids doughs... its likedededs when Ostromog gots shis claws inta da Norwick towns leaderships... Telli's gonna foller Alestra fer da next couple night hiddens in Ethreal form and wid trues sights. I toldededs Mr Devlin to talks wid Dwinnie and come ups wid a lists a folks he tinks might be traitors or leakings informations. Wid da list Telli can askedededs Chauntea abouts whats whats...

    Will reports more as Telli findededs outs..."

  • ((June 7th, 2009))

    Report Ten - Deep Dragon of the Underdark.

    scribble scribble

    "Telli gots ta Oscura purdy lates in da days... and as soon as I gots ta da Shiney Coppa Telli nearly bumpedededs inta a whole tons a her friends. Miss Maya was ders, Miss Lyte, Mr Rary, Mr Kent, miss Reriana, oder folks...

    Dey tolds Telli quickly dats dey was AFTA A DRAGON! Was a black ones Telli foundededs outs... was so EXCITINGS. Telli always wantedededs a dragon scale fer trophy.... ta eder makedededs armor wid or a weapons or a pin or sometings. Was a long trips through da underdark and der was a LOT a nasty tings ders. Somes a dems bug critters wid da claws...ands magic suckers....ands dems mean mangy gnolls ands....squid folks...and....lizard tings... WAS A TOUGH battle ta gets ta da dragon. Buh when we dids... we saw dis BIG openings in da cave... Telli figuredededs dis was its... Dragon needs LOTS a room ta moves ins. So... I drankedededs a potion and helpededs wid everyones nerves. Telli passedededs its around till everyone gots a sips.

    Dats when da beast turned da corner and swiped his hand sendings rocks all ova da place. Know what dough.....was lotta tougher battles afore dis ones...and dey went harders.... luckilies no ones gots scart a da dragon likedededs Telli thoughts dey Maya's axe bit inta da dragons tail and its leg and its throat and its face. And afore Telli could was dead...not even sure if Telli gots a swing in ders. Da ting did spits in Telli's face a lots dough... made my helmets melts and burnedededs ups me face a little.

    Good news is Telli gots a new helmets froms da dragons horde...and TELLI FINALLY GOTS A DRAGON SCALE!!!"

    Below is a drawing of a gauntlet Telli drew with the following scribble in the margin

    "Mr Benji if yuhs readededs dis…Telli might need yuhs helps wid makings dis... Telli's fingers a little fats...and some a its toughs. Come by da Hold sometimes okee?"

  • ((June 7th, 2009))

    Report Nine - Beholders, Drow Spiders, and Their leader.

    "Decidededs ta takedededs a small groups a friends Telli trustedededs ta dat cave wid da big bads "x" infront a its… Mr Kent and Mr Rary wents wid Telli. We askedededs Chauntea fer protections froms deaffs and oder blessings. Da top levels purdy much whats we hads in our reports so fars. We gots small eye stalks critters dats blasts yuhs wid der eye rays and der purdy easy ta kills.... and we gots dems BIG ones... deys interestings... once yuhs kills ems deys explodededs. Der nots tough ta kills neder....took only ones hits froms Mr Rary's sword. We figuredededs its bestest ta checks da lower sections and makededs sures dis not juss a cave full a spooky stories and nothings mores.

    Everyting went okee till Mr Rary turnedededs a corner and as Telli yelledededs WATCH OU was too lates…he gots blastedededs in da chests and sent across da hall inta da wall next ta Telli. He crumpled ta da floor clutching his chests and wid all his blessings gones. Lookedededs likes craps too....Telli yankedededs hims out a da way and he calledededs fer his rock monster ta helps. Wid Mr Kents fasty feets and da rocks critters....Telli and da oder twos puts downs da eye stalks critters in dis cave. Dey was hordings magicals tings in da corner a da cave...noffings very specials or powerfuls...buh... dey does seem likedededs collectors a sorts.

    On our way out a da caves Telli and Mr Kent and Mr Rary saws dese spiders ups aheads and der was a lone drow ahind dems wid a staff... It lookededs likes dey was beings controllededs by da drow ta Telli so as Mr Kent and Mr Rary foughtedes da spidas Telli went afta da drow wid da staff. Almost hads hims deads toos untils he ran....Telli hatedededs whens dey runs....da yeller bastads! Telli dranks one a her speedy potions and went afta hims knockings hims abouts as she dids. Den... he dranks a fasty feet potions too and tooks off runnings.....Telli knew he'd gets away if she didn't do sometings.....and der was blood spilling all over da place froms hims... so... As Telli ran all over da forest afta its....she blessedededs an arrow and drew her bow dat miss Ginger madededs fer her and FIREDS!...And it landeded square in his back juss as da fasty feets wore offs.

    Telli yelledededs ta Mr Kent ta go backs and givedededs Mr Rary a hands... when we gots backs ta hims he was strugglings wid all dems spidas... buh we gots ems alls. Only oder ting we came across was a drow war party souths a norwick gates. Dis not goods... was made a two warriors, a sneaky bastad, a wiggla, and a drow priestess. We kilts ems... buh...Telli worried seeings dems dat close ta Norwick in dose sort a numbas and formations."

    scribbled in the margin below

    "Don't go out at night widout preparations!"

  • ((June 7th, 2009))

    Report Eight - Drow scouts

    scribble scribble

    "Was out on patrols wid Mr Kent and a few oders earlier todays ta shows ems dats shiney green gem dats shoots its magics atcha dats in da depths a da hobber caves. Wull afore and after we enterededed da gates....we was buggedededs by dis dumbs pair a drows. Da traps settings and pig poker chucking kinds. Man dey likedededs ta runs... Telli chasedededs ones down before....and dens afta da cave.... gots both....buh had ta use fasty feets potions ta catchedededs each."

    scribbled under the report...

    All troops are to carry haste potions and see invisible potions on patrols. If you don't have at least two of each, see Telli immediately.

  • ((June 7th, 2009))

    Report Seven - Warpriest of Yeenoghu

    Telli sits down to pen out her reports for the day

    "Been busy days todays... Telli was walkings downs da road when saw Oscura troops injuredededs. When Telli wents ups ta askedededs whats was da matters.....gnolls swarmededes out a da treeline at a da three guards wents down hards.

    After da group a gnolls was kilts Telli told da two remaining ta go switch positions wid somes guards Telli saws out near da cave mouth leadings ta Oscura. Den... Telli wents inta da gnoll woods ta go put a whoopings on dose gnolls fer comings outs inta da pass. Everyting was good...a few strongers gnolls den normals...buh wid Chauntea's helps deys was put downs. Dats when a gnoll shiftedededs froms da ethreal plane and yelledededs outs "YEENOGHU!" and begans ta try and takedededs Telli's head off!

    We foughts fer whats seemedededs fer half a da days... he kepts asking fer healings blessings after blessings and even callededs dis ugly mutt by his side ta try ta eats Telli. I kickededes its ta da sides and snarled as da warpriest laughed. Den he waved his arms and Telli's bark and ALL her blessings fell ta da ground aroundededs hers. Was powerfuls blessings dat ting hadededs. Chauntea engulfedededs me wid her helps and wid two more blows da critter fells.

    Not sure why da critter was out in da woods... buh if it was after any oder folks...woulda been bads... Telli glad she puttededs hims downs. Gots dis axe a his dats cold ta da touch.... buh... gavedededs dats aways ta me friend Reriana later dat day cause she was downs."

  • ((May 9th, 2009))

    Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Two Without Chauntea’s Grace.

    Telli dragged her feet along the dirt road exhausted as she made her way towards Z’s farm. It was located on the outskirts of Norwick and seemed like miles to a tired overweight dwarf.

    “Why did Mr Z builds his dumb farms on a hill…” Telli grumbled gripping her legs by the thigh literally helping them up the hill. Sighing she looked around wiping some sweat from her brow.

    “Hey ders Max…” Z’s dog wagged his tail a bit before running off.

    KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK Telli began pounding on Z’s door.

    “Wake up Mr Z….WAKE UP!….It’s time fer our trips!....Telli didn’t tell no one likedededs yuhs askedededs.”

    Standing there in silence for a while Telli dragged a nearby barrel over to Z’s window climbing atop it to look within Z’s home. It looked quiet and undisturbed…

    ”Whatcha doing there lady…”

    “Ahhh…” Telli came crashing to the ground sending grass to the air due to the brunt force of her frame.

    ”oh…oh…” The halfing farmer flinched a bit holding back his hand.

    “owf…” Telli dusted herself off waddling over to the stranger. “I’m lookings fer Mr Z… haves yuh seen hims feller?”

    ”No…can’t say I have…did you try looking in his fields….thats where he was this morning.”


    Max came running up the hill rubbing up against the farmer dropping a vial by his foot.


    Telli shrugged looking at the man before blinking. Deduction took a while longer to process for Telli then most.

    “Oh…oh….OOOOhhhh….Telli knows… Dat Mr Z’s…its water from his fountain! Buh… he wouldn’t juss leave it lyings arounds…. I wonder where he is…”

    ”Mrs. Winchill mentioned seeing a flock of something flying east a here a little while back. Said they didn’t have normal wings of feathers like birds.”

    “Dat nots goods…. Yuh….tink mebbe dey haves Mr Z?…. He wouldn’t have lefts dis vial ahind….”

    ”Don’t rightly know…”

    “Will yuh watch Mr Z’s doggie fer me’s… Telli’s gonna go see if she can findededs somes helps finding Mr Z.”

    ”Good luck… let him know I fed Max dinner if yuh come across him…”

    “Danks Mr…Mr….uh…..Mr…”

    ”Seth…Seth Fleetfoot…”

    Telli waved running and sliding down the hill hopping to her feet at the bottom. As she made her way towards Norwick it was quickly apparent no one other then a few guards were around. Telli sighed heading north as nervousness crept across her demeanor. Her mind shuffled through the gambit of questions that trickled into her thick melon. What if she failed? How would she save Mr Z just by herself? What….What if she failed Chauntea again?

    Just then a chunk of fur caught Telli’s attention from the corner of her eye. A wolf was off in the opposite direction increasing the distance between Telli and itself.

    “Wait…WAIT….WAITS!” Telli screamed cupping her hands as the wolf skidded to a stop turning its head in a tilt.

    “Mr Jerrick?….Mr Jerrick!? I NEED YUHS HELPS!”

    The creature shifted to its hind quarters as its form altered revealing a woman.

    ”Its me Telli…”

    “Oh…Miss Belia… hurry ders not much times ta explains.. I NEED yer HELP. Mr Z is missings…”

    ”He’s probably in the Norwick crafting hall.”

    “No… I tink Demons mighta takens hims!”

    ”oh…Where…to?” She replied curiously.

    “I…tink ta da Mintas Woods… Dats where… he saidededs der was dis prollem dat needed fixings…”

    ”..oh…were going to need help.”

    “Der ain’t no ones in Norwick, and we outta times miss Belia… yuh can look…buh Telli’s gona start headings ta whats left a Jiyyd… don’t takes fereva okee?”

    Telli rushed along passing the crater that was once Sam’s Hill and through the pass opening on her way to Jiyyd as Belia finally caught up.

    “Any luck findings anyones?”


    “Durn….dis gonna be tougher den I hopedededs fer…” Deep down Telli’s nerves were on edge, she was counting on Z to show her what was needed to push back the taint.

    ”There’s a couple figures on the outskirts of Jiyyd up ahead…

    “Hunh?” Telli squinted seeing a contrast in stature between the pair.

    “Mr….Aramuil….Mr…Theaon….whatcha two doings outs here….”

    ”We came to investigate some creatures that flew overhead.” Aramuil replied with a confident grin.

    “Oh….um….yuh tink yuh could gives us a hand findings Mr Z?”

    ”Did….he go off on a pilgrimage again….”

    “Not….exactlies… I tink he was takens…”

    ”Oh…Lead the way then.”

    As the four ventured into the heart of what was once a thriving farmland, the smell of sulfur and smoke still permeated from within.

    “Over der!!!” Telli pointed as a winged creatures eyes widened and lept to the sky swooping down on the four.

    RAAAaaaaHHhhhh…. The creature thrashed at Telli as she shoved her spear through its wing sending it rolling across the ground.

    “Kill it!”

    Theaon rushed over sinking his blade into its midsection.

    “I…tink dat mights be one a dems winged creatures Mrs Winchill was talkings abouts….”

    ”At least we now know were going in the right direction…” Theaon uttered pulling his blade from the soft portion of the beast.

    The four traveled on putting down swarms of poisonous frogs and snakes as they came across them. Entering the Mintas Woods one thing was quickly evident… the lack of animals was unsettling and erie to say the least. Corpses met the group every twenty feet or so and Telli sprinkled some of the vial blessed by Chauntea on each they came across.

    ”Whats that?!?” Aramuil shouted as he pointed off in the distance.

    “Its….Its Mr Z’s sewings kit… he definatelies is in troubles.” Telli frowned picking it up. “We betta hurry…”

    The group was quickly approaching Mintas Rheglor until they heard a growl from around the corner…




    Telli gasped as she turned the corner seeing a hulking beast holding a lifeless dire tiger in its grasp…


    The creature flung the tiger over its shoulder rushing towards Telli….

    “Oh no yuh don’t….yuh stupid big….ugly….TING!”

    Telli lunged her mass at the creatures shin causing it to topple over her body to the ground.

    ”Dieeee….” Theaon shouted as he ran up driving his sword into the mass of the creature neck.

    It lurched and shifted back to its feet as Theaon lost the grip of his two handed blade. Theaons eyes widened as the rotting creature stooped over his body.

    Just then magical spheres of light shot against the creatures face sending it backwards writhing in pain as it thrashed its massive hands about.

    “Mr Theaon go fer its shins….” Telli and Theaon traded blows to each leg of the beast till it crumpled to its knees once more…


    A well placed arrow finished the beast as Belia looked to the others.

    Its getting late, we should get going…”

    Mintas Rheglor loomed in the distance as the four made their way through the gates into the haunted city. A large hole was surrounded by water that moved and shifted in arcs before rising to form creatures filled with dirty mucky water.

    ”I…don’t like the looks of those things.” Aramuil cautioned as Telli stepped forward shaking up the vial she was carrying…

    “Telli gots a plans…” Sprinkling some of the vials contents before them Telli prayed over it as the polluted elementals came closer. As each passed across the vials contents its form shifted and the dark murky waters of their frame shifted to crystal clear waters and crashed to the ground losing their original form.

    “Who’s….gonna go down dat BIG hole first?”

    ”I can.” Theaon replied with a shrug.

    Once the coast was clear each scaled down the rope to the depth of the hole below. The tunnels below were as confusing and hard to navigate as the cold caverns. To make matters worse after every hundred feet or so a large stone with foreign writing on it was blocking the groups path. The only way through was to answer the written riddle verbally and suffer the consequences should you guess wrong. The majority of the tunnels were filled with beetles and mephitis a sorts. Three rooms possessed note worthy information.

    The first, was a room with a large worm covered mound of dirt which kept struggling within itself to seek redemption or destroy everything around it. Sadly with Theaons help, curative blessings destroyed the creature and brought it rest.

    The second was a hallway filled with dead priests and priestesses of Lurue, Chauntea, and Mielikki. All were being devoured and eaten upon by the beetles within.

    The third and final room was one filled with a dark priest and a veiled woman clutching two daggers curved and ready for delivering death. Thanks to Yondalla’s servant the dark priest was stunned before any lasting damage could be done. However… his altar loomed in the back of the tunnel’s opening covered with severed body parts, pieces of their attire hinting to them being followers of Chauntea and Mielikki.


    Cries poured out from around the corner as Aramuil, Belia, Theaon, and Telli stood before the altar looking it over.

    ”What….what was that?” Aramuil uttered with a quirked brow.

    ”Get us out of here!” The voices echoed around the open tunnels.

    As the group made their way around the corner they saw a large gate blocking prisoners within. Z was among them as he stood relieved. ”You guys made it! Thank Chauntea…

    ”I wouldn’t touch that…” One of the the prisoners shouted as Aramuil pulled his hand away from the gate latch.

    ”That….feller…” She motions to a dead corpse near the gate. ”… he tried touching it…”

    “Dats not goods…”

    ”There’s…magical warding on it….maybe… it has to do with the altar….” Aramuil casually proclaimed motioning the other three back around the corner with him.

    The four of them looked over the altar once more trying to distinguish its hold and possible connection to the gates magical aura.

    ”What do you think Aramuil?” Theaon prodded as he crossed his arms.”

    ”Well…it could be connected…”

    “Telli gots an idear…”

    ”What’s that Telli?”

    “Telli’s gonna chucks dis vial at dat altar and free dems…”

    ”Um.. we should probably try and save them before destroying the altar…”

    “Telli tinks da altars causing da wards on da ga….”

    ”IS THERE A PROBLEM?” Z shouted from around the corner.

    ”No Z…just….try to be patient….” Aramuil replied.

    ”..alright…” Z uttered with a nervousness to his tone.

    “Telli really tinks dis is whats need ta be done Mr Aramuil… dis why Z got da dream….da altars bad…and I still gots almosts HALF a dis water from Chauntea left….lets destroy its….”

    ”Alright Telli….if you think so….go ahead.”

    Taking a few practice throws Telli lets the vial fly end over end at the altar until it smashes into it causing a loud fwoosh. The altar begins to crack and pieces cascade to the floor as a light aura overcomes the altars blight and fades out of existence…

    As the others go to free the prisoners Telli stands there hands on her hips happy to have defeated the blight effecting the Mintas woods for so long.

    “Danks Chauntea… couldn’t a dones it widouts….yu-……” Just then Telli’s split wreath around her neck begins to glow and interweave back together as a shimmer of light engulfs her form healing her completely.

    “uh….uh…..ums….” For a full minute or two Telli stands there speechless until a wide grin engulfs her expression running from ear to ear. As the group turns the corner to approach Telli she’s still glowing faintly.

    ”Um…miss Telli…everything alright?” Z replied smiling.

    No words slithered from Telli’s tongue no matter how hard she tried. She just nodded with a large dopey grin plastered across her face as she snapped her fingers closing her eyes. Bark began to grow and die…..grow and die….and grow and die until it finally covered every inch of her once more.

    ”Oh…” Z grinned wide. ”….congrats…its… good ta have yuh back.”

    “Its….good ta be backs Mr Z….”

    The group made their trek back to the bodies littering the hallway as Telli tugged on Z’s cloak to slow him down a moment.


    “Danks…” Telli threw the mass of her arms around Z’s thighs hugging them.

    ”Yer welcome Telli… I’m glad you didn’t give up…”
    Letting go she rubbed her bark covered eyes a bit before joining the rest of the group gathered around the dead priests and priestesses.

    ”Alright…everyone grab a hold a someone or something… this is gonna take a bit and I don’t want anyone left behind…” Aramuil uttered as the group huddled in a circle before a flash of light engulfed their presence and faded. The group was welcomed by a bright sunny afternoon and a half scared Lem off the coast of Jiyyd’s outskirts.

    “Telli neva gets usedededs ta dats spells Mr Aramuil.”

    ”It can be jarring…”

    Sighing deeply Telli waved to the group before proclaiming.

    “Danks…..fer yuhs helps folks…and… savings Mr Z and da oders…. I…I’ms gonna stay here a little bits…” Telli waddled off towards the flag displaying Chauntea’s colors not saying much. She sat there for the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening praying until she drifted to sleep.

    The next day she awoke to the sound of birds and the sun beating down on her chubby face. It took her a moment to gather her bearing and she began to wonder… was it all a dream? She looked down to her stumpy fingertips scared for a moment to know for certain… she glanced down to her once shattered wreath that was now whole once more. The rose in the center sparkled in the daylight. Telli didn’t say much for the next few hours. She just reflected on the path that lead her to her fall.

    The point where she almost gave up Chauntea and all her memories of her to the feys just to not hurt any longer. The friends she turned to and helped keep her from losing her faith forever. Totty, Mr Z, Jerrick, Grag, Lyte, and many others. She began to think of all the farming land lost and the pillaging and raping of the land N’jast had accomplished. How much more she could have done to help had she just said “No” to Mr Grag. Had she just forsaken wraith and turned to Chauntea for guidance and direction.

    Telli pushed herself to her feet and closed her eyes tightly. She muttered softly to herself and began to weep. So many tears had fallen for five years of trying to earn her place again among Chauntea’s chosen. For the first time in a long time Telli’s tears fell in gratitude and not out of repentance. She held her hands high to the air and a grin trickled across her lips. The solemn words rolled across her lips…”Thank you”…


  • ((May 1st, 2009))

    Day One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty Without Chauntea’s Grace.

    Telli perched on the ledge looking out over the river towards the ruins of Jiyyd. Under the flag of Chauntea she seeked solace as she wrote in her child like journal.

    _”Dis past few years been toughs widouts yuhs miss Chauntea. Sure… yuhs wid me…buh yuh not… yuh know what Telli means. Yuh here…buh yuh not…

    Ederways… Telli been fightings fer yuhs honor and glory da past few years strongs… hopes yuh saw da trips da Legions took inta da fish folks caverns. We stopped dat Mr Bonfluer or whatevers his names was froms getting his cargo ta dose folks he hired. We stopped da undeaders easterlanders….we stoppedededs dese hinnaks and lizardfolks…. And even kilts folks dats was plannings ta poison da farms outs wests….easts…..wests….somewhere out nears Pelt.

    Da point….we stoppedededs ems. Even killed dis really nimble hinnak lady person who was summonings water tings ta attacks pelt….dat’d a prolly been bads if we hadn’t.

    All dat good in one day….all dose crops….dem farmers….and folks savedededs. Buh… Telli never hear noffings froms yuh Chauntea… dats frustratings…

    Telli doings good or not… tough ta gets on yuhs good side when I’s doings most da talkings…”_

    Telli sighs looking out over the lake pausing to collect her thoughts.

    ”Guess yuh sorta heard abouts dems crops in Oscura nots doings so wells… Da folks down ders usedededs ta eatings mushrooms and fungi… was hopings ta gets ems better options… buh… dat ain’ts happenings till we figure outs how ta gets somes sunlight down der in one form or anoder….”

    Reaching for a sandwich Telli continued as crumbs littered her paper.

    _”Poison tings sure beens follerings Telli arounds latelies… not sure if dis sign….or funny joke….or lesson ta be learned by yuhs miss Chauntea. Eder way….everytime Telli see’s some sorta creepy crawly ting wid poisons in der veins…reminds Telli a what she done wrongs…

    Guess dat why Telli got so mads at dis demon spider ting we came across todays… sure when it melted through Telli’s armor and gripped Telli’s shield flinging it across da field. Dat pissedededs me a little… buh whats REALLY pissedededs me off was when it bit me in da shoulder…..Telli ain’t beens poisoned likedededs dats in a LONG time…let alones… from someting so strongs…_

    The edges of the writing are smeared by tear stains….

    _“Guess da poison and pain Telli felts dis day was only a little bit compared tad a folks Telli kilt wid dat poison huh…

    I….I’m sorry did dat Chauntea…..really ams… more den said afore….shoulda…..juss fought ems N’jast and kilt em and made em pay wid me sword in yuh honor….poison….was… cowards way…_

    Sniffling can be heard from the ledge looking out over the lake as a lone dwarf sits huddled within herself doodling in her journal.

  • ((March 2nd, 2009))

    Day Twenty Two Without Chauntea’s Grace.

    Telli sits there on the ridge of the coast looking out over the Jiyyd ruins. Chauntea’s flag whipping in the wind.

    “Miss Chauntea… yuhs a very confusings persons ta foller. Telli workings day afta day ta gets backs on yuhs good sidedededs. Da whole time dough… yuhs putting poisonous and stingy critters all in Telli path. Yuh want Telli ta kills ems or understands ems more… very confusings…”

    Telli reaches into a flap of her cloak pulling out the single survivor of yesterdays butterfly massacre.

    “Mr Aramuil saidededs dese critters was tainteds… and couldn’t be savedededs. Mr Aramuil sure actededs likes he knows a lots sometimes. But… unfortunatelies Telli been arounds a LOT a times when he’s WRONGS. Is dis critter in Telli’s path ta saves? Sure Mr Aramuils magics couldn’ts savededes da girl he was goings ons abouts… buh… we ain’ts talkings abouts magics dis times… we talkings abouts blessings….blessings froms yuhs miss Chauntea. Yuh could fixedededs dis critter if yuh wanteds ta.”

    The butterfly crawls up and down Telli cuff as she watches it closely.

    “Folks yelled yuh was an undeader butterfly yuh lil critter. Buh Telli don’ts believe dats… yuhs juss… a little rough arounds da edges… juss likedededs Telli.”

    Telli sighs looking at the butterfly as it crawls onto her hand wondering how something so small caused such a large ruckus yesterday.

  • ((March 2nd, 2009))

    Report Six - Butterflies

    While participatings in fighter night dese weird butterflies showedededs ups. Da past few months durings fighter night Telli been noticings ems and deys been follerings Telli arounds and generallies juss ticklings a littles. But… todays... dey did sometings Telli not expect. While Telli was boxings wid Mr Jay froms da sails... dey started attackings Mr Jay... Telli thoughts dey was juss regular ol' butterflies so Telli started yellings... "GO fer his eyes guys!"... and dey dids... buh... dey turned out ta be poisonous butterflies and so... Mr Jay gots really sicks.

    Course dat got everyone in a farkings mood like usuals... every flippings week its "Telli's a cheater"...."Why do you constantly allow her to cheat Aramuil"... yadda yadda yadda. Anyways... after Mr Jay punched Mr Aramuil he gots jailed and da rest a da sails whined so Telli tossed da belt ta da ground and said Jay coulds havedededs its. Buh he was stills retarded for attackings Mr Aramuil and he shoulds stay in jail.

    As folks got more aggitated da butterflies cluttered around Telli more fer pertections I tinks. Mr Armauil wanted ta look at ones when he found outs dat dey dids indeed makedededs Mr Jay sicks. But da butterflies clung ta Telli's robe like der was no tomorrows. Dats when Mr Aramuil frieds ems and Telli. More butterflies cames dough and Mr Aramuil burnedededs ems. Telli still gots one dat hid in her cloak... so... gonna looks it over and try ta figure whats dese critters is abouts.

    All in alls, three folks was badly sicks...Mr JAy, Aramuil, ands an orc feller... Da butterflies gots torn wings and spotteds.

    Telli's report is accompanied by a drawing.

  • ((Feb. 28th, 2009))

    Day Twenty One Without Chauntea’s Grace

    Telli stands on the coast looking out to the ruins of Jiyyd. Chauntea’s flag flapping in the wind as she mulls the words people spoke the past week.

    ”Telli… I couldn’t help but notice… you don’t wiggle anymore.” Rhistin asked as a group of miners picked at the rock vein behind them.

    “Yuh… Telli ain’t gots Chauntea’s favor no mores… she sorta… mads at hers.”

    ”Oh…you’re the one who poisoned the river. I was told a Legion member did…” Belia spoke up from a corner of the cavern system as the rhythmic strikes of the picks behind her echoed throughout the cavern.

    Telli stood there with her head sunk deep under her shoulders before Rhistin spoke up.

    ”I bet you had good reason Telli… you’re a good person… this much I know.”

    ”Good?… the only thing it did was fuel a war…" Belia uttered curling her lips slightly.

    “Da FARK it did!” Telli snapped.

    “Dem killings KIDS and da OLD is whats did DAT!”

    Belia went quiet as Telli fumed in her self loathing and kicked a rock well down the hall they guarded until it smacked into the opposite wall.

    “Yuh almost done back der Mr Mord…cause Telli really needs sometings ta kick!”

    Telli stooped holding onto the flag pole looking out over the water as the argument played back and forth across her head.

    “Mebbe Miss Belia was rights Miss Chauntea… buh… Telli thoughts da whole war was already startedededs. Mebbe…Telli helped fuel da war… instead a helpings ta prevents its.”

    Sighing Telli slumped her shoulders as the sun dipped down below the tree line.

    “Feels likes everytime Telli makedededs progress someone or someting der ta jus kicks me in da stomachs and push me backs two steps furder. Buh… gots great news Miss Chauntea… great news I does… Might gets a chance ta builds an altars ta yuhs… and show some folks whats it means ta farm and do its rights. Dat why I heres Miss Chauntea….ta makedededs sures its okee wid yuhs…”

    Dipping to a knee she continues.

    “…Mr Justicar da leader feller a Oscura askededs Telli ta helps grow more foods fer der people. I can even pray and worships ta Chauntea and spreads her love tad a people. Dat place down ders purdy evil sometimes Miss Chauntea… ugly sorts wid ugly purposes. Telli even rememberededs whats Mr Will said abouts der place. Dey performs Dark Harvests… so I askedededs Mr Justicar…..cause don’t tink yuh would likedededs Telli if she usededes bloods ta helps der crops grow. Da offer seems very promisings… Telli helps ems makes food and crops and in return gets a altar and a place ta preach Chauntea. Hope yuh likedededs dats…”

    Dipping her head she continues quietly.

    “…Likedededs Mr Jerrick saids… destructions might happens… but wid destruction must comedededs rebuildings. Wulp… Jiyyd’s farked and done fer Miss Chauntea… will yuh makededes Oscura da farmings center a yer will. Will yuh helps Telli do somes good… no steps backwards…. Juss steps forwards ta a brighter tomorrows….okee.”

    Hopeful, Telli stands looking out across the river at the remnants of Jiyyd.

    “Please helps da people eat agains Miss Chauntea… makes Telli wise and able ta produce a honorables, worthy harvest in Oscura… its gonna takedededs work dough. Like untilled earth, Oscura’s gonna need ta be sifted and turned over afore it’ll prosper. Help Telli ta be apart a dat… buh only if it yer will…”

  • ((Feb. 28th, 2009))

    Report Five - SPIDERS

    "Spiders been poppings ups latelies. First sightings was south a Norwick in da Rawlins. Der purdy weak'uns except when yuh gits purdy close ta der lair. Den ders tougher'uns guardings da area. Da'uns in da Rawlins hads kids webbed up fer snacks….buh we managededs ta rescue ems afore it was too lates. Da seconds batch a spidas was seens in da gnoll woods. Since da first batch cames outs in da daytime when its got warmers outs we looked arounds fer der eggs afore dey all hatchededs. Mr Calen and Mr Shannon and I's saws somes eggs and spiders near da ruins in da gnolls woods. Der was a purdy big hole around der too... Mr Calen and I's chucked somes fire bombs inta da hole and a mess a critters came crawlings outs. Especially dis BIG'un flaming and screamings.

    Telli scribbles in the report log...

    So da signs purdy obvious… if yuhs in an area wid lots a OLD OLD OLD webs dats shouldsn't be der. Looks arounds... first ting yuh gotta do is FIND da EGGS afore its gets too WARMS outs. Once da eggs hatch yer in fer troubles. When yuh finds da eggs, a few fire or acid flasks should do da trick. So Legionaires, starts carryings somes extra FIRE or ACID flasks on yuhs at all times. And start lookings outs fer da signs a da seasons… cause spider hatchings is pickings ups! If we don't keeps ems in check folks a gonna gits hurts…and tings gonna gets outta balance.

  • ((Feb. 22nd, 2009))

    Report Four - Meeting with Justicar.

    I spokes wid Mr. Justicar da oders day. Had offer fer Telli… said could build a shrine ta Chauntea and preach abouts her in da town if was willings ta helpededededs ems wid der crops production and oversaw new methods fer betta farmings down ders...

    Telli tinking it over... good chance ta shares Chauntea wid folks dats not seen da light a day fer some times... Course... gonna see ta it dat Chauntea's okee wid its... if she'll talkedededs wid me... buh... will keeps da Legion posted a anyting I finds outs abouts da town and dis Mr Justicar feller. Seems awefully nice ta me dough... mebbe he juss wants ta see Oscura finally prosper...

  • ((Feb. 18th, 2009))

    Report Three - Beetles eating Goblins.

    Wanderededs inta Norwick todays… when I gots ders... folks was upity ova da gates beings attackedededs by somes gobbers. Ran inta miss Traini and was filled in froms ders.

    Toldededs Maythor da gates was being attackedededs by goblins. He thoughts I meants rights dens and nots he rans off.

    While out at da gates we decidededs ta pile ups da goblins and burns whats we could... what we didn'ts gets ta dough was awefully smelly. It drew a lots a beetles and somes oder snakes and critters... soon we was clearings da area of dem critters as well as da goblins corpses.

    Jots a small doodle.

    Telli nots likedededs bugs too muchs…. buh... all in all was good day. Gots ta witness Traini works and figure mine as well make a reports abouts hers toos...


    Recruit Report: Traini
    Grade: A-

    Positives: Saluted before Telli even dids… was respectfuls. Managed command purdy wells. Was conflicted in weder to foller Maythors lead or Telli's. Saved a few folks life wid her field healings. Took ta critisisms purdy good too.

    Negatives: Needed ta be warned a usings frivilous blessings too close ta da enemy. Lacked enoughs bolts ta utilize close and ranged combats. Likes givings orders.

    All in alls… tink dis one gonna be a good additions ta da Legion... juss gonna takes a LOT a culling of da fat so ta speak. Like report saids... she had trouble figurings outs who ta foller... mebbe May and Telli was a bit confusings... buh... eder way... Telli gonna talks ta her abouts being more versitile next I see's hers. Seems a capable battle priestess....buh... der gonna be times when we needs her moe vulnerable and able ta calls on her goddess helps in keepings folks on der feet instead a in da fray. But all in all... was positives training.

  • ((Feb. 18th, 2009))

    Report Two - Kin Curse.

    While in da Hold da oder day Maythor tolds me abouts somes bats dats movededs down inta da underdarks since da shift. We decidededs ta checks its outs and see what tunnels may or may nots haves openedededs ups down der.

    Side note scribbled in the report


    • Dey stuns wid der screams. (daze)
    • Der screams makedededs yuhs ears bleed. (Sonic scream)
    • Dey bites liked freakings tigas

    The rest is written under the report continuing

    On our way back home, some of our kin in da hold reportededs dat some of our feller kin hadn'ts returnedededs froms a expeditions latelies. Wid some explorings May and I's found rogue duergar downs ders.... we kilt a lot of ems... buh... no fallen kin ta be found.

    Till we madededs our way backs ta da Hold. Apparentlies da Duergar circled arounds in da tunnels and sets ups a curse a sorts... cause when we gots ta da Hold outsides da gates was somes of our kin wid der heads poked inta poles and blood all ova da place...some foul ritual was dones...

    Koirin cleansed da place and saw to da heads cleaning. TRAVELS IN DA UNDERDARK WID CARE!

    Doodles a picture saddened by the whole ordeal

  • ((Feb. 18th, 2009))

    Having neglected her reports lately, Telli scribbles down the last few weeks exploits.

    Report One - Vampire Crypt

    Vampires are in da crypts a Norwick agains. A new feller… tooks me and a kin a mines ta da crypts. All was goings purdy good till we turned right and wents inta da back... da opposite sides a da stairs deepers. In da opening we saws dis figure lurking in da shadows. His teeth glimmered as he swooped into the dim lights.

    Sure enoughs it was a vampires... dis one was lots tougher den Telli mets afores... used a LOTS a me potions and trinkets... only ta scratch da critter... we needededs ta pull back as da vampires clawing caughts one dats was wid us and causedededs him ta convulse and fall to the ground.

    Proceed wid extremes cautions in da Crypts. If need ta go... PLEASE LEAVES by NIGHTFALL.

    A small doodle accompanies her report...

  • ((oct. 9th, 2008))


    Lyte takes time to speak reaasuringly to Sgt. Telli.

    "Keep up your Faith, sister. Chauntea and the other good gods sometimes work in ways we cannot understand, but we must listen, and trust to their greater, good wisdom."

  • ((Oct. 9th, 2008))

    Wulps… dis reports ain'ts a fun'un... buh yuhs should all knows Telli's ain'ts got Chauntea's grace no mores... she's turnedededededs her backs on me and da rest a Jiyyd... Telli'll be here till death takes her defendings whats she lovedededs. Buh for dose who usually rely on Telli fer blessing and prayers... dey ain't in da forms of aura's and magics no mores... Telli's boon comes wid da sword, da shield and a fierce kicks ta da shin...

    Yuhs bests bets is ta toss Telli inta da fray and dens juss picks ems off a her one by one... I's gonna try ta piss as many a dems N'jast folks and ders critter mercs as I cans till dey all runs afta me... should do da trick... buh... lines is harder ta holds nows...

    Just thoughts yuhs shoulds knows so if ders any folks halfs deads near Telli... don't try ta be a hero or noffings... its okee if yuhs shift ta me rear and flanks from da sidededededs....

    Added to the report is a drawing with rough edges and obvious tear marks in its surface...