Whispers at the Fire

  • Hearing rumors of this tree-monster and its weakness to copper blades, Dwin reminds locals that copper weapons can be purchased at good, fair prices from any union members. In fact, he's got a few pieces on him for sale right now…

  • ICC


    Strange rumor about intelligent, yet always hungry creature is heard stalking in the pass. Creature prefers to take form of great oak and station itself near the road. When unexpecting traveller goes by, tree either charms its vitchims or just devours people whole into its great gabing maw! Only blades made of copper have any effect for this cunning creature.

    Half-Orc Grak tells same kind of tale during his brief stay at Norwick bonfire

    "Aye, dis beast bes more craftier dan pickpocketing-shorty! Grak wuz walking toward dat large-town und in nearby of dem chasm Grak's hawklike eyes immediately saw dat there wuz a new great-oak mysteriously appeared ta stand along da narrow path.

    Smelling dat sumthing wuz afoot Grak decided ta keep watch frem distance. Soon three huuuumie travellers came past Grak, un lanky male, quite fat-female und obviously their snotling which wuz ugly ta look at. But anyways this cunning creature waited until dem travellers were right next ta it and it lashed out. First fer dat huuuumie, who fell instantly. Female started ta shriek like being flayed, luckily fer Graks ears dat creature lashed out second time shutting dat cow fer good. Dat snotling den wuz just looking dere, foolishly doing nuting. Well, ere comes da best part: Dat beast moved its branches like weaving sumthing und this snotling wuz actually mesmerized by dat! Ha, whut a weak-minded fool. But aye, den dat mesmerized snotling seemed ta actually walk willingly right inta waiting branch of dat creature! Dat crafty creature den lazily -as if enjoying- proceeded ta grab und devour dat snotling. Only in da very last moments when gaping maw closed upon snotling, it emitted a short but high-pitched shriek as well. After devouring dat snotling, creature quickly repeated same with da already dead lanky huuuumie und dat fat-female".

    "Now comes da mystery part; after satisfied wit dem snack, dis great-oak creature _uprooted itself and walked right into deep forest! _Like it wasnt ever been aroond da chasm!"

    "Now let dis bes lesson for ya rumormongers aroond dem fire, if in doubt, throw a fire-keg or hack with yar axe at any suspicious oak ya see. Dat may save yar life"__

  • Seen often now in town, as well as the along paths to the eastern woods, Adriell and her Dire companion, Eries, seem to be patrolling the area, constantly moving about, searching for something. Above her position, a hawk can commonly be seen.

    When approached, she speaks of little other than "being prepared for what is to befall".

  • A very serious Lyte can be seen often pacing near the southern gate of Norwick these days, often looking off south, seemingly in anticipation of something important. She looks the part of an experianced warrior on the cusp of battle. Although all is quiet and no snow or portents of doom seem obviously at hand, she seems quite concerned about something.

  • A group of young men entered Norwick and posted some flyers about town.

    The flyer reads,

    "Brigands, Bandits, Cutthroats and Thieves! Are you tired of the same old jobs, are you tired of being treated as if you are below the common man. If this is you, and your looking for something more then look no further. Marshal, Guardian of the Keep of the Fallen, invites you to arrange a meeting with him at your earliest convenience. No decent applicant will be denied. If you are skilled in stealth, thuggery or even simple information gathering, we have need of your skills. All jobs offer decent pay, as well as bonus incentives to those with truly ambitious skills. Applicants can apply in person with Lord Marshal, bonus points for those that can find him on their own."

    These flyers are passed out all across Oscura and beyond, flyers appearing posted in Peltarch, Norwick and even in the various communities and neighboring countries. Some are even just nailed to trees on major travel routes.

  • From the shadows near the ridge an old man watches the elf come and go. something seems to kindle in his eyes for a moment then he goes back to staring out over the town, his soft mutters but a backdrop to the nights sounds

  • @3691c8533a=Herrold:

    Seeing Lucid, he nods his head and does some sort of bardic hello gesture with his just freed hand. It turns into a bow, and as he does so the painting Dwin throws sails over his lowered head.

    Allo! Well look who it be! Ne'er thought me would see yeh white face again!

    With flailing arms and dancing feet, Lucid manuvers over the office debris to catch the painting. Panting far to hard for such a minor effort, the elf takes a moment to look over the work in his outstretched arms … a broad grin on his face...until the smell from the plant reaches him. Covering his nose and mouth with the back of a hand, he says his farewells for now...

    ..happy to dispose of this for you…a pleasure as always...the both of you...

    Coughing and weazing, the pasty elf makes a hasty retreat from the hall, cradling the painting protectively as he goes.

  • Rumors spread amongst the bonfire in Norwick of goblins being found in the woods in "piles" of scorched, barely discernible corpses. There seems to be no reasoning other than they are goblins, although a few of them that aren't burnt seem to have maybe been mauled by an animal of some sort.

  • Early one day, Chancellor Dwin and King Aelthas of the Pink Kingdom were seen entering Norwick, on the Kings mighty steed were two bodies, both Norwick Redcloaks who were quickly taken to the Friars. Perhaps Norwick and the Pink Kingdom have signed a peace treaty? What exactly happened to the Guards is unknown as of yet.

  • _From behind a tall pile of rubbish in the office, the sound of a water fountain is heard. After a few moments, it stops and the sound of jingling armor is heard.

    Foilir makes his way around the stacks of rubbish to throw away and nods to Dwin._

    Yeh will want to throw away that plant in a few days..

    Seeing Lucid, he nods his head and does some sort of bardic hello gesture with his just freed hand. It turns into a bow, and as he does so the painting Dwin throws sails over his lowered head.

    Allo! Well look who it be! Ne'er thought me would see yeh white face again!

  • Dwin looks at the elf, then at the painting, and gets a smirky-smile on his face

    What? You want to toss this in the garbage for me? Here, catch!

    Dwin raises the painting high over his head and begins to toss it to Lucid…

  • Lucid nearly jumps at the "Fark!" from dwin. It takes the elf a moment to compose himself, where he then makes a formal bow and spews a hasty greeting.

    "Ah! Lord Dolvak! So glad to see you in good health…it has been far too long since last we talked, I do agree..."

    Rising slowly from the bow, the elf suddenly realizes the room is being repurposed. With a hint of a frown, he continues in a more composed tone.

    "…and yes, I had though to pay a short visit. I thought it best to see you straight away, let my presence be known and whathaveyou ... "

    _His eyes wander to the pile of discarded things and he frowns more deeply. With a soft tisk the elf shakes his head lightly, knowing Aelhaern is truly gone.

    His eyes slide to the dwarf._

    " … and of course, I would like to arrange a time for us to talk during my stay. I'm curious to hear from you what news there of what goes on beyond the south gate these days. That, and as always, I am eager to hear of the well-being of the Realm as a whole. And as a ... "

    Suddenly the elf cuts short, now completely distracted by the painting and unable to see it clearly from where he stands. Chewing his lip, he slides further the room, angling for a better view. Then, casually gesturing to the painting with one hand while smoothing his long robes with the other, the elf asks softly.

    "May I?"

  • _Once inside the Great Hall, Lucid finds Dwin going through the old offices of Aelhaern, the long since retired (and missing) Scout Leader.

    A large trashbin sits outside in the hall and is rapidly filling with all manners of elf-debris._

    "Seems to me the lad was runnin' a brothel outta this damn office! It'll make a nice new conference room once we clear this elf-clutter out."

    Dwin peers at Lucid as he enters the room, while hastily ripping an old painting off the wall.

    "That you, Lucid? Fark! I aint seen nor heard from ya in ages! I can see all that sunlight in Oscura is doin' wonders fer yer skin!"

  • The pale elf Lucidious arrives in norwick late one evening on foot, draped in deep purple robes trimmed in silver. Despite the late hour, the greathall redcloaks allow him entry after a brief word…

  • ::Atop the eastern hill overlooking the town silhouetted against the rays of the dawn, Mariston speaks with a dwarf bearing a Peltarchian coat of arms and a man in a bright yellow robe. Several days later the yellow robed man watches as a group of dwarves arrive with carts of cut stone and begin to build…. it would seem something is a foot::

  • Half-orc stranger have been spending lots of coins to the ale in the Grapevine for last few days. He can also often be heard cursing some leathery winged creature that should have brought him some map, but for some reason never appeared.

  • ICC

    Strange rumor about intelligent, yet always hungry creature is heard stalking in the pass. Creature prefers to take form of great oak and station itself near the road. When unexpecting traveller goes by, tree either charms its vitchims or just devours people whole into its great gabing maw! Only blades made of copper have any effect for this cunning creature.

  • Rumor has it that during the recent attack, an enormous monstrosity attacked the south gates. Surprisingly, there were not many casualties, save the dwarves holding the frontline against this terrifying fiend. Namely, the Redcloak militia dwarf known as Stubs fought valiantly against the beast, holding it off long enough for the arrows of the many archers to bring the beast down, only succumbing to its crushing blows as the beast fell down on top of him. After being revived, he seemed to be very angry about something, storming off to the north after issuing orders for the redcloaks to begin repairing the southern gate.

  • It seems there was some hinnish commotion at Fight Night this month… with words and accusations thrown around, emotions running high, and heartbreak for three different hin.

    One of them, a red haired lass, was last seen heading into the wilderness, a determined and sad look on her face.

  • A group of adventurers gathered at Spellweaver Keep, including local celebrities Z and Aramuil, suddenly, they burst from the gates on brilliant white steeds; the steeds so fast that they and their riders seemed to be a blur. They sped off to the north at blinding speed, giving the locals plenty to chat about for days, a few days later they both seemed to be back though nobody saw them come back.