For Sale!

  • A note is seen on the board at the commons


    Items for Sale. They can be purchased individually for gold or trade.

    • Scrolls.

    Chain Lightning
    Mestil’s Acid Sheath
    Cone of Cold
    Wounding Whispers

    • Matched set of robes of each of the elemental damage types. Each one offers the wearer some protection from its own element. These are being sold as a complete set, as I have a suspicion that something can be made using all of them. They are Sonic, Fire, Acid, Cold, and Electricity (each are 5/- of the appropriate element) Sold

    • Enchanted Greatsword (+1) Sold

    • Enchanted Longsword (+1) Sold

    • Monk Robes of the Shining Hand (+1 AC)

    Please see Sergeant Yana at the Dancing Mermaid when off duty.

  • Updated

  • Kaenna Drake squire of the divine shield and Paladin of tyr,sends words of her interests in the long sword and would like to know the price asked for such.

  • Dev

    Drob approaches Yana Drob umm… int'rested in deh big sword! Drob tire er tiny spear tingie...wantin big smasha... How much shinie fer deh pokie ting?