Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _Word goes around that Defender Captain Aelthas was seen in the commons speaking with an Aurilite druid. Words were exchanged between the two, tensions seemed high, but the two seemed to part ways peacefully.

    Other rumors say that the Captain is just biding his time while he prepares for his dark ritual to destroy all the druids of the Circle with his sickle of vampiric bloodsucking and his evil demonic magic.

    No one is certain which of the rumors is true.. maybe the Captain has been having a tough time of late, or maybe he's the bringer of doom.._

  • Hammerhand on his part denounces any claim of being a "glorious defender of the jewel", stating he was only in the wrong place at the right time and was forced to defend himself.

  • A short tale is sent spinning through the taverns in and around Peltarch about the Defender Captain Aelthas laying low a group of undead, and their Goblin-masters in the city commons. The story glorifies the Captain, perhaps in an attempt to raise him above the rumors of misconduct that have been recently circulating. The wicked laughter heard throughout, fading from the city - and the very real attack in the commons coincide with the tale. Similarly, other 'heroes' are mentioned in the story, Hammerhand, Belia, a man named Lucy, and a brave Norwickian woman Albryanna. All in all, another tale of the Glorious Defenders of the Jewel, and their ever present allies.

  • _Tensions are building steadily in advance of the much anticipated League of Guilds meeting. The latest rumours out of City Hall are that the League Chairman, Lord Chadwick Whyte of the Seafarers Guild, has invited the Senate to attend the meeting. This was a surprising move, as some members of the Senate have supposedly called for Lord Whyte's arrest, along with other Guildleaders who continue trade with Oscura.

    The question everyone is asking, is what will Whyte say to the Senate? The same Senate he failed to win a seat on. The same Senate who decided against co-opting him to fill the vacancy left by Senator Ashwynd. Some speculate Whyte will demand the mass resignation of the Ashald Senate, though others suggest that the Elder Senator, still supposedly his Guild superior, would never allow him to show such disrespect.

    General Marcus Ash is said to be personally reviewing security arrangements for the meeting, after all, the fellow attendees are all of a hostile disposition towards the Senate and the Guard General wants to take no chances should any tempers boil over._

  • _Meanwhile, the dapper dandy, Perriwig P. Doubleday tours the taverns, spinning yarns about what happened on that fateful day in the Commons, when he and his adventuring party (as he styles the group) repaired to the icy Glaciers, the sensible wearing winter wolf boots - the foolish (and rapidly footless) wearing open-toed sandals. While fuzzy reference is made to a tribe of warrior women with spears and pert, warlike bosoms, the meat of the tale consists of Perri explaining how he - with cunning aforethought - shot down a white dragon from the sky, his cannily placed bolt bringing "Shazzer the Indestructible" crashing to the earth, heart pierced by Perriwig's own crossbow.

    If dubious glances are exchanged at this version of the tale - Perriwig triumphantly produces a short-sword sized tooth which is indubitably draconic - the dental work clearly being relatively recent, rather than the scamp pulling it from a fustian barrow of an unknown, drake-slaying soldier._

    "Tell you who didn't slay a dragon, just for your information you understand. That Senator - "Roland Relandreline". I mean, it is quite reasonable for a whip-thin fellow to get a touch frightened, and one supposes that voiding the bowels is an obvious, albeit a touch cowardly response to a vast wyrm padding the clouds overhead … Don't lets judge the goodly Senator too harshly, friends... Every man is entitled to his dotage...."

  • "Explains a lot. She's one ugly girl though, must have gotten kicked by a horse." Hammerhand comments when hearing the rumour.

  • Word spreds that there's a high chance that Elidur , the so called artist, is in fact, a female….

    //Burning 500 coins, which Maria spends purposedly to spread this rummor. If the SDM's consider it not enough feel free to say , or on the contrary, to increase the rummor 😛

  • _Rumour spreads of tangled web of lovers that a certain elven "artist" has, after a scene of professions of love and kissing in the Commons. One lass even burst into tears and ran off, after he declared that he was in love with another.

    Was it real? Was it a joke? Perhaps a performance? Who knows?_

  • Raúl is seen a bit over-excited lately, he's always moving here and there and he has a bright smile on his face

  • Labur is seen talking to others in the commons and gaurds around the city looking for Murk to give him back his fine warhammer, he we nice enough to let him borrow.

  • After returning from the trip it appears that Elidur has been spending a lot of time in the Dancing Mermaid inn, sipping his favorite red from a very kingly golden-goblet - and looking overly proud to be doing so!

  • _Rumours might speak of an unusually large group gathering at the commons, where the god-touched entity of chaos and magic known as Leanna appeared to whisk them away, presumably to somewhere in the Glaciers. Cerulean Knight Lycka and her mother Ragnhild appeared to be central figures in the group, both women uncharacteristically grim-looking. Aiding the two were several members of the druid circle, Senator Ronan Redralen, Cerulean Knight Kenton Seth, seasoned fighters Horbag Hurkink, Albryanna and Tomohiro, the artist known as Elidur Ginen and gastrognomic sharpshooter Perriwig P. Doubleday.

    A couple of days later, the group returns with Leanna's aid once more, bright lights and bursts of sound erupting in the Mermaid. That is, they all return except Ragnhild. Word has it that the spear-weilding warrioress fell in battle in her northern homelands, protecting her tribe from annihilation._

  • Rumour goes around about a public appearance by Elder Senator Rath Ashald in the commons, where he attempted to employ a bard to ruin the name of another Senator. Rath was sent packing by the bard in question, a pretty young thing, who refused to break her honour for coin.

  • ((Keep it to just rumours please folks, there's a separate thread for public speeches, cheers)).

  • Vladimir Kursk who just happened to be there, and will happily tell any who he hears talking on the matter..

    "_Well, it really doesnt matter.. Oscura arnt loseing anything at all. Most of Osucras imports are done from outside of Narfell.

    Peltarch still send goods to Oscura but they are not cruical. It is Peltarch who are basicly econimcly about to destroy themselves..

    Besides, from what i hear the senate has even less influance than i thought beofre… Peltarch goods still are being sold in Oscura. Seems the senates silly little tiffe has actully made no effect, the guilds clearly dont seem to care."_

  • Legion

    Marty retorts

    Friends? Trade between Oscura and Peltarch was based on assurances Oscura made to us that it has since clearly stated it has no intention of upholding. Oscura ended it's trade agreement with Peltarch through it's stubborn refusal to live up to it's end of the bargain it made with us.

    If Oscura wishes to enter into another trade agreement with Peltarch - one it actually intends to uphold - then we are more than happy to talk about it.

  • Drelan is seen far more often in Peltarch now that he's heard the decision. He can only be heard often saying,

    "I cannot believe that the city that rose from the ashes in part to Oscuran stone and resources would now perform this act to its friend and all in its city that benefit from such commerce. And yet they instead choose to threat their neighbors like an enemy. It is their prerogative I suppose. shrugs I just hope they actually discussed it with their citizens."

  • Strange happenings and bursts of light coming from the beaches of the Icelace drew a gathering of adventurers, that returned some hours later, worn and beaten. Seems no true cause was discovered, though there is mention of many powerful undead.

  • One of the waitresses at the Dancing Mermaid inquires a regular customer why he's not ordering ale with his meal as usual. "I gotta cut back on the ale, lass. I had a bad hangover the other mornin'. I swear I saw some woman in the corner durin' mass, but she weren't there when I took a closer look. The priests said that they got magics up to protect the place. That ale must be making me see funny."

  • The Chancellor of the Mighty Realm Norwick has been seen in Peltarchj for the last ten-day or so. Word has it that he and his trusted Advisors are having their somewhat-annual meetings with the senate, and that the issue of Oscuran relations was certainly one that was discussed in the meetings.

    Other than traveling between his Extermination store in the western side of town and the Senate meetings, he doesn't make many public appearances.