Wilwarin's Journal.

  • Months passed since Wilwarin returned to his Land.After spending his time with his family and his borthers and sisters,finally found piece inside himself,looking life pleasantly.

    So a day,he decided….

    <e>W:I shall return back father…I ll keep in touch with you,mother and brother,but for now i wish to leave.
    F:Are you sure my son?Humans,Dwarves,Orcs...All of them are mere existence,that ends shortly.
    W:I made the same mistake...But many times they taught me how to enjoy life,moment...Do not worry father.I will return again.</e>

    And so Wilwarin,after seeing his family for last time next day was on ship returning back to the Land.Being prepared this time,without any mission interfering in his life,he enjoys the journey until his destination relaxed…
    A different Wilwarin who has another goal this time...

  • Weeks are passing by Wilwarin.

    He sits by the fire thinking,remember of his time in Narfell.Easy and relaxing days….He has time to pass with his family,laugh,enjoy and teache to his pupils the art of the blade weilding...


    But something is missing...

  • A scene with Wilwarin arriving at his homeland,stepping out of the ship and looking sharply at the central area far away.He salutes the ship's captain with a slight smile and starts heading to his destination,confidently and calmly.

    Some days later,many of his close beloved persons welcome him and show him the changes that been made in the city.A city on the top of a monstrous mountain,surrounded by an even bigger range of green forest.

    Some people said once that it's very difficult to find the city's location.Others said that in fact it's impossible to find it,claiming that the forest surrounding the city acts also as a guard.How is that possible,noone knows…

  • _<e>It's been two weeks now since i left Peltarch.

    Still on the ship i made reading a daily routine until i arrive at home. Captain keeps telling me to be patient.I don't have a problem with that. Either way i need to be alone for a few time.I shall reconsider my future.Not many things waiting for me to do.I just want to end this by announcing the news.</e>_

    ::emotionless and at the same time distracted eyes,he keeps writing::

    _From my point of view,there are two options.

    Either continue living along with my family,studying and training and who knows,maybe be a parent myself or… return and start a new life in Peltarch again.Do a proffesion,adventuring,participate in happy events.I don't know...something to keep my soul alive._

    ::looks up momentarily,looking lost in his memories then shortly after starts writing with a faint smile on his face::

    _Anyway, for now only options. I should think it again later,when this story is over.I must see my family and spent my time with them for now. Grab the good moments of every day,thats what i ve been taught from humans.

    Until then let's learn some things about sea._

    ::open his eyes more and with a slight smile closes the journal::

  • <e>It's over…I killed them all.I revenged you brother...</e>
    ::sighs a moment ::

    <e>But still i don't feel better.It is exactly the same sadness…Now i finally understand the Elder's teachings in the life's meaning and how we are connected to nature's flow.</e>

    ::closes his eyes,calmly thinks about his past and the path he crossed all these years::

    _<e>I failed in my mission finally.I couldn't bring him back safe.It seems i wouldn't be able neither in a couple of years later.Now there is no other reason for me to remain here.I feel like a ghost without his invisible aura.I should head back to the port.I may find a couple of persons before i leave.

    The only thing left now is head back to the High Forest.I should return and report to the Elders for the result….Well i guess that's it for me.At least for now...</e>_

  • ::try to write with difficulty.He is tired and with little supplies left.His eyes darken,closing halfway and his face full of hatre implies that he is going to get reckless::

    <e>Today i arrived at the campsite….It was empty.No soul can be found.... There was an orcish party as it seems the past few days,camped here. But as it seems they left some hours ago.They left but forgot something behind.A body...</e>

    ::starts holding stronger,much stronger his pen as continue to write::

    <e>His body!! They almost ate him!!The bastards!They are animals…no animals have no intesion of harming others!! How can they eat someone!?</e>

    ::stops writing for a while and looks in front of him far at the horizon,at nowhere distracted,but with that hatre still on his face::

    <e>I will hunt them down,i will kill all of them.Every single one!They ll die like him,i ll rip their hands and everything.Revenge.That's what they want.That's what i ll give them…I will avenge you brother...For sure.</e>

    ::some minutes ago Wilwarin already buried the body and prayed to Corellon to rest the lost soul.He performed his brother funeral….Later on he equipped with his armor,a sword he weilds,a tower shield and tighting some pieces more on his plate he looks with hatre through the direction the Orcs went and starts following them::

    <e>Well,i suppose i never was good at diplomatics….</e>

  • _<e>Three day has passed since i closed the southern gate of Norwick.

    Hopefully the innkeeper told me that a similar man i desribed to him headed south.It was luckily one of my thoughts anyway.He told me there is an old campsite through this direction.Weird…Campsite?Anyway right now, this is my only option.

    Three days by feet.This is for sure a test for everybody.I just stopped to rest and maybe close for a while my eyes.The only thing i see until now is animals.Quietly,it somehow gives you a feeling of rebirth....</e>_

    ::looks around,observing carefully the place where he is,so as to carve it in his journal,then shifty eyes back to his journal::

    <e>I am in a small cave covered by lot of grass.I added some more just for the extra cover and i hope to have good rest.I will place some small bells connected with a very thin rope,a kind of guard i suppose.I should be fine for now.</e>

  • _<e>Today it is the last day for me in Norwick.

    I ve been told that the innkeeper saw a human with the symbol of the crescent moon carved on his amulet!Not many people have it.

    All these last weeks,i find nothing but only information that drives me directy to fights.Empty fights without reason.I know i can't avoid it since any single spot counts in my blinded mission,but it comes to a point where you find yourself as a willingless sheep that goes where it's ordered.::suddenly takes an angry look::

    Let's give it a try then,i have a good feeling….If i won't like the answer the innkeeper will give me,then i ll head further south.I hope not...</e>_

  • _<e>A month has passed.

    I ve been walking around the city,maybe a bit further from the borders.But still nothing.My search seems to be useless…I ask local citizens,overhear gossips in the taverns search even in other cities also,like Norwick and oscura.

    But nothing..I will focus more in my goal and less in helping other matters that concerns the city's safety.I know it's cold hearted decision since some people may need my contribution but if i hold to it,i won't be able to succeed in my mission.My original mission.

    But i trust the citizens of this city to keep state as it is.After all many of them are much capable.</e>_

    ::closes the journal and prepares himself.Soon after he leaves midnight from his house.Greets some locals and leaves quietly towards west::

  • Today is the best day maybe in the few last months.Peltarch seem to be in a uneased relaxing mood.

    ::closes his eyes tired::
    I am very tired to even think about writing the experience of my journey.Too much tired….It's better if i take a sleep.These orcs taught me a hard lesson.I should clear my thoughts for now,tommorow is a new...
    ::falls asleep on his bed as thinks about his near death experience::

  • _It's been some time now.

    I have met some interesting persons.Finally i can see that humans are a unique race in the Land.Like a double edged sword,they can easily turn destructive…And now i understand why they always need of someone else to watch their back.On the other hand they can easily surprice you by teach you one or two things.Short living has it's advantages,sometimes can grow you in an interesting way.I guess that's what made me accept him as my student...._

    ::closes his eyes shortly,then breathes calmly::

    Lately i started training again.I am getting stronger and stronger and have a confident feeling of my self.When you empty your thoughts you can see better in the arrogance that many ''wise'' people have.So i ll take my time and try to improve more.And take it slowly i will be able to succeed in my mission.I know it in my heart.

    ::closes his journal and leaves in the middle of night from his house with a calm smile::

  • _Yesterday it was somehow refreshing.

    I realized that i am not alone in the Land.I met some more sundered friends.Aranwe,Isendel,Raryldor their names.All of them excellent personalities.Lately they helped me a lot and escorted me to dangerous areas and dungeons.They proved to be also kind of mentors to me.

    At the point i thought that fighting skills are the most important these three surpricingly showed me that these skills are secondary when it comes to survival.Aranwe with his sneaky skills, taught me in his way that observing your opponent's stance and weakness can be deadly.Isendel,with his leadership proved me that courage can outcome even the strongest enemy.Raryldor…A wise elf with more than enough knowledge,at least that's what i sense he hides in him.

    What i understood?

    That i never should be happy with my skill's level and always try to improve.And finally after a long time i can live and learn among friends,family...

    At least that makes my day...::smiles slightly as writing::_

  • _I arrived a month ago…

    I am searching,but it seems impossible to find him...He is been taught well.And i feel also responsible as i didn't tell him the truth.Lately i explore mostly the west area near the city and the caves that look to be the orc's lair.

    Six months ago,the Elders asked me to bring him back.They adviced me to not attract eyes on me or else it's going to end against my search.But how can i do this,how? Just sit and rot?

    No! I need to train in daily routine, fight stronger and stronger enemies.Training always was and will always be my best weapon.This is the only way.This is MY way to get things right.And i am going to make it.Disobeying orders?I don't think so...I just do what i feel right.

    Absolute decisions are never going to be enough to change my way of thinking..._