PCs:Darwin Tollefson, Jizzabouh Parlevouis

  • Dev

    This one is an interesting rp. He tries to stir things up a bit by holding the less popular viewpoints. I've seen him quite a bit as he was apprentice to one of my characters and then I made a character to apprentice one of his. I know him ooc and he's a nice guy too. He offers a lot of willingness when it comes to rp and tries to provide depth to his characters.
    His first(ish) character was Darwin Tollefson (sp?), a half-elf rogue clad in mostly black who is lvl 5. His latest character is a lvl 6 dwarf cleric who is a bit stubborn or careless (what dwarf isn't to some extent?). Hopefully you'll see him in game if you haven't already.

    his login: Shortstuff09

  • ICC


    CT worthy!

  • Played with him sometimes. Very good RP and very polite OCC.
    Both of them have my vote.


  • Played with him.

    Has my vote

  • Legion

    Haven't had much of a chance to interact IC yet, but he's friendly and polite OOC.
