Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Peltarchian goods are still common all throughout Oscura, despite recent sentiments by the Peltarchian Senate.

  • _Oscura seems in a weird state of mind about the apparent severing of trade with Peltarch.

    Most Oscurans tend to laugh it off, asking if the paladins and Senators will personally be stabbing decent merchants trying feed their families.

    Others seem more worried, such as more trustworthy groups like th Lightning Eagle Trade Conglomorate.

    For now, it is just all rumour and talk, until the Guilds decide on something._

  • Rumors tell that Ekmen Kyzanos was seen to arrive to Oscura from the west gate, carrying a head of drider on his shoulder. Later on he was seen to drink few stouts in very good mood at the Shiny Coppers, telling of surviving through the greatest hunt of his life so far.

  • _A day after the Kuo Toa had attacked Peltarch Docks, Ekmen Kyzanos had a tale to tell of them in the Shiny Coppers. He told how he and his companions saw big amount of Kuo Toas on move and soon heard people telling that Peltarch was under attack. By his tale, they took advantage of this time and sneaked into Kuo Toa caves, past the minimal amount of guards left behind from the warparty. But most surprisingly, he claimed they found the long hunted queen of Kuo Toa.

    After that he was told to have chuckled warmly and digged his back for a short moment, only to show the head of the Kuo Toa queen he was carrying. With head on his hand, he was seen to walk through the town to collect the bounty in the name of Ekmen Kyzanos and the Club of Gentlemen_

  • Some rumors tell that a ghostly figure was seen in Coppers. It seemed to have appeared to speak to Ekmen Kyzanos, only to disappear very quickly after which young Kyzanos quickly moved outside.

  • _Word is, there was some sort of commotion in the Coppers between Jario, Balthazar and some of their men. Some of Oscuras nobility, most notably, Lady Zenais Komnenos, Ekmen Kyzanos, Louis du Lorraine and Zazamouhk II Sahkmet were present at the time, as the talking soon turned hostile. Weapons were drawn, two of the nobility at the bar were knocked aside as the Lotus members moved to protect their leaders. Words were exchanged between noble and Lotus member alike for a moment.

    It is said that one of the nobles, Zazamouhk II Sahkmet, suddenly grabbed one Lotus members head and smashed it on the bar for the shove he received and a fight ensued. Whispers of shadows being summoned to subdue the Brute, seemingly fighting on Jarios side are heard alongside the tales of the fight. Whatever is true, one Lotus Brute was taken bloody and beaten out of the Coppers, while Zazamouhk, bloody and beaten himself just seemed to yell for the wine he ordered earlier, giving Jario a few choice words for the delay in getting it._

  • _It seems that Jario's Black Lotus have been processed by the Red Falcons and released… most of them anyway. It was found that a small number of Jario's Lotus were trying to incite tensions between the Raven's Wing by framing Balthazar's Lotus, all involved in the plot have been sentenced to long jail terms.

    This goes along with rumours of many Black Lotus now defecting to Balthazar's side as Jario's leadership proves itself quite lacking._

  • Vladimir Kursk seems to often be going down the tunnels of the Kuo Tuo and Ettins, even down the mines, seemingly serching the underground for something. What it is is unknown, often going for lengthy times

    //away for a few days an next week playtimes are gona be majorly cut, will be around every now an then 🙂

  • *A group leaving the coppers were seen heading down the mines. The group returned much later with four Duerger women.

    Rumours start to circualte that these duerger were later sold to the Red Dragon as slaves.

    The only other noticable thing from the group, the daughter of Ahkemedes Komnenos was seen returning with blood and injuries*

  • Shortly after his brothers wedding reception, Ferdinand Locke is seen in Keepers tower, finalizing all his reports and ongoing investigations to pass them off to other members. He then is seen preparing a wagon with the aid of Locke Family guards, lastly he is seen heading in the direction of the Sahkmet estate to pick up the beautiful Ahmose so that the pair can depart for her homeland of Mulhorand at next light.

  • A group of adventurers embarked on a ship - of note perhaps that the ship made it very clear this was adventurers, as it was a ship others would call a wreck - it even had to be towed out of the harbor by another ship. The group returned later on a much better ship - possibly they learned their lesson not to embark on such broken ships.

  • The Peacekeepers of Oscura can also be seen patrolling more heavily than usual, protecting the docks as well

  • _For a brief period of hours, Oscura descended into chaos as rumours spread like wildfire that a group of Raven's Wing guards were murdered by Jario's Black Lotus. What followed was a series of fights and brawls between the said factions, until a sweep of the city performed by the elite Oscuran guard quickly jailed all Raven's Wing guards and Black Lotus employees, but the uninvolved Lotus of Balthazar's faction were quickly released.

    It seems that the coalition of Black Sail and Northern Bear guards are the only ones guarding the docks again, whilst it appears Duke Istvan has enlisted the help of Brankovic's mercenaries to act as his company's guards for now. The Coppers has been taken over by the Skovhus meanwhile.

    Both the Black Lotus and the Raven's Wing Guards are being processed by the Red Falcons, and estimates say that it'll all be figured out within a month._

  • Ferdinand Locke is seen preparing for his journey to Mulhorand with Ahmose more and more, when asked about it he seems rather excited and eager to begin the trip.

  • Word spreads that the glistening couple in Oscura's nobility scene is an unlikely one of Loktar Kyzanos and Anna Kursk. Whether this is premeditaded by their fathers, or what it means for Oscura, is still unclear.

  • _Returning adventurers from the deep chasm mentioned about an odd seight the other day. Two dead driders can still be found lying among ten-folds of dead kua toa corpses, piled together.

    Their torso appears to have been cut open and most of it's interior ripped out. Purpose of this is unknown but whatever was responsible for their death must've had a personal vendetta considering this brutal act. Further on, remains from multiple traps are spotted throughout the same area. Gas, acid and traps of explosion have been triggered recently leaving small craters in the sand. Nothing but a small war took place here recently_

  • The occasional rumor of drow activity reaching farther out from the real underdark makes its round through some of the taverns - rarely the tales include a small group of humans from more 'civilized' cities that had an altar to the goddess of the drow - sometimes that group even preyed on drow - and sometimes they are said to be looking for a chosen sacrifice to that goddess.

  • A masked stranger is seen walking the dark streets of Oscura. He speaks to no one, but he seems to be looking for something… :ninja:

  • Rumours start to spread from out of the coppers on what the nature of this trip was.. The rumours seem to be fueld by Vladimir Kursk, son of duke andrey. The rumours claim that the Lighning Eagle were paying off a village to stop sending the Northern Bear grain. Kursk is heard loudly and angrily calling them hipocrits. However, due to the recent confrontations with the Lighning Eagle, it is possiable he is jsut trying to spread fulse rumours

  • _A mixed group of Oscuran nobles, mercenaries, and even Black Sails met up on the docks recently. The group seemed to be discussing something about some type of delivery.

    After some talking, the group left on a ship for awhile before returning with one of the Oscuran nobles, known as Vladimir, heavily wounded. It seems the group also had one casualty: A Tempus follower known as Hammerhand. Whatever transpired in waters abroad was certainly violent.

    Other members in the group, however, looked relatively uninjured and in decent spirits. The two Sails left with one of the nobles toward their warehouse, while the others went off on other business._