Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumors circulate that Telli Thunden passed out cold once she was told the coin she earned during this years auction. For the following weeks she's been waddling along the commons with a cheeshire grin etched across her face.

  • Legion

    Scraps of food can be found on the sundial on a regular basis

  • Rumors also say that some of the highest rank defender nearly drown in just a little of water. Rumors say, the one that saw it, found it pathetic…

  • _News begins to trickle in about dire tidings north of the city, with rumours of dark magic and undeath having struck the Icelace beach and all the creatures roaming there - including the men and women of the Defender outpost.

    Just exactly what happened is not quite clear, but a weary, battle-worn and partially reeking group of city employees can be spotted shuffling into town after what appears to be a lengthy patrol, heading for city hall. Soon thereafter, Defenders head out the western gates, returning with the bodies of fallen comrades._

  • Further odd lights illuminate the sky to the north of the city…then all is still…what occurred remains a mystery

  • The rumour of Elidur's 'third' victory over his arch-nemesis 'Pennywhistle Pete' (as he calls the Defender Battledrummer) continue, chins wag over the challenge of 'Bardic Luck' within which the Theatre's ~mad~ professor supposedly won by the witchery of MIND POWERS!! A performance? A true duel of wits? T'was rock-paper-scissors with high stakes, and Elidur won the day! The question remains, when will it end? Who is this mysterious challenger - and will he 'ever' win?! By Elidur's own words the man is but a simple fan, inspired by the great deeds and legend by which he lives.

  • ::A great rending noise is heard north of Peltarch, a flash of greenish light illuminates the night sky, followed by a low thrumming noise. With a final thunderous clash of arcane energies in the northern sky, the phenomena ends….what it bodes none yet can tell.::

  • Rumour quickly circulates around the taverns about some new foul magics being used by the orcs to the west of town that makes them explode when hit. It sounds daft to make your soldiers explode, but the rumourmongers swear to the truth of it, saying that a pretty lady told them about it over a few drinks.

  • Five Black Sails come limping into town from the foothills, bloodied, scorched and looking decidedly rattled about something. As the standard ogreish equipment is pawned off at the market, snippets of information might be gleaned from the usual lewd sailor banter by the observant listener. The diminuative captain Seesaw mutters something foul about eight-legged freaks, shuddering before swaggering off for a stiff drink at the Ferret.

  • Legion


    Apparently a delicate elven female in purple was seen in the commons who had mentioned her practice of divination, and offered to see if she could answer a question for anybody.

    There seemed to be something more to it than a parlor trick when an elf asked about the orcs outside of Peltarch… and them something altogether startling when the seer seemed finished.

    A white glow surrounded her, and she spoke of some weirdness or another in the sky... is she for real?

    Benji walks by muttering in gnomish

    <g>Buncha horse-shite.</g>

  • Apparently a delicate elven female in purple was seen in the commons who had mentioned her practice of divination, and offered to see if she could answer a question for anybody.

    There seemed to be something more to it than a parlor trick when an elf asked about the orcs outside of Peltarch… and them something altogether startling when the seer seemed finished.

    A white glow surrounded her, and she spoke of some weirdness or another in the sky... is she for real?

  • Legion

    The corner stone on the sundial is broken off and sitting on top of the sundial

  • Some rumors spread of a experienced sailor looking for work in the docks distrct

  • The city is abuzz with rumours that a prostitute was found beaten to death in the docks… apparentely there were no clues as to who did it though.

  • B is certainly heard to snicker at the song.

  • A few people are heard humming the same song in the streets of the city of late. Its simple, catchy and cheerful melody has apparently spread fast throughout those who frequent the commons.

    He pumps his chest and he barks loud
    Yelling without putting much thought
    He tries to look down on the crowd
    But he's too short thus he sees naught

    The song itself, believed to be called "The pug who wants to be a stag", narrates the pathetic story of an ugly puppy desiring to appear majestic.

    He sticks antlers upon his head
    Believing others would be fools
    And stares long at the riverbed
    Viewing the stag who he deems rules

    Strangely enough, very few people seem to know the whole song, yet regularly a new stanza is heard with increasing emphasis on the pug being stuck-up and pretentious, and whose attempts at leadership direct others to the worst situations.

    "I am your boss" the pug-fool says
    And it seemed like a good idea
    "Let's all rush straight onto our preys"
    Until strangely they had to flee

    Some children of the city also seem to find delight in a few silly verses about bad choices and pointless bickering.

    "I'll work for you" the pug agreed
    And cleaned the stables he had to
    But at the time of getting paid
    He proudly ran stealing the pooh

    Whether or not these lyrics were originally written by one single person, adding one's personal stanza to the song is now heard on occasion. Those who are humming it, claim to base their own on people they know and were somehow reminded by the verses. After all, who has never met a single person like that ?

    The ones he has led in the past
    About him would rather not chat
    They've been hammered so strong and fast
    They thought they'd name him after that

    OOC : DM-approved for NPC reaction

  • Dev

    The town has recently noticed a new half-orc who calls himself Grunk. He was often seen playing with the sundial in the commons and others can tell he is oddly drawn to it. He wanders around Peltarch in a cloak and light armor seemingly pieced together from different sets with a greatsword strapped inventively across his back. Following his arrival came another half-orc often clad in heavy armor. However, recently the two have seemed to disappear. This happened shortly after they were seen arguing in orcish with a halfling and a third halfer.

  • _Rumor is spread by Senator Ronan Redralen, that a group of individuals wearing black and red armor, claiming to be "demon hunters," should be approached cautiously. It is said that citizens should avoid or ignore these individuals and continue on their way. Adventurers are encouraged to use methods such as true seeing or a paladin's senses for such individuals.

    Further questions should be directed toward senator Ronan, Aelthas of the Defenders, or guardswoman Yana._

  • Word slowly starts to spread that the peacefulness of yesterday afternoon was shattered by a shouting match turned fist fight just outside the west gate. While some say the hostilities started near the bazaar, the two men walked calmly outside city limits where the prodding continued and the fist throwing began. While no one seems to know what the confrontation was about, the victor was clear as the tiny one strolled back into town, and the halfer scampered away spitting curses and clutching at his awkwardly bent arm.

  • Rumors of a surface trip by two Oscuran Nobles to the "Jewel" Spread throughout the various social circles of Peltarch. It is said that the young couple entered the bath house for quite some time before enjoying a meal together at the Dancing Mermaid Inn