The Election Campaign of John Isle

  • John grins at Mariston briefly:

    Ach, yer actions have been that o' warrior and 'n paladin, mostly. Nae that o' senator, politician, leader o' people. Anywho, ain't worth concentratin' on that nomore..

    He turns towards the commoners asking questions:

    Hoarsgate? Nae - ah wasn' there. Ah was 'ere, in me city o' Peltarch. Whote'er happened 'n Hoarsgate be up to th' people o' Hoarsgate t' solve, anywho. That ain't got anythin' t' do wi' Peltarch - sadly though, many o' th' candidates an' current senators alike put their efforts int' jus' this kind o' issues - issues that don' concern Peltarch's betterment. Y'know, rather 'n tryin' t' investigate possible crimes 'nother city, th' senators ough t' concentrate solvin' th' causes o' riots in our very own city.

    On th' matter o' jail, lemme be right 'onest 'ere.. ::grins slightly:: Aye, spent a night there once - had a bottle 'r two too much o' rum, and endedd up knockin' wrong door - ah though one o' me lasses lived there, honest! ::he chuckles lightly with a wink:: But eh, 't was a lesson t' learn from. Criminals in th' city.. they get tossed 'n jail. Have y' any idea how 'xpensive it be t' toss people in a locker, guard them day in and day out, feed em properlike, make sure dthay don' infect e'eryone else in th' jail 'n so forth? Bloody expensive! 'nstead, we ought t' make em work 'n th' jail. Think about it, me fellow citizens. A poor soul steals t' get a bread t' his starvation - instead o' tossin' him in th' locker, tarnishin' his reputation, an' makin' him learn nothin'… how 'bout we make em prisoners work in them jails? Somethin' simple like, makin' fishin' traps fer example. Not only woul' th' prisoner learn a craft, an' probably not have t' steal anymore.. th' city woul' lose much less gold from th' upkeep o' th' prisoner, as his wares woul' be sold, eh?

    I say this t' ye again - if ye like whot ah tell ye, if ye like m'honest words, spread th' word - I don' want t' buy me votes wi' feckin' balls'n'feasts, ah want people t' vote fer me, because they like me message, mates! Tell it t' yer friends, yer mothers - e'en yer mother in-laws if ye dare! Get me in th' senate, 'n ah'll work me best t' make it a bloody win in a lottery of life t' be born int' Peltarch!

    Oh, 'n slavery? Nae, legalizin' slavery wouldn' be good fer th' whole o' this 'ere city. Th' trade woul' suffer, th' rich woul' get richer, an' th' poor woul' get poorer. Don' want that happenin'.

    Any other questions? I be 'ere t' answer all ye can ask, no question be stupid. Ask! ::grins ::

  • ::Mariston smiles briefly::

    Really I hath no idea where the concept of personal and sexual freedoms seem to be lessoned by any god of the Triad, very odd concept there old chap. A poor grasp of basic theology.

    ::With a shrug of his armoured shoulders, Mariston turns to John::
    You may wish to down play the achievements I hath brought to this city, yet in all things I hath acted for the people. Do not seek to imply I wouldst bring in laws regarding the topics you mentioned. I hath fought and bled for years for this city and its fine people. I wouldst be most irked shouldst thou seek to slander mine name again.

    ::Radiating an aura around him as he speaks, sitting tall and stoically in his saddle::

  • The initially modest gathering grows quickly as Senators appear to question the candidate, and the growing crowd becomes quickly divided and rowdy at the exchanges between Mariston and Isle about Oscura, many voices around Mariston shout out various slurs and abuse;

    "He's a killer! He's just back from Hoarsgate wi' blood on 'is hands!"

    "He's a pirate! Just -look- at him!"

    "He's a criminal! He's been in jail!"

    Things start to get uglier as other elements of the crowd take offense to the band of Mariston-supporters heckling Isle…

    "Oi! Let th' man speak! Let 'im speak!"

    "He's right! Thel's only paying for the Defenders because he's shafted the city coffers!"

    "I'll slit yer gizzards, ye paladin-humpin' goody-two shoes!"

    Guards are quickly on the scene, dragging off the more troublesome people in attendance, but they don't shut the speech down just yet, as people begin asking John questions.

    "What 'appened in Hoarsgate? Were ye there?"

    "Is it true, 'ave you been in jail?"

    "Do you support slavery?"

  • John grins almost victoriously, eyes bright as he seems to get people riled up:

    This 's what ah want t' see, questions, burning fire 'n th' heart o' ye! Cheers t' that! ::lifts imaginary bottle::

    Now let's start wi' good ol' Adriman 'ere. Whot would ah do? Improved plans o' fishin. Since th' orcs be gone o' th' caves, we coul' take over yon caves an' start ::gasp:: minin'. Y'know, so we wouldn' have t' be dependant on th' other cities so much, eh? Th' olruined watchtower to th' south coul' support a grand hunting ground wi' jus' few trees planted and deers brought 'n. Our fishin' fleet needs t' grow too. Y'know, what ah've heard in th' past, th' senate has always shoved this to th' guilds t' deal wi' - well guess wha', th' guilds haven' made a farkin' move t' get more resources in th' town. So why couldn' th' city itself pay fer th' operations? They woul' pay themselves back soon enough, investement as it were, an' we wouldn' have th' problem o' Maristons havin' t' pay th' defenders.

    As fer yon stinky half-orc there … eh, th' fecker always jus' wants t' start problem, but 'eres whot ah think: if'n th' distant cities want t' get 'n trial fer whoever's done somethin', then th' distant city will 'ave a trial. It ain't Peltarch's business. Peltarch's business be what happens in Peltarch.

    Indeed, 't seems we're more concerned about Oscura's an' other towns far an' wide than we be o' ourselves. Fer feck's sake, do ye lot think an ordinary man o' Peltarch wants t' suffer so we c'n be all shiny compared t' mudville #3? Nae, says I!

    Now onto ye young Snydder.. I c'n understand why y' want t' defend yer relatives 'n all. 's nice, family's important. Yet I don' think ownin' part o' big guild be anythin' t' do wi' senatorship - though I grant ye that yn Snydders seems t' be, along wi' Heffa an' meself, one o' th' three best candidates t' handle th' future o' Peltarch - get money flowin'.

    What ah have done? More like whot ah have tried t' do. Ah've been 'n advisor t' Marty, but advisors only c'n do so much if th' senators don't want t' listen. Hells, ah've tried t' speak me opinions out loud in th' senate's meetin's - but feckin' Mariston keeps hushin' me cause he don' like me. Or maybe because ah ain' senator, yet - but ah won't be silenced! No voice 'n Peltarch ought be silenced!! Toss th' cat on th' table an' discuss, instead of try t' hush it 'n flush it!

    Now last it seems t' be Mariston chap 'ere. Eh, mate, ye're a fine soldier, I bet. Ye've saved th' city from abyss? Ach, that's all fine an' dandy, heroic it may be. An' we're of course grateful fer ye payin' th' defenders - but yet, that doesn' solve th' initial problem - there be too little money in th' city. Th' senate needs t' get th' budget int' shape - an' shite like bannin' trade wi' Oscura 'cause they don' fit int' yer narrow perspective o' whot kind o' men shoul' live on Faerun certainly don' help th' common people o' Peltarch.

    Men, look at 'im! ::points to Mariston:: How many of ye think ye are pure enough fer 'im? Each one o' us be a sinner, some more so than others! We keep electin' em knightly folk more, we end up wi' a city where majority o' us cannae live. City wi' stricter laws. Laws about thinkin' dirty. Laws about wankin' alone. Laws against havin' a bit o' fun in brothels. Law 'ere, law there, an' gold nowhere. Hells, let's all take vows o' chastity an' poverty, spare him th' trouble.

    NAE! NE'ER! Vote fer John Isle! Ah'll bring balance int' th' senate. Ah'll make sure y' have bread on yer table e'ery day. Ah'll vote against that which hurts ye :: points at all the commoners :: For YE be th' lifeblood of th' city, ye are whot makes it go around! Ye are th' heart, an' Mariston's ilk be th' dick - wi'out ye pumpin', he ain't humpin'! Wi'out ye, he'll be a limp thing hangin' in shame, laughed at by th' women o' neighbourin' cities!

    He grins widely, obviously enjoying the scene.

    Now, ah woul' like t' hear some questions from th' commoners. Don' be ashamed t' ask, that be why ah have me ears.

  • ::Mariston, recently returned from duties elsewhere, listens with some interest::

    Interesting points, Paladin senate is it now, if only I didst know more readily for then clearly all I hath proposed within the Senate chamber would hath been passed.

    As for the paladins within the Senate, I hath done much for this city.
    Myself and my Order continue to pay the wages of the Defenders so the burden caused by the war may be taken off the good people of the city and to ensure our brave soldiers receive the money they most truly deserve for their duty and honour.
    I hath also secured the funds that see the rebuilding of the watchtower to the west, a vital component in ensuring the safety of our farmlands there.
    Of course if this is too small an issue, there is the small matter of stopping this city being dragged into the Abyss amongst many other efforts to aid this city from before the civil war until this day.

    So tell me, what hath thou done, that makes thee able to question those acts?

    ::Mariston sits back in the saddle of his mighty steed and levels a stare at John::

    //employing all his charisma and skills in the matter//

  • Young Ludwig Snydders listens cheerfully and nods approvingly to John's words at first, but when the mudslinging towards Enenan Snydders starts, his face darkens. In the quiet moment he steps ahead and asks John with most polite voice

    **"Most respected advisor Isle. I thought lot of you and expected a lot, as you are in many ways a man with sharp visions of trade and many other things. However, what surprises me is that mudslinging that you started towards my uncle.

    You tell that he has done nothing but hiding with pile of coins that Snydders family have made. In the mean time, our family owns 14% of the Seafarers and actively looks after advantage of all guilds through the league of guilds. That makes him alone responsible of employment and well being of remarkable part of the whole city.

    Yet, you say that he has done nothing but hiding, since he has spent his time to take care of the business and to provide job and well being for people of the Jewel, instead of spending his time in hunt of fame and publicity. Staying out of the way of the bragger, so to speak.

    So, mister Isle, as you brought up the .. paladin senate, as I think you called it.. and claimed therefore to be better for trade of this city. What have you done for good of the trade of this city? And most importantly, how and by which measures it is more than what Enenan Snydders has done?"**

  • ICC


    "Oh? And what sort of work would that be? What would you be able to do that the existing Senate has not already done, without selling the soul of our Triad-blessed city for a handful of coin? "

    Grak lets out his own opinion about Black Sail members candidancy

    "Why, of course dat werk bes sumthing dat dem children-murdering pirates excell: Killing unarmed children und weak females. After dis blockade runner gits elected inta senate, dem killing activity happens right inta yar very doorstep, removing deir need ta travel inta distant cities fer slaughter.

    Grak shall nay vote fer such killer-bunch, unless crew who travelled inta dem distant lands git tried fer cold blooded murders. Should dem hav clean hands, dem woulds easily submit fer trial und bes released as innocent. Until dat happens, Grak keeps dem pirates but scoundrels und murderers unfit fer Grak's vote or protection frem dis city".

  • "Oh? And what sort of work would that be? What would you be able to do that the existing Senate has not already done, without selling the soul of our Triad-blessed city for a handful of coin? "

  • Satisfied, Elidur gives John the deserved applause and moves on.

  • John nods enthusiastically!

    Aye indeed 't was - an before y'start wrinklin' yer nose, consider this - on most nations there be some sort o' "last resource food". Some used t' inner layer o' pine's bark int' flours. Buttercup roots were added t' coffee.

    Note, this be only used durin' wartime - an ah beleive many o' ye peltarchians still remember th' starvin' there's been durin' th' N'jast war eh? Eh.

    Now then, th' plan wi' th' moss - 'n ah'm speakin' o' reindeer moss 'ere - would be t' make 't grow on th' roofs o' buildins. When there ain't no need fer it, 't'll grow there all freelike an' provide decoration an' insulation - moss roofs be rather common in some cold lands o' Faerun.

    Now, durin' war time, shoul' such horror appear durin' our lifetime, th' moss would be backup o' a backup food. Th' last resort as it were - for when it be boiled, an' mixed wi' flours, it -will- save people who'd otherwise starve 'cause some dumbarse guild leaders be reapin' profit offa dyin' people, eh?

    That's th' type o' man I be - opportunist, aye … but ah want t' use th' bleepin' opportunities t' get th' city an' it's people richer! Feck, we coul' turn th' city int' a Waterdeep of th' east if'n we wanted. All 't takes is some work.

    He turns to the commoners, and hopes they will ask some questions..

  • One of Elidur's brief appearances outside the College, notably to buy foodstuff; takes him past the Rant Stand at just the right moment!

    "Johnny, wasn't one of your brilliant ideas to feed people gutter-mulch and roof-slate-moss?"

    It's a short, pointed question - Elidur seeming to miss the importance of the whole thing and ask in a bizzarre tone; as one who's walked into the absurd or surreal.

  • John makes it a point to visit the rant stand again, deciding thats his place to talk from:

    "Alrightie chaps, looks like th' shitpourin's startin, so ah might 's well go along wi' it. Snydders?! Who th' hells would vote fer a man that ain't done nowt but hidden in his grand hut hoardin' shinies fer th' last decade 'r two? Ah'll tell ye who - if 'e even gets close t' gettin' th' seat, he's been tamperin' wi' th' results.

    Don' vote for 'im, 'e ain't no good.

    Now, ye're pro'lly wonderin' what ah woul' ever offer to Peltarch. Well, ain't gonna make any offers o' grandeur like all th' other senators in th' past, 'cause, none o' em have kept their promises.

    What ah c'n offer tho' be more jobs, an' a voter in th' senate who dinnae care horseshite about travelin' th' righteous path of self-sacrificin' - in th' case o' senators, see, this means that they be usin' th' city as a tool fer this.

    Look at whot th' current senate have done fer us! Riots all o'er, n' all they be speakin o' is "ooo them be evil boo hiss". Feckers! Vote fer me an' I promise ye, ah'll only concentrate on makin' th' coin flow in th' city, makin' people actually have JOBS 'n FOOD!

    That's whot senators need t' be like.

    Ah'll be givin' a glance at th' other candidates soon enough in me speeches, but first, tell me people o' Peltarch - what do ye want? Ask yer questions! Suggest stuff t' me! Tha's what ah'm supposed t' do as 'n senator too, listen t' people. Ah'll bloody make a mailbox fer letters from ye lot, read em all m'self ah will.

    So! Questions?"