• A poster is put up near the Peltarch Commons


    Wedding announcement

    Marie Scuttlestone and Raul of the Farscouts wish to announce their impending wedding, and issue a public invitation to all friends and associates of the happy couple.

    Date: The Thirtieth of Mirtul, the night of the Full Moon, 1512 (11:59pm Sunday the 15th of November at GMT +0)
    Location: The Peltarch City Garden, then afterwards at the Amethyst Fest Hall for a reception and celebration.
    RSVP: To Raul or Marie by the First of Mirtul

  • As the final preparations are underway, Marie and Adelie seem to have disappeared into Marie's apartment, sorting out make up and hair

    // only 9 hours to go!

  • Vick grins and nods Would not miss this for the world.

  • Legion


    Hope to see everyone there… oh, and as a warning... everyone who turns up is getting wedding clothes 🙂

    Is suddenly thankful he's jailed

  • Confirmed Clandra will be there too… so it's on for Sunday Night at 11:59pm, GMT +0

    Hope to see everyone there... oh, and as a warning... everyone who turns up is getting wedding clothes 🙂

  • Legion

    can make it.

  • // Well, if it was on Sunday night at Midnight GMT, can people make it?

    The wedding kinda doesn't work without a groom…

    Spoke with Raul, he and Aghila can make Midnight GMT on Sunday. So... everyone else?

  • Would like to be there but 3:00PM Pacific on a work day is no good for me

  • //Unfortunately, I just found out I got scheduled to work monday night, so sadly that option is out. Senria would definitely attend, and so would Stubs.

  • //Monday?…er... No, can't make it..it's like..midnight for me and my brother, and we have class next day.. Couldn't it be on sunday? at first it was saturday...

  • ((I may or may not make it, either way Belma'r attends wheather my schedual works out or not. T'would take Penguanis, Joe, and the hungery one all at once to even stand a chance of stopping him from missing the wedding.))

  • ((I can make it, for the new time that is.))

  • // Date of the event adjusted as Clandra couldn't make it. Can all involved parties please confirm that the new time is fine for them?

    Just to clarify…

    11:59pm Sunday at GMT+0
    11am Monday for Sydney, Australia
    7pm Sunday for New York, USA
    4pm Sunday for Los Angeles, USA

    People who I need to get responses from…
    St. Albion

    EDIT: Godsdamnitall... now the groom can't make it on Monday, so let's try Sunday Midnight.