Leaflets laying on the floor

  • Leaflets litter the floor, in paticuler in the docks near to the refugee/homeless camp
    **"Peltarch! Wondrous city!

    Time is changing! Elections are upon us!

    Do not let it sheild you however from the CURRENT senators!

    One of them is not who he makes out!

    Oscura has plagued us for a long time!

    Slavery! Necromancy!

    Senator Ronan, the "Man of the people". Is none other than an Oscuran! He was once even a guard in that foul city!

    Dont stand for it! Make a stand good people of Peltarch!

    Demand resignation! Demand a second new Senator!

    Dont let the Oscurans infultrate out city any longer!

    Its YOUR city!"**

  • A second set of leaflets litter the floor around the docks, mixing in with the old

    **Election campaigns are under way!

    Peltarh is the Jewel of the Icelace for a reason!

    Make sure it stays that way!

    We have but a few choice of people to lead us!

    People of Peltarch! Fight for what Peltarch stands for! Strength! Honour!

    And Most importantly. FREEDOM!**

  • Ronan overhears the comments as he looks over a leaflet.

    Huh. Seems someone hates Oscura more than Peltarch. They did make it sound like me working there was an awful thing those many years ago.

    He chuckles a bit

    If anything, this propaganda only states how horrible it is to work in Oscura. Quite funny, really. They made my point as to why I left.

  • Legion

    After reading a flyer, Marty lays out a roll of pipeweed on one, rolls it up into a cigar and lights it up. After taking a long drag on it…

    "looks like somone's trying to create another seat on the senate for themselves. Politics can bring out the best and worst in folks I guess."

  • On a trip to the Jewel to visit with senatorial hopeful John Isle, Dwin picks up one of the pamphlets and smirks.

    "Well, at least they didnt call for his ouster because of the years he spent working for Norwick! Seems someone has finally replaced us on the most-disliked list! I wonder if he ever worked for N'Jast or Hoarsgate?"

  • _After reading trough one of the leaflets, Adrian gasps dramatically.
    "That -fiend-! I -knew- there was something not quite surfacer about him! Peltarch, let us join together and sneer and smirk at him with displays of poor grammar and spelling for endless hours, fitting for such an unwashed barbarian!

    The -fiend-!"_

  • Vladimir walking as normal form the docks to the ocmmons comes across a leafelt, reads it over with a smirk on his face, rips it in half and walks off chuckling about the "Foul city phrase"

  • Belma'r laughs at the absurdity of the leaflets and lets them be.