Retaking the city!

  • _The Commerce district is once again in Defender hands thanks to a large strike force of adventurers who cleaned out and took control of the district from the N'Jastian Sergeant Klepthorn and his band of soldiers turned looters.

    Notable enemies amongst the dead from the attack include Sergeant Klepthorn himself, as well as the N'Jastians mad priest Jowlston and at least sixty of Klepthorn's men.

    After a few more days of cleaning the remaining bands of independent looters out, the Commerce district is fully secure by order of General Lavindo and slowly people begin to return to their homes and shops, or whats left of them, while the Defenders now turn their eyes to the docks._

  • … and then there were the Docks
    _Offered the almost suicidal seeming task of getting a foothold in the docks by Captains Neverith and Damien, a group of adventurers led by Seth charged into the barricaded docks, going after the N'Jasti there. A sizable part of the Black Sails contributed largely to the decisive fighting for what they claim to be their home. It took a couple of swift and lethal skirmishes against overwhelming odds for the group of just about a dozen to drive the remaining forces with their back to the water.

    Attentus' spells are mentioned as the deciding factor when the odds were particularly bad. Noravill Tailtreader was captured early in the fighting, and the vile man known only as the Butcher was slain as well. Eventually the fighting came to a pause at the former harbormaster's office.

    It was then that Lieutenant Sierra of the Far Scouts began negotiations with Nornan the Knight. The negotiations were continued and finalizd by a surrender of Kevroar to General Lavindo, the only force not leaving were the undead and the necromancer Janlyssa the Black._

    Down into the Sewers
    _The same group with just a few new arrivals and some others taking off, grabbed some refreshment and then pushed on, sending undead who lingered on the docks into the water and forcing entry into the sewers. They trekked around in the dirt and waste for practically days.

    When they finally emerged they looked beyond tiredness, but their spirits were not particularly high. It's said that while everyone fought for their lives against hordes of undead and magical beasts best left in the underdark, it was the mage Ronan who had just joined the group who burnt Janlyssa to ash.

    But before that could happen, a boy and girl were taken back out of the sewers. It's said that carelessnes, or tiredness, or simply a lack of clear communication in the so succesful group before caused the death of their parents, as Pavel stepped onto a trap laid by the necromancer, eletrocuting them._

    The Aftermath
    _Despite their being a lot of loot for the heroes of the day, the spirits didn't seem particularly high, as the Defenders had sent one of their own with the adventurers but she had become lost in the Sewers. Tempers flared over that, the Captains claiming neglicence on the part of the adventurers, and those in turn just staring glumly and tiredly back, having strained themselves beyond human, or even dwarven endurance.

    In the end, it was just three deaths that had to pay for the retaking of the Docks, Defender Private Owens, Erok from the Iron Chain Clan, and the human Ilmare. Of course, the number of slain N'Jasti are considerably higher, going as high as one hundred.

    People now wait for the proper celebration which is supposed to happen sometime soon._