Construction Work

  • _Maya is often seen traveling with a man and his apprentice to the site of the old watch tower. It appears that some construction has started, using many of the fallen stones for material.

    Hammering and chiseling can be heard from the edge of the city, as the sounds ring rhythmically in the air._

  • ((Can I please get a status on this? Gold has been paid out. If it's not enough, please let me know))

  • I serve Helm, but your good seem to be a good one. smiles

  • "He's the Lord of Battles, served by the Red Knight, who is the godess of strategy. He wants people to defend what they belief in, fight for what they want and to do it with honour. In that, he opposes Garagos, who's pretty much a god of blood-crazed lunatics who only live to kill."

  • Can you tell me more about Tempus?

  • @57a1d90b3c=Lucius_Dragnar:

    Lucius Dragnar pass in front of the construction and ask to people that are working there what they are going to build there?

    Shrine to Tempus!

  • @ec735abc58=Robyn:

    Maya looks up from her work

    I do not need guard. If someone wants offend Tempus by interfere with build of shrine, then I will kill them.

    Then Maya smiles

    If mercenary of yours pray to Tempus, then maybe would like to help?

    The scruffy dwarf known as stubs overhears this conversation and approaches the muscle-bound lady..

    Ooooooi! Ye sed ye be lookin fer un' Tempus followers yuh? Wull look ye nae furder dan in fron' o' yer nose lass!

  • Lucius Dragnar pass in front of the construction and ask to people that are working there what they are going to build there?

  • Maya looks up from her work

    I do not need guard. If someone wants offend Tempus by interfere with build of shrine, then I will kill them.

    Then Maya smiles

    If mercenary of yours pray to Tempus, then maybe would like to help?

  • An extremely large man in black and orange armor approaches the construction site and observes for a while before asking who is in charge. The man approaches Maya and removes his helmet with a smile, a patch covering his left eye.

    "Greetings, I am called Marshal, and I am wondering if you are in need of guards to protect the area during your construction. I have many men looking for employment that would be suitable to your needs. For the a minor fee we can help to ensure that your construction job goes well without threat from attack, or outside interference." he says in his deep voice.

    The large man awaits a response from Maya before returning to his previous duties in the hills around the tower.

  • A young blonde women walks past muttering quite loudly "Youve got to put it back up to knock it down again"

  • After a few days, Hammerhand can be spotted helping out with the construction.

  • Hammerhand passes by the construction site and stops to watch now and then, but doesn't approach.. not yet anyway.