Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Raúl's been seen less lately both as defender and as civilian, clearly spending time home with Marie and his son. Though on the few ocasions he's seen outside the apartment, he seems to be happy and radiant and boasting about his son

  • Legion

    Marty has been seen rushing nervously around town before and after the birth. She seems to be rushing back and forth between Marie and the markets fetching various items … most of which not necessarily useful for a new mother or baby. Most of it seems to be panic shopping. Good listeners will hear her muttering prayers in Hin as she scurries about.

  • _Word goes around about the city's latest citizen, a young hin born to Marie and Raul of the Defenders. Apparently the birth went well, and mother and son are recovering in their apartment.

    He has the eyes of his father, and the kick of his mother, if you believe what she says about the little tyke before he came out.

    Visitors are more than welcome to come and see them._

  • A bald man with a thick red beard is seen around the commons. Around his neck hangs a symbol of Gond, and he seems to have many Alchemical substances in bottles hanging from his belts. Some would swear they heard the name "Dentin" mentioned…

    • A barbaric man has been seen walking through the streets of Peltarch, a disgusted look on his face.. Seems the city did not please him*

  • ::Mariston is seen leaving the city, his steed packed with a large quantity of travelling gear, it seems he may be away for some time::

  • _Rumour begins to spread trough the city about an attack at the crossroads. It is said that a group of Peltarch Defenders attacked and slaughtered a group of unarmed travellers making camp there, an event with several witnesses. When these witnesses moved to intervene, the group fled and escaped however. The bodies of the unfortunate victims were burned.

    Stranger still is that when the group returned, reinforced by a priest of Tempus to perhaps divine something from the battle that happened, there was no trace to be found it ever did. No blood, no bodies, no pyre.. nothing.

    Did the attack really happen, or was it all an elaborate illusion. But created by who? And why?_

  • In the midst of all of the tension, Elidur has been out and about making sure everyone knows the 'good' points. Whether these are true, or false is anyone's guess. But his efforts to make peace and reconcile the people continue. It's also in this time that he personally makes wide suggestions of joining the City Guards and Defenders - after all, as he says, they're the only job in the city that won't burn out.

  • The Defenders seem to be a bit more active of late, large contingents of Ignismons Vets seem to gather just inside the south gate as if preparing for a battle. Captain Aelthas can be seen talking to his men and women, but no order seems to be heard about entering the city at all. Perhaps it's just a training exercise. Although tensions seem to be high even amongst the Defenders.

  • Word has quickly spread that the Senate has rejected the compromise proposal of the League of Guilds. When the news reached the Pissing Goat Inn, rioting quickly spread from there across the entire Docks District. Guards rushed to seal the District to prevent rioteers spreading to the rest of the City and are still struggling to contain the unrest. The League of Guilds has yet to issue any official response, but they have reconvened their meeting in the Seafarers Guildhall, well fortified against the chaos outside, to deliberate on their next move. Few expect them to simply acquiesce to the Senate's demands that trade stop. In the meantime, General Ash has advised citizens to stay clear of the Docks unless they have pressing business that takes them there.

  • In the aftermath of the meeting between the Senate and the Guilds, Adrian has been quickly visiting a number of families, artisans, nobles and others.

  • _Young Ludwig of Snydders family has lately been seen often at commons, mostly discussing with others about city politics, internal security and especially about the trade and how it might be affected by current issues with Oscura.

    What makes the thing bit unordinary is that earlier this young gentleman of wealthy merchant family has mostly stayed out of public._

  • _The League of Guilds meeting finally concluded after some lengthy discussions between the Senate and the Guilds, when Rath Ashald exited the building to address the unruly crowds gathered to jeer at the Senate. He informed them that the Guilds have proposed a compromise to the Senate, which will be voted on shortly.

    Tensions have abated briefly for now, though all eyes are once again turned to City Hall._

  • Rumor quickly finds it's way about that Jerrick of the circle, deserter of the Legion? , was involved in a heated debate with a Druid of small stature known for caring for the various flower patches of Peltarch, about some new apprentice of his, an Aurlite Druid.

    Some say the Aurlite was right there the whole time, too!

    The conversaion started in that leafyrustling gibberish the Druids speak, then went into common for everyone to hear.

  • Legion

    Peltarch's Halfling Senator Martouscah Leaffal is now days rarely seen without a trio of female body guards. These warrior women each sport a black and a red scalf tied to their upper arm. These women seem to have replaced her usual Defender escorts.

  • _In Peltarch, yet another glorious tale of the Defenders is told with uncommon fervor throughout the Inns, most especially the Dancing Mermaid - possibly because it's bigger, yet probably because the waitresses are 'cleaner'. A marvellous tale of giant slaying, in which Aelthas is only briefly mentioned, but given praise for his abilities none-the-less. But where would he be in this tale without the pious and noble Sir Chasen, of the Order of the Divine Shield - who fought and defended bravely alongside the dark-haired and stylish man named Lucy. Lucy who of course, earlier in the tale, was the one who alerted the heroes to two Legionnaires who had fallen into a dire trap laid out by a monsterous two-headed race of Giant-kin known as 'Ettins'!

    The valiant efforts of those three heroes went unrewarded by all but the knowledge that the Jewel's ally, the Legion, was safe. However not before carrying the Legionnaires out of Oscura altogether, far beyond the reaches of ~Bane~ or the dark Necromantic cults of the undercity, back to Peltarch and to the Temple of the Triad - where Sir Chasen himself is said to have prayed diligently for the safe return of their Black-and-Blue brothers in arms.

    Perhaps it is the most subtle praise that allows the Defender Captain to once again shine through all the bad comments of late, that he is within the tale given the likeness of the General-Senator 'Kaster Lavindo', indeed Elidur himself stating thus; "I see within Aelthas a balder more bearded man, for it is within his eyes that I would see the same 'ability' to act, and to win!" the very qualities within Kaster himself that were attributed to his security of a senatorial seat - and which won the Defender General the affection of the Jewel. Subtle hints are dropped within the tale of how the harsh words of one or two Legionnaires will not affect Captain Aelthas' respect for the organization._

  • _Word goes around that Defender Captain Aelthas was seen in the commons speaking with an Aurilite druid. Words were exchanged between the two, tensions seemed high, but the two seemed to part ways peacefully.

    Other rumors say that the Captain is just biding his time while he prepares for his dark ritual to destroy all the druids of the Circle with his sickle of vampiric bloodsucking and his evil demonic magic.

    No one is certain which of the rumors is true.. maybe the Captain has been having a tough time of late, or maybe he's the bringer of doom.._

  • Hammerhand on his part denounces any claim of being a "glorious defender of the jewel", stating he was only in the wrong place at the right time and was forced to defend himself.

  • A short tale is sent spinning through the taverns in and around Peltarch about the Defender Captain Aelthas laying low a group of undead, and their Goblin-masters in the city commons. The story glorifies the Captain, perhaps in an attempt to raise him above the rumors of misconduct that have been recently circulating. The wicked laughter heard throughout, fading from the city - and the very real attack in the commons coincide with the tale. Similarly, other 'heroes' are mentioned in the story, Hammerhand, Belia, a man named Lucy, and a brave Norwickian woman Albryanna. All in all, another tale of the Glorious Defenders of the Jewel, and their ever present allies.

  • _Tensions are building steadily in advance of the much anticipated League of Guilds meeting. The latest rumours out of City Hall are that the League Chairman, Lord Chadwick Whyte of the Seafarers Guild, has invited the Senate to attend the meeting. This was a surprising move, as some members of the Senate have supposedly called for Lord Whyte's arrest, along with other Guildleaders who continue trade with Oscura.

    The question everyone is asking, is what will Whyte say to the Senate? The same Senate he failed to win a seat on. The same Senate who decided against co-opting him to fill the vacancy left by Senator Ashwynd. Some speculate Whyte will demand the mass resignation of the Ashald Senate, though others suggest that the Elder Senator, still supposedly his Guild superior, would never allow him to show such disrespect.

    General Marcus Ash is said to be personally reviewing security arrangements for the meeting, after all, the fellow attendees are all of a hostile disposition towards the Senate and the Guard General wants to take no chances should any tempers boil over._