
  • Almost overnight, the streets are filled with soldiers.

    Rumors are running rampant… some say that there is a campaign planned against the kobolds... some say the Gypsies are really Eastlanders and need wiping out... some say N'Jast is marching an army.... some say a pirate fleet is coming to sack the city...

    Whatever it is, troops are everywhere and the city looks to be frantically preparing for war on short notice.

  • _::Quin walks out of the Mermaid one morning, his hair tossed about and his suspenders dangling from the side of his drawers (which seems to be staying up for the moment)::

    ::he shouts to the nearest Defender::

    Ey! What's goin' on? Did a rich Merchant's fleet o' virgin daughters jus' get inta port? Why r' th' Defenders roused?

    :blinks and looks about::

    …Damn...better find out where my Pa is...

    Defender, y' know Defender Ezra Reyer and where he might be found? His son s' lookin' fer im'._