Telli's Children Book... Log Report?!?
((Oct. 4th, 2008))
Lots ta reports todays… first I heardededs Mr Grag and some wizards wents outs east ta checks in da snow mountains on somtings… so Telli joined ems and der it was DA BIGGEST DRAGON yuhs eva seens. Telli neva seen’un afore… it was HUGE… I means Telli read abouts ems afore….heard abouts Sharn and all dats… but dis’un was HUMUNGOUS! Everyone was askings its questions and tings… Myeil askedededs its about da dark enchantress and whats her real names was… its Acrull sometings or anoders….and den Myeil pulled out dis diamond dat was BIGGA dem Telli’s HEAD! She was talking about wantings ta traps da enchantress in its and if it was big enough and of enough quality and he didn’t flipping know. Den Reri chimed in and asked him what he knew abouts DROW… he saids der dark elves who don’t favor the sun… and Reri was miffed cause dat didn’t tell her much…
Buh den cames TELLI’S TURN…. So no ones gettings der questions answered so…. Telli figured why nots ask a easier questions… so I dids…
Mr Dragon I saids… can I have one a yuhs scales please? Nots for free a course…. Buh he gots supa sensitives and flew off sulking… Mr Grag chewededs me outs and saids he was a friend and yuhs don’t asks tings froms friend likes dats…. Buh everyone else was askings questions and tings… why Telli worse person cause she askededs it fer –sometings- rader dens juss infermations.
Eder way… it flew away and Telli gots chewed outs all da way home by Mr Grag, Myeil and Reri… Telli gonna gets a scale froms a dragon one day….even if it costs me all me gold and gems ta do its…
drawn under the reports an elegant child like drawing… with each report she’s getting more pronounced and steadier handed
edit - Fixed the pic for you ~ Coaan
[edit] Thanks I fixed it too… something about taking it from word as a paste that didn't I did it in the narfell forum part instead and it fixed it...geez I turned around and cleared it up and missed your add...that was quick Coaan thanks!
((Sept. 27th, 2008))
Lyte reads and listens to the reports from Telli.
_"Well, I hope the folks at Norwick feel I am to be trusted, after kindly Chauntea's measure of me.
The last question, about the "best for the legion" is too vague and dependant on infinately unpredictible circumstances, and my ability to make perfect decisions to be answered with a yes or no.
I am not prefect, and I'm perfectly capable of making a stupid decision that isnt the best thing for the legion, in case anyone has doubts of that.
I hope this lays to rest any doubts anyone anywhere might have about my being compromised by Ostromog or Malar. If I felt I was unfit to lead, please believe me, I would step down at once.
It is important right now that all leadership here in the Legion is clearheaded and ready to act. We need to be prepared to do what it takes to defeat Ostromog, and the tainted things that plague our region.
Note that Chauntea mentions leadership elements in both the Gypsy Camp and in Norwick working with Ostromog.
Let us be wary."_
((Sept. 27th, 2008))
Alongs wid da orcbane sceptre we foundededs anoders teardrops gem. Dis'uns of a kin trappedededs in a cage insides a ring on a fire giants finga. Know dis sounds weirds… buh....yuh. Dats whats we dealings wids... Maythors gots da gem nows...ands were gonna be headings ups ta da hills soons ta looks fer dis kin a ours... his names Frod Winner Orcbane. Mights needededs somes helps... ain't sures yuts... gotta gets through da red tapes a Pelts treaty toos... so... wull letcha knows more when da times comes...
Telli doodles along side the report as its posted.
((Sept. 26th, 2008))
This time, Telli gets the feeling that she is in contact only with a angelic being; likely a high servitor of Chauntea.
Calendel : No
Mord: long pause, sense of wrath and unease Unclear
Devlin: No.
Aelhaern: No
D'Cameron: No
Farly: No
Dwin: No
Then the being speaks:
"The Goddess is not satisfied with you, priestess. You are bestowed with her power and might to defend and protect farms, those who work them, the land, and growing things… not to exult and revel in war and slaughter like a blood-mad follower of Tempus, Bhaal, Talos, or Malar. You have done great deeds in her name and the Goddess is patient, but her patience is not limitless. Faith in Chauntea is not enough... you must have faith in her credo and strictures as well. Do not petition her again until you have risen in your adherence to her ways."
Hrrmmphh….dese da words a one a Chauntea's servants... course Telli takededes its likes a grain a salts unless its froms Chauntea herselfs... eder ways... we shoulds be carefuls a dealings wid Mr Mord untils we knows mores.
Below Telli draws an elaborate sketch, its filled with anxiety and the next morning Telli heads out the Legion doors uttering
"Telli'll be backs after she settles somes tings wid Chauntea… Mights be a fews days, fews weeks...buh...eder way we gonna needededs hers helps if we gonna be productives in dis wars."
((Sept. 25th, 2008))
It wid heavy heart Telli writes dis reports. Mr Aramuil sents a letter fer Telli ta comes ta Norwick and talks wid hims… Den Dwinnie, dens Mr Ronan...afore I knows its I's sittings ders and confused as always. Aramuils goings ons abouts nots trustings miss Lyte and how we sure she hers selfs. Well in da ends Telli offered ta settle everytings and askededs Chauntea questions so Telli could stops all da confusions and blamings and finger pointings. Dey saids nots ta shares dis wids Lyte yuts....buh... since da answers was purdy good... I figured mine as wells. Telli sorry if sounds likes she nots loyal...buh she sorta gots cornered inta dis meetings...
She scrawls on the report the questions she took to Chauntea that evening.
1)...Is Malar or a servant of Malar controllings Lyte's actions in part or full?
2)...Is Lyte even aware of what happened to her?
3)...Is Lyte able to control it?
4)...Is the Gypsy Camp leadership working with Ostromog or his servants?
5)...Are there any officials in Norwick that are working with Ostromog or his followers?
6)...Is Aramuil working for Ostromog?
7)...Is Ronan working for Ostromog?
8 ...Does Ostromog really want the deader elves and deader bugbears destroyed?
9)...Is Ostromog working wid da undeaders in da Mintas Rheglor?
10)...Can Lyte be trusted to do whats best fer fa legion?
Da way Telli see's its we gots three prollems. One is dats Norwicks STILL gots traitors prollems… tonights... I's gonna askedededs Chauntea which ones it is one by ones froms a lists Dwinnie gavedededs mes. Two…since when is da camps workings wid Ostromog? Dis new ta everyone else or juss Telli...cause dats nots goods! Three…
Telli's handwriting is clearly effected by her hesitancy to jot the last part down...
Three... Telli nots really happy dats Chauntea answereds ALL da questions yes, no so easily and on da last'un she have such hard time knowings if Lytes will puts da legions best interests first. Eder way...Telli a straight shooters... sorry if dis gets Telli in troubles... buh... dats whats goings ons folks... we's at war... folks is lookings arounds fer traitors likes its a witches hunt. So... da Legions gotta be on guards...and watch out fers Norwick and da Camps fer fark sakes...
Telli clips her meeting notes to the report as well.
((Sept. 25th, 2008))
//This has to be the best report log ever.. the pictures, reminds of being a kid and not able to read yet I still get pictures to tell me whats going on! Awesome!
((Sept. 24th, 2008))
Mr Rhyn and I's and a bunch a me kin follered dats two header troll inta da cold mountains and gottedededs backs Orcbanes Sceptre… Telli so happy. Maythor foundededs rock, buh Telli gots da sceptre... its shiny...and purdy...and very specials. Waiting ta see whats Mr Koirin wants dones wid its...
accompanying the log is an elaborate sketch that looks like Telli spent a solid week trying to perfect...
((Sept. 11, 2008))
Todays I went ta go gets somes wood froms da spida woods. Da trip was slow and da sounds a cursing and metal gots louder and louder as I gots closer and closer ta da back a da woods surrounded by da rock valleys. When I gots ders a half dozens or more a me grey skined kins was littered across da leaves. Gadered around was Mr Aramuil, Generals Lyte, ands Mr El, ands Mr Ronan, ands Miss Belia. Deys found anoders shipments a ore da Duergars was carryings. Da groups was arguing when Telli gots ders. Wull I says group, buh its was mainly Mr Ronan ands Mr Aramuil. Telli's purdy sure Mr Aramuil neva shuts ups. He always arguings wid someones… and more and more Telli findedededs Mr Aramuil wrongs and nots very observents. Telli worried abouts hims... but dats fer new report. Mr Aramuil was sures da ore and stuffs was headings backs da way I camedededs froms... buh Mr Ronans was sures it was comings from the rock ledge above.
Juss dens a crate fell and almost hits Telli in da head. Lyte yelled... "Take cover...hide" so we dids. Dats whens a buggy bear came slinking down the rope looking for the duergars. Lyte yelled "capture him" so Telli ran ups tackled hims and sats on hims till we wrappedededs hims ups wid ropes. Da folks ups on da ledge wasn'ts happy abouts dats....dats whens a swarms a bugger bears, gobbers, evens somes frosty giants cames tumblings downs da rock edge. It was a mad dash ta keeps da bugger bear wid us and nots his friends. A couple times a giant grabbededededs hims froms Telli, or Telli gots knockededs overs and a gobber started draggings hims off. Eder way, Telli finally gots hims back, dat was SO MUCH FUNS!...
The last part jagged and obviously written in excitement...
...Telli decidededs da fronts a da fightings wasn'ts good...cause da buggr bear coulda gots stabbed or punched or nabbedededs agains...So Telli tooks off runnings wid da bugger bear on me shoulders while da oder followed behind me's yellings and screamings... I evens encased da buggy bear in somes stones from Chauntea...JUSS in CASE. We wasn't sures how da gypsies would takes a bugger bear being dragged froms der camp. So... Telli and da oders came ups wid a GREAT plan. Mr Ronan madededs hims invisiblies while I's carried hims... and I usedededs a scroll of silence so da gypsies wouldn't know whats was going on. Wid Mr Porky's help Telli and da oders draggedededs da buggerbear backs ta da Legion cells.
When der Mr Ronan used his hands ta makedededs a sparkly light show... it was funs ta watch. MAde da buggybear say all sort a tings dats we neededs ta hear. We founds outs Mr Ostromog gots a girl, ands dats da supplies cave is somes where past da BIG spidas in da woods. Outs by da glenn... and we founds outs dat da Giant is workings wid ems... ands we founds outs dat Druegars gets da ore and da buggerbears gets da weapons in returns... still not sures whats me grey kin gets outta all dis yuts. Uh... lessee....whats else...taps her lip scribbling the rest of the detail...
Oh da buggerbear also saids Mr Ostromog's word is his bond. Every chieftan knows dis ta be true. He dids says be careful whats Mr Ostromog say dough cause sometimes it tricky, buh its never a lie. Dis sounds likedededs Telli's gonna be escortings Miss Lyte ta da fortress after alls...
The report stops abruptly as she adds a doodle to the report...
((April 18th, 2008))
Wulp todays not so goods… I tinks da Night is afters me... I sawededs hims on me way back ta Norwick travelings wid all me friends... he saids he kilt a lots of Legion and he was glad... so I shots one a da strongests magics I gots ats hims....buh he didn'ts flinch and saids is dat all yuhs gots....of course I saids no....and he tried ta knocks me on me butt....we knockededs hims arounds purdy good....buh he kepts runnings....he sures is fasts.
Wulps... tinks now he's gonna be mighties pissy ats me whenevers I outs at dis bads...
((DEc. 11th, 2007))
Report 5
TWo headededs TROLL in da caves… its had TWO ONE body.
Oh it was so much funs.... we chased it....its ran aways....we chased it some gots away... Oh...ands orcs... da trolls was fightings orcs in der cave too...
a child like drawing accompanies brief report on this weird happening...
((Dec. 7th, 2007))
Kull reads Tellis reports , he nods and seems pleased with the graphic presentation
//Sweet pics
great work tigre! :lol:
((Dec. 7th, 2007))
Report 4
Todays Mr Thorn and I's go ta gader some pelts in da putrids caves wid dems wolves and tigers and bears… oh mys. Normals trip untils.... we gits ta da BACK a da cave... den dis rocks monster cames out and smacked me across da cave floor....Thorns arrows no hurts I gots up and choppededs at its legs... dat did da trick and we finished its....a few mores attacked us furder inta dat back hole ders...and we saw new rocks veins ders....wull I tinks deys new.
Any of our craftas knows if deys new or nots?
Telli continues to jot down notes accompanied by a sketch...
Wull da back back of da cave der was anoder rock monster hiding....dis one was a weee bit hads flames circlings arounds its and when I hits its its flames attackededs me...and ontops a dats... da tempratures droppededs ALL AROUNDS its.... soooos cold... buh Mr Thorn and I's kilt its....
Juss thoughts yuhs shoulds knows abouts its....
with the notes is an elaberate child like drawing depicting the last monster she encountered
((Dec. 2nd, 2007))
LMAO Nice pick great work tiger
((Nov. 30th, 2007))
Report 3)
Wulps… today a funs day. I go gits pelts in da kitty cave near Gypsies and Mr Diet comes rushing wid his arms flailing ands his mouth stoppededs up. I nots ever seen hims likes dis afore. he saids he beat up dis skeleton dat was formings a portal a some sorts... I waddled as fasts as I coulds ta git ders. I was boggededs wid SOOOo many pelts I mades Diets carries somes too's.
Wull when I gits ta da pass I saws Hirby and anoder feller by dis red circle da skeleton mades... but der was anoder feller in armor arguing wid Hirby TOOS!... He threateneds Hirby and I yelled HEY NO THREATENS FRIEND. Dat when Hirby rans up and started smackings da warrior around...
But yuh know whats... Hirby axe not do much to its... Hirby almost dies... BUH I SAVED HIMS!
the following text is written with an air of excitment...
Hirby kicked hims.... I punchededs its....den I figured Diet saids da circle was mades by a skeleton and since Hirby nots really hurt it much I'd tries my HEALLY blessings on him.....DA STRONGEST ONES I KNOWS!...
And yuh knows whats.... he fells over and dieds.... I so happy... I SAVEDEDS HIRBY!
Den I had ta asks Chauntea ta helps me close da portal and we did....oh and I gots thrownededs inta a snow pile from da explosion..... TODAYS WAS SOOOooo much fun... I go placed wid Diet and Hirby more oftens nows!
the reports scrawled all over a childish drawn picture
((Nov. 10th, 2007))
I justs knows whats I toldeds… Senators say go gits Rando... dey saids Mr Grag saids he'd helps dems git Rando as woulds Jiyyd if deys seen hims... nows Senators and officials wants ta bar Rando in next times he enters Jiyyd....tink mebbe so he nots be able to escape whiles folks try ta wrestle hims ta da ground.
Eder way... I tink dis bad ideas... Mr Rando not seem bads... buh if whats Peltarchs says is true....den I tink Mr Rando mights lash outs like a wounded or trapped tiger... dat what I tinks.
((Nov. 10th, 2007))
_"Err…. wait a minute. Are you saying that Major General Grag let Rando back in Jiyyd only to set a trap for him so the Defenders could get him?
sighs Would have been nice if I knew this earlier."_