The "Ludo the Great Show" officially opens!

  • The Ludo shows begin…

    Ludo announces that he will be presenting great shows of magical story-telling. At the conclusion of the shows he lets it be known that he WILL be providing autographs!

    The shows are conducted early evening in a central location as allowed by the city. Shows are twice a week and are huge illusionary moving pictures that come to life in front of any who gather.

    The illusions themselves are about an hour long and are recreations of great battles during the war again N'Jast and more recently against the Orcs, Gnolls and Kobolds that Ludo has been involved with (very loosely based on fact and always showing his contribution as more significant and heroic than actually occured). Other shows recount his saving of the life of Beren (actual fact) and helping other adventurer types during various battles (once again Ludo's involvement is considerably enchanced).

    He introduces each of the illusion with a short outline or introduction which sets the scene prior to starting the show.

    Whilst the subject matter is quite self-absorbed, it is presented in a genuinely compelling and exciting fashion, bringing very exciting events to life for the general populous and his skill at simple illusions are of a high skill indeed.

    ( Ludo is a Sorcerer Gnome with Greater Focus in Illusion and Charisma of 18 ).

    Each show is concluded with an illusionary message seemingly presented by one of the companions of Ludo stating that "Voting for Ludo is voting for a present-day self-less hero of the People".

    Ludo then thanks people for coming and stands by his autograph booth ready to take questions and give autographs. He hands out Gnomish lolipops to any children (or Gnomes and Hins) he sees.

  • Symone approaches Ludo after one of his shows and request audience for a few questions.

    I noticed that many of the candidates seem to be part of organisations of some sort, but there was no listing of any affiliations for you. Do you feel that this may affect your campaign positively or did you simply wish to remain unaffiliated to prevent voters from judging you absed on who you represent?

    You seem to be well skilled with amgical light shows, do you feel that this skill will be something that will make your job as a senator easier, or is it just for show.

    I noticed you said you were a self-less hero, yet you wish to offer autographs which I see as a contrary to your statement, will you comment on that or is it a campaign secret to improve yoru standing?

    Do you feel that as a gnome, your popularity among the majority human populace will be compromised?

    Thank you for your time.

  • Ludo's shows quickly gain a regular following of children of all ages, particularily those from the docks who are often running around the city anyway as messengers and the like. Along with the children come parents to drag them home for supper or just as often employers to clip them on the ear for slacking off work.

  • Legion

    Benji takes a lollipop and strolls back to the Legion Tower feeling there was something a little bit off about Ludo's illusions, but unable to put a finger on it.

    He certainly seems like a worthy candidate to me.