Preparing the Battle for Ormpur

  • Sedea giggles, sitting on the bar and watching.

    Count me in fer tha killin! I love bashin undead!

  • Ronan speaks

    It doesn't matter who now, it will not solve the problem by scolding them. It also doesn't matter, at this point, whom will get the fort now. We're here to discuss how to remove the undead.

    Does anyone know if those tunnels under Jiyyd reach out toward Ormpur? The source could be underground if that's the case. Also, there used to be many old caves out near Ormpur as well, though I've not seen them, which made me think they were collapsed during the war… though maybe not. There was also that strange tower nearby as well, which I don't know if the path to that was closed, but if we can, we should check that also.

  • Kosef replies…

    "A lot of problems would be solved if we could secure the area long enough for the clergy to sanctify the area, right? It wouldn't solve the entire damn problem, but it'd help. Also, I think having a little fort, whoever it hells be damned bloody belongs to, will be useful in flushing out whoever is causing all of this shite. If it's not the farking demons anyway. Eh, I read somewhere demons can summon other demons, it's all some vicious, endless bloody cycle, right? Fark me if we have to find the source of those things, which sodding bastard let those farkers run around?"

  • ((Assuming it was Hammerhand that spoke last))

    Dwin claps his hands and smiles at Hammerhand.

    "Well, lad… Seems to me you're leadin' this venture whether ya like it or not. Dollin' out orders and makin decisions on who-owns-what is leader-speak, so now we know who's in charge."

    "As for these Tempus-folks... How do I get some o them to help with the Drow? Maybe they can lend a hand?

    Dwin rises and nods to his quiet companion who does the same.

    "I'll stay updated through Devlin, here. Good luck to all o you on this...uh, "challenge." Seems like more of a land-grab to me than even the good senator here mighta thought... But good luck t'you all the same, I think you'll need it."

    Dwin nods to a few of his friends and leaves quickly with his cloaked kin.

  • ((Assuming it was Hammerhand that spoke last))

    Dwin claps his hands and smiles at Hammerhand.

    "Well, lad… Seems to me you're leadin' this venture whether ya like it or not. Dollin' out orders and makin decisions on who-owns-what is leader-speak, so now we know who's in charge."

    "As for these Tempus-folks... How do I get some o them to help with the Drow? Maybe they can lend a hand?

    Dwin rises and nods to his quiet companion who does the same.

    "I'll stay updated through Devlin, here. Good luck to all o you on this...uh, "challenge." Seems like more of a land-grab to me than even the good senator here mighta thought... But good luck t'you all the same, I think you'll need it."

    Dwin nods to a few of his friends and leaves quickly with his cloaked kin.

  • ICC

    Grak sneers and takes his leave"Grak not knew dat thieves guild would be having meeting openly ere about deir next thievin raid. Und claiming dis robbery fer some usurper called Tempuss bes oldest trick in bandits book. Grak haves nuting ta does wit dis".

  • _"Right.. first of all, if we manage to hold the the fort, it's going to go to Tempus. No discussion. Don't like it, leave now. The Battleguard I've spoken with will come and hallow the area if we can hold it, and he may bring a group of warriors to help protect the place as well. I also think that a blessed fort in the middle of undead and demons and giants is going to draw a good amount of devout Temposans.

    That said, good job to the Grag and the Legion so far. Maybe those undead will keep rising, but killing those demons will no doubt help.

    I've already talked to the Kelemnvorites, like I said, but I think it would help if one of their own could talk to them. Wog, could you?

    There's no set single leader so far. We have a lot of different groups here, and I think it would just be better if each group would be given one specific thing to do. One person can't really keep oversight in something like this anyhow, and I don't want to spend the next decade arguing over who should lead.

    I think we can all agree that finding out what's making those undead rise again and again, and stopping it, is a good first step. So, I need someone to talk to the Kelemnvorites and find out if they know something. Wog? Talking to those Helmites in their tower might also be a good idea. You sound like you know them. Are you up for it?" Hammerhand nods to Mariston.
    Thirth part, someone is going to have to fly over the area and see if there's a suspicious camp or group of people nearby.. something that could tie into the undead. Is there anyone here who can do that, or know anybody who can?"_

  • _After hearing Telli's heroic peroration, a multicoloured gnomish character - who seems to be looking for a refreshment stand - cries "Gadzooks", the nature of the meeting finally dawning on him. With this, he hastily scuttles from the charming, seagoing atmosphere of the Lucky Ferret, in search of a chubbier supply of sugar-dusted bakery products…

    ... meanwhile, the dark caped, dismal, ramrod figure of the Black Sails' lawyer, Aleksandr Borodin, perches in a corner like an inky spider, clearly irritated at having his lonely soaking session interrupted by cheering adventurers and papery-armpitted dwarven wenches. With a scowl, he draws a sheaf of his own, languorously fingering through them with a birchy digit as the brouhaha prospects of invading ex-Jiyyd continue to be mooted..._

  • _*While Telli reads the list of the Leigon kills, Wog, back in his corner Whoops and Cheers very loudly!

    After he stands up.._

    "It is possiable its related to the demons in Jiyyd, i did meet a necromantic sorceress there once.. However im not fully convinced there related, surly if they were the undead would be in the actual village.. well… ex-village. Protceting the demons. As that is the main use for unsentiant undead.

    Obviosly it is a possiablity though'. This is the problem, we dont know what we're up agasint... In the slighest."

  • Telli waddles into the meeting covered in twigs, grime and all manners of dirt. Under her armpit are a stack of papers that are slapped to the table as she plucks the deer helm from her head setting it next to the reports.

    "Got words yuhs was havings a meetings and heards froms somes a da Legionaires yuhs foks mebbe neededs somes figures… helps... suggestions.

    picks ups some papers reading them off...

    "As yuh may or mays nots a noticed da Legions... specificallies Mr Grag... and dose dats can gets outs der ta lendededs hims a hands been wipings da lands onces knowns as Jiyyds a demon, devil, and dead alikes...

    We ain't got no wilds notions a rebuildings da towns or claimings noffings. Telli's personal stakes in dis missions ta brings rests and peace da dose lands and da wildlife, vegetations, and anytings betweens dats sufferings.

    Legion reports is followings since Mr Grag sets ups camps in da Kaxanar temple in Jiyyd and been enlistings our helps when we can manage a patrols out ders..."

    Telli clears her throat some reading through the meticulous report...

    "Dead so far...

    six Dretch

    sixty five Quasit

    thirty five Succubus

    four Winged Horrors

    eight hundred ninety two Undead N'jast Scums

    seven Wraiths

    three hundred and three Skeletons

    four Hezrous

    one Gezerous

    three Lemures

    twenty seven Minor Demons

    four Greater Horrors

    and one Super Demon so fars…"

    Telli tucks the reports back under her armpit a bit before looking to those gathered.

    "As Devlin saidededs... der might be more wisps archon laterny tings tucked away or being trapped... dat'd be a good ting ta look inta... afta we set da critter free no mores deaders came pourings outta dats ol' outpost. Da deaders, demons, and devils numbas run high... ta ensure we ain't gots anoder Norwick crypts on our hands... woulds prolly be good ta consecrate da area wid blessings a Forbiddance ta gits ridda da demons access ta planar jumpings and shiftings inta da realm through dats manners. And a blessings a Hallow ta makedededs sures da critters dats kilt don't juss comedededs backs a weeks later.

    Da Hallow blessing rituals can't be dispelledededs… only can be negated by some vile ting Unhallowings da area… buh if yuh plannings ta have tempus warriors in da fort and patrollings da area....der not gonna havedededs enough times ta do dats if yer quicks on an assaults a der ritual. And as fer da forbiddance blessings ritual... it can'ts be dispellededs by anytings oder dens a ebils stronger dens da'un doings da rituals. So... Telli, Mr Shannon, or Miss Hedia mights be a good persons ta havededes ta do dats... course if we coulds gets miss Daisy down here safe like... would ensure da blessings stuck a good long while until some ebil was able ta rid da area a her blessings and rituals."

    Telli grips her helm in a stumpy hand looking around gathering in peoples reactions.

  • Dwin grunts in approval when Wog the half-breed speaks

    Finally, some wisdom prevails. Rushing into this hive with no plan IS suicide. Get yer facts together on this before anything else.

    This aint like stompin through my cemetery bashin' ole skeletons… That kind of "bash with no plans" has no place here.

    Who's taking charge of this, anyway? This plan got a leader? Don't tell me we're all just gonna act like a mob...

  • _"Your best option would be to ask Thander and the other clergy of Kelemvor. Alot of the Paladins at the temple are skilled undead hunters, taking some clerics to the sight and maybe a few trackers, it is often possiable to track the source of undead"

    But i agree, seeking the helmites would be damm usefull. Theres no point in any plans for the fort or the land, or evan clenseing untill we know what it is we need to clense or kill or anything. Mariston is right, at the moment it is just guess work._

  • Well the demonic influence could be causing the dead to rise, that wouldst be one reason or there is some necromantic magic afoot, thus mayhaps an enclave of the foul wizards making use of the abundant resources left from the war. The other option which wouldst prove more problematic is that the ancient device that was unleashed in some way tainted the land whence the portals were opened; this may prove somewhat more difficult to resolve.

    With no actual insight available all we hath is conjecture at best, and wild guess work at worst.

    The wise course wouldst be to seek council from the Temple of Helm, if an audience can be sought that is. Such insight may give a clue as to the reasoning.

  • Wog stands quietly watching the arguement from the corner before standing up and calling silance

    "_What is your actual plan? Have you any idea how your going to stop the undead… I dont mean wipeing out the undead.. But stopping them permently. Its not as simple as a big raid on the fort. That has been done many times before, By myself and my temple, by adventruers, by the Leigon hundreds of times. Many people.

    Have you thought about the actual threat, whats causing them to be risen again, it often isnt as simple as just clenseing the ground. The undead are mianly zombies and wraiths. Not intellegent undead, Not sustaining hemslves such as vampires. The problem with this isnt the actual undead, its whats causing them to rise again...._ "

  • Kosef replies with a scoff

    "Oh fark all of your politics and shite, with rubbish talk like this, no one is ever going to get off their arse to do anything. How about we get our act together, destroy the foul undead, then you bunch can bicker about who gets what, hm?"

  • Dwin smirks at the mention of land grabbing, and smacks his knee.

    "With all due respect, land-grabbin' in a sea of demons, undead, and what-not is a bit like smithin a suit o' plate outta tin. Lots effort for no reward.

    Let's not worry about who's guardin' the fort until we're actually in a position to do so. If ya think that by offering to help guard the fort I have some alterior motive, then you're a bit misled.

    I just want to make sure we have proper oversight so that we don't have a recurrence of the unfortunate acts and mistakes that put us in this meeting in the first place.

    This thing goes bad, then MY borders will be the ones to pay the price…not Peltarch's.

  • The Order as ever, stands ready to aid in the battle against the demons and undead. In such matters the Knights of the Order hath excelled in the past.
    Though the question of what becomes of the fort afterwards is important. The fort if not going to the followers of Tempus shouldst be raised to the ground and the earth salted. I am not aiding any ambitious towns or groups to set up any further land grabbing. If tis to become a holy place this is well and good.

  • Mm, my offer to help is my own decision. It looks as if that this venture is mostly volunteering. I suppose we could cross the bridge of whom will guard the fort if we are successful.

    As our hinnish friend, Belma'r, mentioned… there is the possibility of encountering strong resistance in Jiyyd, such as hezrou, succubi, or even a balor. There may be devil who would tempt us with some sort of deal, which I should warn no one take such a deal.. it will not be worth it. I am guessing that these fiends will catch wind of this crusade and prepare accordingly when we arrive. Expect to be met with heavy resistance. Priests will be highly valuable in a fight against demons, devils, and undead... so I'd suggest asking any that may be willing to help.

  • Dwin smiles as Ronan finishes

    Surely the responsibility of keeping this fort safe should be shared by all sovereign groups… I would recommend that all interested parties supply whatever able-bodied warriors that they can. We of the Realm, being the closest surviving "neighbor" to this fort, surely have an interest in its safety--assuming that we find the source of the undead, of course.

    Otherwise, the question of who runs the fort will be the same as who chose to die at this fort.

  • Ronan waves a hand vaguely..

    Then we should look into the surrounding areas first before heading into the fort. I doubt whatever is creating these undead will make itself known or obvious to us.

    And if we are successful in removing the undead, whom then gets the fort? These Tempus followers? What if they do not come? What then? Since it is nearest to Jiyyd, I'd suggest it be made into an outpost for surviving Jiyyd soldiers, or the Legion. Perhaps this victory over the corrupted fort will give them hope of rebuilding Jiyyd in the future.