Martial Law Declared

  • In a public announcement at the steps of City Hall, Rath Ashald representing the Senate officially declared Martial Law and handed over control of the City's affairs to General Lavindo. The General gave a brief, but bold speech bolstering resolve against the N'Jast, and praising the sacrifice of Jiyyd in aiding the City immeasurably.

    After the announcement, General Ash ordered the release of the Order of the Divine Shield members and the suspension of the investigation into their order. General Lavindo also increased the bounty on the Traitor Dumonte's head by 5000 gold.

  • On the rare times that Myeil is seen in the city, though more commonly of late, she can be heard commenting that martial law has brought a refreshing return to order in Peltarch

  • Senator Thel fresh from the prisons is seen walking the streets once more, speaking with the folk of the city, finding time to aid to healers to the now re-opened temple of Tyr.

  • Following the announcement, Senator Brynmor is seen entering the city from the south and going directly to the temple of Tyr. He does not emerge for some time, but messengers are seen coming and going from the temple at a frantic pace.