Whispers at the Fire

  • Stubs takes a group of Redcloaks to the east near the farmlands, guarding the walls. The estranged dwarf also brings out several shovels and long thick branches. Close to the wall, a shallow trench is dug, taking the branches and shaping them down into veritable spears, putting them down into the trench before covering the top portion with sod, leaves, twigs, etc. making for an effective pit trap. He then sets about vigilantly patrolling the eastern wall with Timmot, Davos, and a few others throughout the next few weeks.

  • Rumors spread of an odd sight. Apparently in the middle of the night one evening a halfer in blue armor led by an elf in green was seen dragging a massive log from the north gate to Spellweaver Keep.

  • ICC


    • A group of adeventurers of Wog, Linn, Aelthas, Raul, Raman, Elena, Theaon return to Norwick after heaidng to the crypts, they come back carrying five dead bodies, including that of a child…...*

    Grak is having a drink at the campfire and he snides
    "Looks whut dem cat brought in, eh? Grak always thought dat graverobbers woulds only bes interested frem stealing only valuables frem da corpses, but this group exceeded Graks imagination as dem decideds ta haul da bodies demselves frem da crypts! Har har har har!"

  • ICC

    Shortly after the group returns, a heated argument between the Redcloak Scout Brendel, and the Kelemvor knight with them erupts.

    Ending with both going their separate ways.

    • A group of adeventurers of Wog, Linn, Aelthas, Raul, Raman, Elena, Theaon return to Norwick after heaidng to the crypts, they come back carrying five dead bodies, including that of a child…...*

  • hearing of craftmaster Z's appearance in town, Stubs seeks him out to ask him some questions about fashioning an 'axe' of sorts

  • A large group of people were seen wandering through to woods the other night, all seeming to culminate their journey at the druid glenn. They came in twos and threes and sometimes on their own, but all eventually entered the druid sanctuary. Later, anyone who entered looking for them would find no one there but the guardians and the fey.

  • _Two persons who seem to be stuck in the middle of everyday weather discussions of common folk, Aurilian priestess Meye and Chancellor, were seen heading into rawlins woods together.

    After only an hour had passed since the two left, they returned. Both seemingly in good mood._

  • In stark defiance to the foul weather that has plagued Norwick of late, the Chauntean priest and farmer known simply as "Z" is seen plowing his long fallowed fields and planting crops.

    Need ta lead by example… He whispers, quietly, to himself.

    ///RL has kept me very busy and I've been MIA from Narfell for quite a while. My playing time will continue to be inconsistent, but ICly Z will do everything he can to help with the current "foul weather" plot.


  • Rumor spreads that two peltarch defenders anihilated a group of goblins which were in posesion of lot of food resourcers and who were possibly trying to poison the towns water. Seemengly, one of them, a small hin, gave all that food to the vendor charging him nothing for it

  • Buurbag sits in a dark corner alone with her drink. Upon hearing the comotion she slips, unseen, towards the door and listens. Once the brewing storm calms, she walks back to her table tirumphantly. As she takes her place at the table she growls low in orcish, "Fat, stupid, Grak is making trouble for the clan. Perhaps his time runs out." She then finishes her drink and heads upstairs where she gets a good night's sleep on a nice comfortable bed.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur narrows his eyes looking Grigdish, the Inn´s bouncer

    O> Yee dissapoint me… yuh shuuld take part of us broders side....

    looks at Marie Koncider yer self kucky am nae goin´t ask fer da komplaints book... points finger at Marie

    He then turns his back and adresses his clan brothers

    O> Komm boys, ´ets uz quench us thirst elswhere!! Der be mawr beter brothels in tiss lands than this cheap wuhn!!
    ´Ets goo!!! motions to the river boat area and the Iron Chain Clan half-orcs start walking that way

  • Grigdish, the female half-orc bouncer bars their entrance until Marie comes downstairs, a frustrated look on her face.

    You can bellow all you like, this is private property and we can bar whoever we choose from our inn. Grak brought danger here, danger in the form of assault and magical coersion, and because of his actions, your entire group is barred. If you have issue with that, take it up with him and his lack of self control.

    If you want to persist, the redcloaks will be sent for. Your coin is NOT welcome here.

  • ICC


    _Any member of the Iron Chain Clan who tries to enter the Grapevine is politely but firmly advised that they are not welcome on the premises.

    If asked when this rule was passed, they are advised that after one of their members, Grak, tried to assault an innocent in the common room, that the Guardian of the Sisterhood issued the order._

    Arak´Hur, Leader of the Iron Chain Clan shows an indignant expression on his face, a strong displeasure at something considered by him unjust, offensive, and insulting

    THIS BE AN OUTRAGE!!!! Arak´Hur Bellows

    How dair yee to bar us deh entruhns to deh inn ? Arak´Hur Fronts
    Me an m´boys we wish to quench our mighty thirsty ahfter a lawng an hardous puhtrul!!
    Move aside, we bes very thirsty and we got coin to pay fer us ale!!!

  • _Any member of the Iron Chain Clan who tries to enter the Grapevine is politely but firmly advised that they are not welcome on the premises.

    If asked when this rule was passed, they are advised that after one of their members, Grak, tried to assault an innocent in the common room, that the Guardian of the Sisterhood issued the order._

  • ICC


    After the Patrol was over, the group of Half-Orcs have been seen entering Norwick once again after a sucessfull patrol, however one of the half orcs of his name Borag, was badly wounded and his back was showing evidence that he had been punished for he shown marks of whip lashes all over his back… Ahead of him the leader of the Iron Chain Clan, Arak´Hur was holding a whip that was still dripping blood.....

    Some time later Borag is seen at the inn drinking himself stupid by the fire. Loud cursing is heard in orchish every once in a while. Graks name can be heard in the curses a few times. Finally Borag passes out on the couch.

  • ICC

    *Once more some of the Iron Chain Clan half-orcs, Arak´Hur, Grakk, Vugar, Borag and Goll, have been seen leaving Norwick to perform yet again another Patrol, this time the group of vicious half-orcs were followed closely by one of Norwicks Elf Scouts of his name Yngdir. The presence of the sneaky and nousy elf was tolerated by the ICC as he wasnt seen by the half-orcs group as a threat.

    Anything that stood in front of the Iron Chain Clan, was eliminated… Goblins, undead, shadows, rats.... nothing was left standing.
    Soon enough, the group of half-orcs arrived at the small cave next to Norwick´s lake. Watched closely by Yngdir, the group of half orc made their way in, and like they have done for the past few weeks, the cave was cleared by the halfers and as usualy nothing was left alive inside that small cave, every living creature met its end at the hands of the vicious and agressive group of blood thirsty half-orcs simply known has The Iron Chain Clan.

    After the Patrol was over, the group of Half-Orcs have been seen entering Norwick once again after a sucessfull patrol, however one of the half orcs of his name Borag, was badly wounded and his back was showing evidence that he had been punished for he shown marks of whip lashes all over his back... Ahead of him the leader of the Iron Chain Clan, Arak´Hur was holding a whip that was still dripping blood.....*


    A thich tall man can often be seen at the side of the white robed figure. A Loud thick figure, often muttering about cowardly orcs.

    The muttering man was ignored simply due to the insignificance of his human race, at the eyes of the Iron Chain Clan…. Besides, in the half-Orcs tradition, coward is he who doesnt have the heart and guts to speak his mind loud and clear for all to ear // :twisted:

  • @c737c96a76=Orlak:


    *The Iron Chain Clan half-orcs are seen, as they have been for the past few months, heading out on patrol. At their passage, nothing is left unarmed. Goblins, beetles and the fearfull undeads, all them fall before the savage half-orcs.

    Onc they arrive at the south lake, once more as they have been seen, they make they´re way to that little cave. They enter the cave and slay whatever living creatures roam inside… Goblins, Rats, bats, and a big bear that uses the cave to hibernate.

    A blue and white robed figure has been seen travelling to the cave right after the half-orcs of the Iron Chain Clan have returned from their patrols there. People that have visited the cave after that can see frost on the cave walls and the air unnaturally cold for some time.

    A thich tall man can often be seen at the side of the white robed figure. A Loud thick figure, often muttering about cowardly orcs.

  • ICC


    *The Iron Chain Clan half-orcs are seen, as they have been for the past few months, heading out on patrol. At their passage, nothing is left unarmed. Goblins, beetles and the fearfull undeads, all them fall before the savage half-orcs.

    Onc they arrive at the south lake, once more as they have been seen, they make they´re way to that little cave. They enter the cave and slay whatever living creatures roam inside… Goblins, Rats, bats, and a big bear that uses the cave to hibernate.

    A blue and white robed figure has been seen travelling to the cave right after the half-orcs of the Iron Chain Clan have returned from their patrols there. People that have visited the cave after that can see frost on the cave walls and the air unnaturally cold for some time.

  • Meye Spark is very often seen to be spending time in Norwick, making herself available to those who wish to contact her.