::A Poster appears::

  • ICC

    Tugor goldbattler notices the new message.

    Now that sounds a bit more close to reasonable, allthought it still seems less than fair. Still in these times its better than nothing…

    // damn, cant attend. Other things 😛

  • ::Another Poster Appears on the notice boards::

    With the newly established FH, the FTC is seeking skilled miners and adventurers to aid in clearing tunnels found beneath the FH.
    That’s right you can get a 30% share of resources mined!
    You can earn Gold! Gold! Gold!
    Looking for adventure then this is another chance!

    The FTC may also in the near future require the skills of those close to nature! Yes aid the balance and the recovery of a natural resource!

    //I might try this for Sat 3rd Oct, say GMT +1 @ 13:00 hrs-ish….again greatly depends on what happens through the week//

  • ICC

    ::Written in elegant Common::


  • //There will be an attempt to orginise something for probably this Sat afternoon GMT +1 time. Thats Sat 26th.

  • Kosef Bersk

  • Raul, shrugs a bit, but after he sees adelie writting her name, walks towards the poster, reads it, and after a couple seconds consideration writes his name as well

  • Two more names appear on the list beside each other, Aelthas and Lycka.

  • Another name is added to the list in small, neat handwriting

    Marie Scuttlestone

  • After some consideration, Adelie signs her name on the list:

    Adelie de'Lanieth

  • _A neatly signed name is written on the list

    Earl Any Wogshurgh_

  • A positively beaming Lycka chimes in after the elf:

    "Ten perchent ore or wood, but more importantly, 100 percent EPIC adventure!"

  • A star is drawn on the list followed by the word Star in elven, romany and common.

  • Adelie walks by:

    Hm. Maybe they have iron.. I would be interested for sure.

    ((any idea when this is?))

  • ::A elven figure leaning by the poster watching the comings and goings, grins at the words and after Devlin has plodded off and well out of ear shot, speaks to some who are reading the poster::

    Well you know….ten percent of something is better than one hundred percent of nothing, which that grouchy fellow has opted for.

    ::Grins winningly and leans against the wall once again::

  • Devlin catches a glance of the poster, and bellows over, laughing.

    "Ten Percent?! HA. That guy can rightly piss up a damn rope."

    He plods away still laughing.