Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Recently, an Oscuran noble of the Sakhmet family has been seen in the Peltarch commons asking about picking the flowers and also trying to get help to retrieve the bodies of fallen Peltarch citizens from the orc lands who he was traveling with. Not typical behavior for the evil slavers of Oscura.

  • Several young men around Peltarch are seen putting up flyers around the town.

    The flyer reads,

    "Brigands, Bandits, Cutthroats and Thieves! Are you tired of the same old jobs, are you tired of being treated as if you are below the common man. If this is you, and your looking for something more then look no further. Marshal, Guardian of the Keep of the Fallen, invites you to arrange a meeting with him at your earliest convenience. No decent applicant will be denied. If you are skilled in stealth, thuggery or even simple information gathering, we have need of your skills. All jobs offer decent pay, as well as bonus incentives to those with truly ambitious skills. Applicants can apply in person with Lord Marshal, bonus points for those that can find him on their own."

    These flyers are passed out all across Oscura and beyond, flyers appearing posted in Peltarch, Norwick and even in the various communities and neighboring countries. Some are even just nailed to trees on major travel routes.

  • Legion

    Benji drags himself to the Mermaid for a quiet night of drinking. He sports a new scar on his shoulder that looks like it could have felled anyone.

  • ICC


    An altercation took place between Senator Redralen and a few dock sailors within the commons recently. It seems the sailors were quite upset about something, most rumors indicating it was a recent storm that sunk a ship of theirs. The blame placed on the senator due to his banning of an Umberlant priestess…

    Grak stops at Bait and tackle -inn for few ales
    "aye ye salty dogs, dem rulers done it again eh? Not only dem bes doing foolish decision, dis pesky senator has finally lost last o dem marbles. Ye heard his deranged feat of becoming some odd pink king's henchman? Surely dem bes deranged und unable ta werk as senator nay more. Should Grak have say, dem fancy und lanky senator bes lost all trust frem dem voting folks und shoulds step downs"

  • _An altercation took place between Senator Redralen and a few dock sailors within the commons recently. It seems the sailors were quite upset about something, most rumors indicating it was a recent storm that sunk a ship of theirs. The blame placed on the senator due to his banning of an Umberlant priestess.

    Defender Aelthas helped to calm the situation. Other city officials such as magistrate Shannon and Senator Hardin were present as the incident wore on. It seemed as if a fight would break out, as emotions with the sailors ran high. Luckily, there was nothing more than harsh talk before eventually the sailors left in a huff._

  • Marie seems to be quite busy in Peltarch of late, attending to her many duties there for the Sisterhood, the Order of Watchful Repose, the Defenders, and, of course, spending time with her husband in their apartment.

    // Taking an IC break until January 2010, feeling burnt out. PM me if you need me for anything.

  • Word quickly spreads outward from the civic district that Senator Petrarch became the proud and happy father of Brianna and Tristan. Though only one child was expected, it seems Chauntea has decided the world needs more Petrarchs.

  • It seems the orcs were up to no good again, with reports of a group of right sized folks departing for the caves on the say so of a god. They returned covered in blood (most of it orc), and a huge cache of oversized orcish weapons.

  • Rumours say that a person with the symbol of the crescent moon on his amulet is been searched by an elf.Local citizens noticed that he spends lot of his time in the commons.They also said he is looking somehow suspisiously any new adventurer he sees…

  • A blonde-haired, fair skinned Defender Archangel, have been seen entering the sewer access in the docks district regularly, after nightfall. The hum of prayers can be heard faintly and a warm yellow glow can be discerned from below sewer grilles if one concentrates hard.

  • _Word moves around the taverns that some orcs decided to take prisoners from the city, and nabbed six unfortunate souls. The orcs tried to ransom them back for coin, and were beaten up by a little girl and her friends for their trouble.

    All six civilians were recovered, and the orcs got nothing but death._

  • _A group of loud rowdy dwarves arrived at Peltarch. They all where apparently of the same clan and new to the region. After taking a quick drink at the inn they set off to explore the countryside spoiling for a fight.

    They all died horribly._

  • A tall elf is heard to be looking for a human and spends lot of his time in the orc's western area. Reason and person,unknown.

  • @c3ec8d44e8=Revenant13:

    On a possibly unrelated note, a large group of Defenders and some adventurers were seen headed down into the sewers in the docks district. Depending on who one talks to, it seems they were going to clear the sewers of vermin for an upcoming VIP event, recover something that a senator lost down the latrine, or hunting down smugglers.

    _Upon hearing the comments regarding the retrieval of something a Senator lost down the latrine, Aranwe's eyebrows raise a bit and a smile crosses his face.

    He jokingly replies, "I'd like to meet this Senator that lost something most precious to the depths of the city. For all we found down there where undead and worse. Perhaps one of our very own Senators could be the source of the madness that has taken over beneath our feet?! Perhaps this Senator unknowingly spawns new beasts every night he visits the latrine?!…::he then smirks and looks over the gossiper with disdain::...fool!...keep your wild imaginations to yourself...

    ::he gives a sniff of annoyance and walks off toward the Defender's barracks::_

  • _Word has it that a demon appeared in the commerce district, but was fortunately discovered early by a Defender Archangel and slain with the help of other adventurers and Defenders. Cerulean knights were later seen cordoning off a certain house as part of investigations.

    On a possibly unrelated note, a large group of Defenders and some adventurers were seen headed down into the sewers in the docks district. Depending on who one talks to, it seems they were going to clear the sewers of vermin for an upcoming VIP event, recover something that a senator lost down the latrine, or hunting down smugglers._

  • Something in the swamp stinks, and worse than usual swampiness, a berry picking chef reported, and so a drunk monk went to look. Four other adventurers left the city to investigate also, and some time later the monk returned alone stinking of thousand year dead fish. Fortunately for all she left again and the five returned smelling fresh as daisies but looking suspiciously at any gnome or hin they see for a while.

  • Rumour spreads of something dark stirring beneath the city… in any case, there has been a lot more traffic into and out of the sewers of late, and no-one's saying anything officially.

  • Butterfly's mood takes a turn for the worse, introspection and moodiness replaced with snapping and insults. There might be speculation as to why but barely anyone has noticed the difference.

  • _It would seem that Sabre is back in town after her curious absence during and after the mermaid incident (which she of course vehemently denies any connection to). Though the Black Sails captain is most frequently spotted catching the ferry to Oscura or sitting in business meetings at the Ferret, one more unusual occurance might have local tongues wagging:

    After a quiet word with Sabre, Guard Lt Lisa is said to have left her post and headed south in the company of the captain and a fellow Black Sail, alongside adventurers Arthur and Alicia. The party soon returned, carrying the mud-covered corpse of an unidentified man. Rumour has it the Sails not only evaded suspicion, but even aided the long arm of the law in investigating the reportedly gruesome murder, together with a handful of other volunteers. Word has it a house in the wealthier parts of the residential district was searched, guards later carrying several men out, unconscious or dead._

  • Rumours tell that the local instrument maker Renaldo has been robbed. How, and by whom, remains a matter of speculation. Renaldo has been seen blaming almost everyone he encounters.