Search for a Enchanter!
I'm(Lucius Dragnar) hanging out in the commons listen in conversations and asking people in robes if any of them are enchanters and if yes i want to know if they are able to enchant a cloak to protect from fire and acid or more elements are welcome.
((not trying to derail the thread or hijack, just thought since Lucius already started one, I'd post in the same one, danke Lucius
Araendel sits in the commons listening to the talk of enchanting, his eyes look up to each of the people there, and he stops cleaning and sharpening his blade.
I too would like to seek out an enchanter…as well as weaponsmith....I am in need of a fine longsword, that can have magics woven upon it. Perhaps there is one among you who might be able to direct me to such a person?
He returns to cleaning and oiling his weapon, listening in on bits of information here and there.
((on a side note, since enchanting is now live, (big thanks to Aeo for getting it up and running) perhaps we should have a thread for people seeking enchanters in each city?))
Thank you Marty a think a ring will be nice and a bargain would be nice.
Oh I can make a cloak like that for you. Or a ring if you like? Bargain price too.
As he passes Benji skids to a halt
Cloak of protection? You know they sell those in that magic shop over there?
Benji points toward Hemrod's
No… wait. That one.
He points toward the clothing shop
Or… Perin at the market?
He points toward the market
Uh… <g>fark.</g>
Actually, I don't know where those are sold. I just know they're sold somewhere around here.