Oscuran Dueling League-

  • The lists are updated again, Vladimir smileing alot as numbers grow.


    The elven warrior who's now back in his chair with arms crossed over his chest watches the grand display of the mages battle Louis turned out to be the winner of. Eléndel sends a nod in their direction before turning his attention to Vlad.

    What about them? I can't fight the robe wearers?

    "Well Elendel, unless you have many hidden arcae talents, no. Dont worry, find a partner for the doubles league, or just hope to meet them in the dueling league."

  • With the approval of an Oscuran Tribunal member, Yana enters the dueling

  • Belma'r signs up for Arcane Dueling and General dueling

  • The elven warrior who's now back in his chair with arms crossed over his chest watches the grand display of the mages battle Louis turned out to be the winner of. Eléndel sends a nod in their direction before turning his attention to Vlad.

    What about them? I can't fight the robe wearers?

  • Sogar momves up a place in the league. He spreads the word that he is seeking out Ekmen Kyzanos for his next duel

  • *A good day of dueling occured recently, a number of new names were added to the lists, aswell as the following duels.

    Vladimir Kursk vs Jay - Jay Winning
    Louis du Lorraine vs Maria - Louis winning
    Vladimir Kursk vs Ekmen Kyzanos - Vladimir Winning.*

  • Maria signs up for the mage to mage duels

  • ((I still have limited nwn access while my laptop is in the shop, and I'm going to be skiing from Sat-Thurs, sooooo feel free to skip over me in the list or whatever is necessary))

  • @097bc5ed5e=Davidnwn:

    Vladimir Kursk issues a challenge back to Jay, seems the young Kursk wants a rematch

    _Jay, naturally, is ready and waiting.

    To the other competetors, he gives a sailor's salute. Though his salute seems to include two hands and two fingers when it is given to Elendel._

  • Vladimir Kursk issues a challenge back to Jay, seems the young Kursk wants a rematch

  • *Vladimir Kursk updates the list again with a number of changes

    The inclsion of:
    Arcane Dueling League
    Doubles Dueling League

    A note about money rewards of dueling.

    And a seal of the Darkhaven family who have been named sponsers of the league*

  • The elf stands up abruptly and slams his closed fists into the table he's now leaning over

    Well that does it, I won't beat on a man lying down begging for mercy, he'll be dead before he slams into the cold stone floor. Write up my name and spell it correctly if you value your writing hand.

  • Another note is added under the League papers, declaring rules of the duels. All duel members are encorgaed to read and understand these rules

  • "I'd rather not have to fight the good Chancellor or peacekeeper Sogar but you all have fun. It should bring in more Revonu for the Bodak at least."

  • "New contestents start at the bottom unfortantly. Is the only way tp keep it fair. But i dare say you''ll be climbing up in no time Creg. Care to enter a bit of magic into the League?"

  • Creg smirks a little watching the taunting.

    "So Vladimir upon entering do you have to work your way up from the bottom or can you start at the top and get shoved to the bottom if you lose?"

  • Jay taunts all the potential opponents, in his usual barbaric way.

    Bunch o' pansies, 'specially th'elf. Nay understand common?

    Jay switches to elven, which is surprisingly better than his common

    (e) You're all weak and worthless.

  • Legion

    Sogar reads and lets out one word as he signs up BLOOOOD!!!

  • ((would love to know up front OOC what the actual rules are 🙂 ))

  • @ea9e48aab8=Davidnwn:


    An armored man appears to sit by a table in one of the vicinities corners; Monkeys in a cage… Tempting enough to bleed Jay out of his last drop of blood however.

    You often fight with guidelines of something you call honor, does any of those distastful lunatic ideas of rules hold true in this cage as well or are all means allowed?

    When asked Kursk replies….
    "Anything goes. No spells or blessings, or ay form og any help is to be cast before the start of the fight, once the fight starts. As you say, all and any means are used to fell your opponent so he is unable to stand. Yet once they fall, or submit, no more blows are to be struck. A death will result in a ban from the League and a likely arrest. But yes, all and any means"

    Hearing of this, Ekmen goes to the Vladimir and asks if also healing magic and healing potions are allowed or any other potions either, and how about other charged or limited use magic items?