The Election Campaign of Aelthas Benthur

  • _Aelthas campaign is starting off slower than the others. No speeches as of yet, no flashy bards dancing about the city, he seems to just go about his typical day, often taking the time out to go listen to the other candidates speak in between his patrols with the Defenders and being at home with his family, or off at the Temple and orphanage in the docks.

    If approached by anyone asking about his run for Senate, he gladly offers them some time to answer any questions they may have, before he gives them a smile and a nod and heads on his way again._

  • Early one morning, Aelthas takes the rant stand in the market, looking out any who have gathered before speaking in a clear voice.

    My good citizens of the Jewel! I am here to do one simple thing. Announce that I will be pulling out of the Senate race and I encourage all who showed their support for me to offer it instead to Heffa! For a better and brighter Peltarch! Heffa for Senate!

    With that said, he steps down from the stand and heads home, a smile on his face. Obviously comfortable with his decision to leave the Senate run.

  • General Neverith of the Defenders and General Marcus Ash of the Guard both declare their support for Aelthas.

  • The Horc/elf Wog has been seen at Aelthas's speechs nodding quietly along and clapping politly, nout loudly but seems to be giving suport

  • Ronan announces his thoughts on Aelthas' candidacy..

    Good citizens, as senator already elected I am voicing my support for Aelthas' campaign. He is a man of his word and will do what is best for everyone and not just himself. Tolerance and acceptance are his virtues. His allegience is with the people. He will most assuredly help bring peace to our fair city.

    With a smile, Ronan steps down after voicing his support for Aelthas.

  • A rally set for noon seems to take off on time in the Commerce District, as the Defender Captain Aelthas Benthur enters the commons, holding hands with his wife Lycka and their four light haired children running around them. A simple stand set in the street offers Aelthas a place to look out over the crowd, as he stands on it after a few moments of helping his wife contain the children with a light chuckle. Looking out over any people who have gathered, taking a breath, he begins to address those present in a loud and clear voice.

    Good people of Peltarch, I stand before you as a simple man. A man with a family, four beautiful children, a loving wife. I've worked hard to see they have a good home here, I've worked hard to make sure you ALL have a good home. You know who I am and what I work for in this city. A simple word.. -Freedom-.

    I know how hard it is to put your trust in someone at times. My time spent with our glorious Defenders taught me many things, the most important is truth and trust. Those men and woman continue to give, never stop sacrificing for this city, for it's people.. and I am honored to have served with everyone of them. Life as a soldier would be easier I think at times, but there comes a time, when a man must step aside and let the younger soldiers do the job and take a greater responsibility on himself.

    This is why I am running for Senate. I've always sworn to protect this city and everyone in it. Now, I am taking upon myself, the responsibility of not only your protection, but your livelihoods as well, every aspect of life within our city that affects you. I do so willingly and with your best interests at heart… At times I see this city tearing itself apart and it pains me as I'm sure it pains you, not only inside, but where it hurts even more at times! At the tables of your families, as you see a better future possibly being torn away from you as conflict rises between our own citizens, whether they be Senate, Guild, Noble or so called Commoner alike! This city depends on EVERY person in it!

    I'm not a perfect man, I've made many mistakes in my life and I know I shall make more. I cannot fail you in the Senate though, I dare not. YOU are the ones who keep this city the Jewel! All of you!

    He motions his hand out across the people gathered, his words stopping for a moment as his eyes follow his hand, trying to catch the eyes of as many people as he can, a serious look in his own as he continues.

    With me being your voice in the Senate, much like the Temple Lighthouse, I will help you make the Jewel shine brighter than it has in many years! A light of hope in a time of internal conflict! Let us move beyond our differences and into a brighter future! Vote for me and you are voting for yourself, for I will be YOUR voice for when you believe you have none! For a city should stand as one, not apart!

    Trade, for the benefits it brings the people! Tolerance! Acceptance! Cooperation between our citizens and our neighbors! I have no ties that will influence my decisions, save one! YOU! Let us move on, work together, all factions in this city!

    If these are things that you wish to see, to bring a better future to the Jewel, cast your vote for me!

    As the last words ring out over the gathered people, he steps off the stand, picking up one of his daughters in his arms, smiling to her and Lycka before he turns his attention back to the crowd to answer any questions they may have.

  • Sometime after the campaigns begin, criers are seen in all three districts, strategically placed to cover as much area as they can, yet failing to cover the districts as a whole. Although they do not have as much flash as some of the other bardic criers being used, their words ring out just as clearly to all around as Aelthas run for Senate begins.

    _Come good citizens and listen to the truth!

    Do we need anymore insults tossed at each other?! No, we need results, we need an open mind in the Senate!

    We need a Senator who is for trade, who is for peace, who wishes everyone in the Jewel to benefit from both! A Senator who does not favor one over the other, but believes they are all important to the glory of the Jewel! We need a Senator who has truly SHOWN he works for the peoples best interests!

    He's always been honest with you, he's always sacrificed to better this city! From fighting at the front lines against the enemies of the Jewel, to organizing the construction of a Temple that promotes acceptance, tolerance, cooperation and freedom for the Jewels people! A voice for the people that is influenced by nothing but a genuine wish to see this WHOLE city prosper!

    Long has he worked with various Guilds, with our Defenders and with our Senate, yet has been your voice and your protector always! Vote for the future, vote for the man who ensures you ALL live free and better lives! Vote Aelthas Benthur for Senate!_