Norwick Gates -edited by Dwin

  • ((IronMan, send me a PM if you want. Although I appreciate what you are doing, to speak on behalf of the Norwick Militia (who are NPC's) is not permitted.

    You have a couple of choices:

    1. you can speak to a DM about the issue and see if they will post on behalf of the militia.

    2. you can speak (in-character) to any of us in the Norwick Miltia/Government and we, as players, could post something

    3. You can RP in-game or in the forums that your PC is asking people to close the gates.

    I recommend #3, as it could lead to some interesting encounters with other players. I say "interesting" because you could get everything from "you;re right" to "mind your own #$%^& business!" 🙂

    The only exception here, is if you actually posted the note yourself (as a PC) acting like you are in a position to do so. If this is the case, let me know and we'll have one of the guards escort you to a beautiful cell for impersonating the Militia 🙂 .

    Let me know if you have any questions… as a Player Lead, I would be happy to discuss this further.



    A note is tacked up on all gates in Norwick

    We the guard would like to remind everyone to shut the gates when entering and leaving Norwick. With dangers in the Rawlins and surrounding areas around town it is especially important to do so.

    Thank you

    Norwick Militia.

  • @3bb1d268f5=Clan:

    If this is the case, let me know and we'll have one of the guards escort you to a beautiful cell for impersonating the Militia 🙂 .

    ((Assuming your not all rogueish and able to bluff, sneak and/or weasel your way out of detection. :ninja: ))