
  • From positions on the Watchtower's hill, the N'Jast army sets up catapult positions and begins to lob boulders into the city at irregular intervals, paying special attention to the Commerce District.

    Several deaths have resulted as well as a fair bit of property damage.

    Each time, the barrage is brought to an end by Defender mages and catapults locating the source of the fire and delivering a withering response.

    Less frequent but more terrifying and destructive are salvos of some sort of fast-moving, whistling, explosive fire shot, which land in droves on a small area and set it alight after exploding. The items, clearly gondwork of some sort, are widely seen as evidence that Dentin Strauss has been busy.

  • A particularily withering response was delivered not long ago, as the enemy bombardment ended abruptly in a very loud and very bright explosion, causing a well needed cheer from the ragged Peltarch defenders. A small party of Black Sails descended the stairs from the walls a short time afterwards, grinning like mad and hauling a large device off to the Defender HQ.