Hand of Auril in commons

  • _Every now and then woman with long frosty white hair, dressed into white robes with faint blue stripes, can be seen sitting in commons. She wears a necklace with a symbol of snowflake in it.

    She keeps asking people if they have noticed that nights are long and cold for this time of year. Asking if they've heard the blood in their veins turning colder today than it was yesterday. Or if they have felt how the wind seems to be so chilly in nights that it feels like it gets through the door, or even walls.

    She also keeps telling that it shall not be long until they can hear their names in that wind, whispered with cold voice of the Frostmaiden.

    All the time she also keeps reminding people that these truly are lands of Auril, or Saukuruk as She is traditionally called by people of Great Glacier, and She is coming back to punish those who have forgotten Her. She has fixed her gaze to those who have brought other gods to be served into Her doorstep.

    Apparently she gets some audience, at least from bunch of adventurers. Most of them seem to be mocking her words at first, but when she gets deeper with her words, the doubts seem to become in to hearts of many. At least, many of them end up promising their prayers, even sacrificial to the Cold Goddess. The Hand of Auril seems to be pleased of those and tells them it is good first step, but also reminds them that before river shall turn to ice there is more they should do and that they may come to her to find it out.

    There is also one half-orc that seems to be especially cautious towards this pale woman. The halfer seems to keep his distance to the young lady, and baring his teeth to her. In orcish, he tells to other half-blooded that the woman is witch who brings cold. The halfer seems to be so shaken that he even draws his axe for short while in the middle of the commons to ensure the white witch keeps her distance to him._

  • Perriwig P. Doubleday, perennial rapscallion, is reportedly drawing up a petition, calling on the Senate to mandate and require all articles of wooden furniture trapped within the city limits to be "released back into the wild". Mournful sideboards languish beside enslaved chairs, he argues - perpetually consigned to a tragic proximity to the unwipped bottoms of the citizenry. As if this melancholy scene was not sufficient to provoke tears of empathetic grief, Doubleday than recounts the sorry tale of many a table, reduced to a gravy and beer sloshed state, with scant regard for their "natural rights". Scandalous.

  • Kosef the Kelemvorite pipes up at this with a scoff

    "Hells, who took away the tree hugger's morning snack of badger shite? I'm going inside the -wooden- inn to sit on a -wooden- chair and drink a nice ale on a -wooden- table."

    He then follows up on his word and leaves for the inn

  • ICC

    Recently arrived Elf, Davanros can be heard adding his thoughts into this on-going debate

    "I have recently arrived to these parts and I have to admit my eyes have been plagued not only with these stone-abominations you call houses but sight of living lumber being cut down mercilessly to be used for lowly benches or fences. Outrageous. Little you barbarians know that we, Tel-Quessir will re-incarnate to live again in form of noble tree, forest animal or again in elven body.

    I cannot tolerate such actions. Especially that you.. you… young creatures destroy noble nature, like that Norwickian lumbermiller. He should watch his back as forest doesnt look well for such like him, cutting down living lumber for sake of greed!

    You should respect surrounding nature more and stop over-harvesting and strip-mining bountiful forest. Clearly, amount of hungry mouths have exceeded amount what nature can offer without over-harvest. Idea of great cold would do good for all those resource sapping leeches.."

  • _The commons was struck again by fury of the Frostmaiden Herself. It was shown in strong snowing and cold freeze that even was seen to turn some people to the statues of ice.

    Some who were there claimed that it all started from insults hurled by miss Arlinn towards over eager hand of Auril, Meye Spark. Others claimed that Arlinn was foolish and overconfident enough to call Frostmaiden only powerful enough to make her sneeze.

    The situation apparently lead into such that Meye had told Arlinn what her foolish words shall cause and one by one all those had come true a moment later.

    What started with argument between Arlinn and Meye, seemed soon to turn to be clash between balance of nature and ice, as druid Jerrick step up to counter the powers of Auril. Seemingly Jerrick called the power of nature that started to warm the ground and air around him. This was soon replied with praises to Frostmaiden by Her servant Meye, who was now holding her holy symbol high in the air. Soon it seemed that most of the cold and wind was radiating from Meye and the warm and cold were clashing between two of them. The situation seemed to be in deadlock, when one half-orc that was either too self confident or foolish to not move indoors early enough, was turned into statue of ice. Some druidic words were chanted by Jerrick to melt the poor halfer, which seemed also calm the weather at the same time.

    For some time, the heated debate still went on between some of the people, mostly Meye warning people and telling the horrible faith that would happen all those who are foolish enough not to fall down to pray for Frostmaiden. She even seemed to claim that the druidic circle would suffer horribly as the nature itself would starve in hands of Frostmaiden, unless they should be wise enough to pray Her to keep the icy gaze out of them.

    However, with the weather becoming back to usual, the heat of situation seemed to be over, people turning into their own matters. Some seemed to be cursing Meye for bringing the gaze of Frostmaiden to the commons with her, others claimed Arlinn to be fool to anger god by mocking it's powers._

  • And it seems that the interaction between Meye and Hammerhand is did not end with the storm. Rumour spreads of how Hammerhand punched Meye in the face after she tried to freeze his groin. Then again, some say Hammerhand provoked it himself as a response to his efforts to "warm her up". Whatever the case, Meye was spotted hurrying away from the commons.

  • _It seems to have been snowing in commons ever since Auril made Her powers show there.

    Meye seems to take everything out of this situation. Most of the evenings she is seen to lay down on ground for her prayers, letting fresh now to bury her, not getting up until the first rays of the morning light reach her_

  • ((at Hep's request))

    As the Aurilite vanished in the snow, the winds died down. Even though it kept snowing steadily for hours after, it seemed that the storm had gone as sudden as it had come, leaving those in the city to ponder the chilling omens the priestess warned of.

  • ICC

    After Aurils warning grasp releases Raman from his icy prison, Raman takes a moment to gather his thoughts. The events have clearly shocked him. Soon after he is released from the ice, Alicia and Hammerhand escort the frostbitten man to the Maidens warmth. While they sit by the fire, Raman cant but wonder why the Lord of spells did not protect him from Aurils wrath, and why he was spared by her…

  • During the clash of faiths, and afterwards, Hammerhand proclaimed and proclaims that courage is the best counter against any challenge, and that a free, bold spirit never truly dies. Though some may smirk at the naivety of his words, nobody can deny that the man stood tall in possibly the worst blizzard in years, and lived trough it on faith and utter refusal to retreat alone.

  • _The day had been a rainy one and seemed to turn into such evening as well. It can be told clear and loud that surely nobody was expecting to see such a spectacle there was soon to be witnessed.

    Meye Spark sat in the commons alone, watching bypassing townsfolk and waiting for someone to stop for a while so she could pass on the warning of Frostmaiden.

    Her waiting was rewarded when young man, called Raman, came from the Mermaid. Raman was apparently interested to know more of the kobolds of nearby lands, but very soon the discussion was steered to his origin. After hearing of him being from north as well, Meye turned the discussion into Frostmaiden and Her soon to be happening arrival. With gaze of her cold blue eyes and smooth words she started to weave the doubt in the heart of the man. Doubt if he really had already seen marks of the Icedawn coming with Her power and punishment.

    This discussion was slightly interrupted by arrival of Temposan. This temposan, named as Hammerhand, joined to discussion. He didn't seem to take seriously the words and warnings of the pale woman. The main difference in their opinions seemed to be that Meye considered lands of Narfell as rightful lands of the Cold Goddess, being right in their doorstep. Hammerhand instead stated these harsh lands to become one who has power to take those. He might should have picked his words more wise, as the Meye was more than willing to prove of the Icedawn to have power to take the land. She tarted to weave the words to tell what shall happen when the Frostmaiden comes, and claims the lands. How they shall hear their names called in cold night whisper, and how those who shall not kneel down to beg her mercy in time being shall kneel down when they find their loved once frozen alive.

    When she extended her discussion to how Her opponents will freeze inside out, their own sweat turning into spikes of eyes that both their meat and their soul, even the Temposan seemed to start feeling bit nervous. The young man, Raman, seeing even more nervous.

    What seemed surprising after all that intimidation and threats, was that Meye gave kind look at Temposan, telling that she is not here to harm anyone, but wish to warn people what is to come. So that people may find their old ways, serve and beg mercy from She who comes.

    Apparently Hammerhand had a moment of compassion as well, as she walked to the woman and took her hands into his owns. He then asked from Meye why she is so much into telling those warnings.

    Her answer was simple, short and sharp._

    I am a Hand of Auril

    _As the words echoed in the commons, a miracle of cold winter seemed to happen. Like struck by magic, the weather seamed to turn colder. First visual sign of this was that the light rain that had been gently washing the commons turned suddenly into cold snowflakes.

    When the first snowflakes fell down to touch Meye, those close to her could hear her soft words, in like a breath out as whisper_

    These are sad times..

    Then she stood up and turned to both Hammerhand and Raman

    She is here. Frostmaiden has come to thee!

    _And the weather turned colder every second. Cold and sharp wind started to whip them, striking each of them down every now and then.
    Meye raised her voice to shout praises to Frostmaiden, after which she turned into Hammerhand and Raman. She demanded them to beg mercy from the Cold Goddess. She did not personally threat them but old that it is in hands of those two to decide if they want to beg mercy and save themselves and the citizens of this fine town. Frostmaiden was angered and would need to be paid homage.

    Raman seemed to be in bit of doubt what to do but Hammerhand stood strict, refusing to kneel in front of everyone, claiming his god to protect him. The rain had turned into a snowstorm and massive icy snowflakes seemed to rain from the sky and struck into bodies of both Hammerhand and Raman.

    Meye watched this only for a bit and reminded them that they have to beg Cold Goddeses mercy to turn her gaze out of them and the city, trying to move all the responsibility for survival of innocent into their shoulders. As they continued to refuse, she sighed and took a step aside. Then, in the middle of the snowstorm she undressed all her clothes and lied down onto snow covered ground, raising her hands high and starting to pray and chant the Frostmaiden.

    And as Meye chanted, with words to teach by fear to bow the Cold Goddess, to pray that the fallen would see their ways and convert back to true faith to save theirselves the Hammerhand and Raman continued their struggle agains the harsh weather and Frostmaiden herself. Hammerhand channeled the power of his god, trying to keep them both alive.

    The snow kept falling, storm getting even harsher. Meye kept hershelf naked on the ground, snow almost burying her. Her pale skin seemed to get faint glow such as surface of ice in the light of lampposts. The snow around her seemed to form a cloud that instead of harming her, gave more power into her words.

    One last time she commanded Hammerhand and Raman to kneel for the Cold Goddess; if not for their own sake then for sake of citizens of Peltarch. Hammerhand stood tight however, strictly telling Raman to refuse as well. And as she was waiting for Raman to decide what to do, his movement turned slower and slower and in a glimpse of an eye he turned into statue of ice.

    Meye cursed their foolishness and told Hammerhand to throw away his pitiful pride and save himself and city as otherwise the revenge of the Icedawn would be horrible. But instead of kneeling down, Hammerhand kept his head and started to chant for Tempus to aid. And Tempus seemed to hear the call of His servant. Pillars of fire struck from the skies to fight against the ice that was trying to climb from ground to turn Hammerhand into icy statue as well.

    Meye started to chant for her god as well, and so they two chanted for their own gods. Every now and then the ice almost ate Hammerhand alive only to be melted by heavenly fire.

    The situation seemed to stay in eternal struggle when another person appeared.

    From the Mermaid, Alicia, the servant of Sune came in the middle of the snowstorm. After her initial confusion she could hear Meye calling her to kneel for the Frostmaiden as well to save herself and the city, as Hammerhand apparently was too proud to help himself or others.

    Alicia, however, took out her holy symbol and joined Hammerhand to strike down the powers of the Icedawn. What soon happened was the snow storm struck back to Meye by powers of servants of Sune and Tempus. And in the snow, that she was mostly buried, she seemed to disappear.

    The storm calmed down, and it only kept slightly snowing._

    (( ooc: someone please fill in what happened after Meye disapparead. Or if you send it to me in PM I can add it here ))

    _Half an hour passed and those in certain dark alley of Peltarch could have seen something strange to happen. Naked white haired woman seemed to be carried by cold night wind from somewhere up at sky and gently placed into ground. Then she peacefully pulled on her white robes and moved into commons. Faint sigh could be heard when she noticed that those that had participated what just some time ago happened, had already left to warm theirselves, but also she seemed apparently relieved to not find any statues of ice standing there.

    She kneeled down to the snow and said her prayers to the Frostmaiden.

    For those common folk that had dared to crawl out of their hideouts and homes after the storm had calmed she told_

    Behold! Behold and regret that thy have lost thy old ways! Regret and beg mercy for the Cold Goddess, since thy have seen today that truly she is coming and shall cover the land into ice. Thee have seen how powerful Her mere reflection is and sure thy can think of how powerful She shall be when She arrives here personally! Kneel down and beg Her to turn Her icy gaze out of thee. Declare thy servitude to her and pay thy tithes that thy feel to be sum worth of life of thy and thy loved ones. Sad will the times be and many shall die in ice and snow, regret now and save what can be saved. Do it now, since when the ice covers the river the time has become too late for thee.

    She stays a while in case anyone wants to pay tithes or declare their servitude for Auril. After that she is seen to walk into direction of the docks

  • *Caric Snowgriffin is seen cursing and madly at the mention of that Aurilite but he managed to calm down and breath deeply before he says *"she wont last long here there's no need for Auril's treachouness here"