Auction ((30th January 00:01 GMT))
A poster is placed in several noticeable places throughout the city.
Annual Peltarch Charity Auction
The fourth annual auction will be held the last day of this year, at Peltarch's "Rant Stand". The auction will be held by Val Kyrie of the Bardic College and Theatre, and the profits will go to helping out the civilians struggling in Norwick from the onslaught of the Hungry One.
Those who wish to have some interesting magical trinkets of theirs auctioned, contact Val as soon as possible. Only a 5% share of the auction price will be taken towards supplies for those afflicted by the cold snap in Norwick.
((The event will be held 00:01AMGMT (one minute after midnight GMT), next Saturday (Saturday, since it's a minute past midnight).
Just to make timezone conversion easier for everyone…
London, Britain: 00:01 AM Saturday
New York, USA: 07:01 PM Friday
Los Angeles, USA: 04:01 PM Friday
Sydney, Australia: 11:00 AM SaturdayIf you want to have your items auctioned, contact me in PMs on the forums so we can plan a time in the next week for me to get the wares, or IG if you happen to catch me there. ))
A new notice is tacked up
The Fourth Annual Peltarch Auction has been held successfully.
50 items went under the hammer in a little over 2 1/2 hours, and we made 14,745 gold to help out the Norwick citizens with their fight against the Hungry One.
Well done all!
((See me for your items and/or gold if you put something up for sale and didn't pick it up afterwards
tacked under the sign is the following child like scribble
"Master Quality Red Dragon Leather Armor for sales in next auctions… brings yuhs bags a gold, brings yuhs friends, brings everyting... free enchantments froms da earth moder on da armors wid yer bids... Chauntea willings."