A call is put out.......

  • Interested in enjoying the company of others? Going on adventures? Discussing philosophy? Deulling? Solving mysteries? Then come to this all purpose meeting!

    //This shall be a mostly ooc posting to clarify the intent and purpose of what this is.

    In combination with the current surge, I will be organizing a PC run event night for Oscuran PCs. Namely, members of the Grey Blades, Peacekeepers, Nobility, (any other guild as well), and any other blooded of Oscura that wish to attend.

    The purpose of this event is multi-fold: 1. It helps to create both IC and OOC reasoning for players of all levels to come and enjoy one another in a very unique and under-appreciated city. 2. It provides activities for members of prominent groups to join together to take up bigger quests, fun RP, opportunities to enforce their jurisdiction/work together as a team, as well as have a general good time. 3. It keeps Oscura active!

    Currently, I want to tentatively set this weekly event for 9 pm EST (GMT -5 I believe). I hope to see you all there

  • //Oscura night is still on! Next week, starting around 9 pm EST. Join us for more shenanigans from the darkside!

    Also, this is a note to all oscuran and other folks involved with the "Grey Blades" please read my post under the Guild Discussion forum:


  • ICC

    Props to you guys who showed up! Same time next week. Think up some new places.

  • ICC

    9PM EST is still up for me. I will be on around that time and I encourage people to give me a little company. Or I will be lonely. And sad.

  • //Concerning tonights meeting: I have rehearsal until 10 pm EST. I may or may not be around after that depending on how much I get done this afternoon, as I have two midterms tomorrow. People should still meet up if they wish and organize something. As I said, this is a PC run (unless a DM feels like stepping in for a little lovin) night where we do things together as a whole. Hope to see you all there!

  • excellent idea. but 3am (GMT +1) mid-week is abit too aggressive for me. ๐Ÿ˜ž

  • //Same as lanakai, I'll probably be there 7:30-8:00 PST

  • //Sounds good! tho im gona have to miss this wednesday, off away climbing till sat on weds. tho if its weekly count me in! :twisted:

  • I'm in, I probably won't make it until 7:30-8:00 PST though.

  • ICC

    ((I'm game))

  • //Perfect for me! I have no classes past 5pm on Wednesdays and only one afternoon class on Thursdays. That makes Wednesday night perfect for staying up late and Narfing. :twisted:

  • // That SHOULD make it around 1pm on Thursday for meโ€ฆ gee I love timezone conversion.

    If it's on when I'm around, I'll be there. Bub comes first ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • //Once I am finished with the current opera I am in, I should be able to start things earlier if all the GMT people have a hard time making it. Or later if they want to wake up early! ๐Ÿ˜›

  • ICC

    Ratsโ€ฆ GMT+2 here so 2am in he middle of the week... oh well have to pass...

  • //WHOOPS!


  • ((Every day obviously ๐Ÿ˜‰ ))

  • //you forgot to say which day?