All along the watchtower...

  • With the fall of the Ridge, the army of N'Jast has reached the very edge of Peltarch-held land. The pass is cut, with only food shipments to Norwick allowed through.

    The Peltarch Defenders muster for their initial stand at the Watchtower… few have any illusions that they can stop the invaders there.

    Fear and anxiety spread through the city like a cancer, fanned by the wave of assassinations and the absence of clergy.

    An air of doom stalks the streets, a black wind that speaks of loss, desolation, ruin, and the end of this once-proud city...

    ...or maybe that's just Mercy on her way home after a bottle or two.

  • Unmarked caravans still seem to push south with food products, although not as frequently now. Maybe the food shortage is hitting harder in the city and not much is left to sell, or maybe the merchants are just cautious about a huge army to get through and are holding some back.