Preparing the Battle for Ormpur

  • Well the demonic influence could be causing the dead to rise, that wouldst be one reason or there is some necromantic magic afoot, thus mayhaps an enclave of the foul wizards making use of the abundant resources left from the war. The other option which wouldst prove more problematic is that the ancient device that was unleashed in some way tainted the land whence the portals were opened; this may prove somewhat more difficult to resolve.

    With no actual insight available all we hath is conjecture at best, and wild guess work at worst.

    The wise course wouldst be to seek council from the Temple of Helm, if an audience can be sought that is. Such insight may give a clue as to the reasoning.

  • Wog stands quietly watching the arguement from the corner before standing up and calling silance

    "_What is your actual plan? Have you any idea how your going to stop the undead… I dont mean wipeing out the undead.. But stopping them permently. Its not as simple as a big raid on the fort. That has been done many times before, By myself and my temple, by adventruers, by the Leigon hundreds of times. Many people.

    Have you thought about the actual threat, whats causing them to be risen again, it often isnt as simple as just clenseing the ground. The undead are mianly zombies and wraiths. Not intellegent undead, Not sustaining hemslves such as vampires. The problem with this isnt the actual undead, its whats causing them to rise again...._ "

  • Kosef replies with a scoff

    "Oh fark all of your politics and shite, with rubbish talk like this, no one is ever going to get off their arse to do anything. How about we get our act together, destroy the foul undead, then you bunch can bicker about who gets what, hm?"

  • Dwin smirks at the mention of land grabbing, and smacks his knee.

    "With all due respect, land-grabbin' in a sea of demons, undead, and what-not is a bit like smithin a suit o' plate outta tin. Lots effort for no reward.

    Let's not worry about who's guardin' the fort until we're actually in a position to do so. If ya think that by offering to help guard the fort I have some alterior motive, then you're a bit misled.

    I just want to make sure we have proper oversight so that we don't have a recurrence of the unfortunate acts and mistakes that put us in this meeting in the first place.

    This thing goes bad, then MY borders will be the ones to pay the price…not Peltarch's.

  • The Order as ever, stands ready to aid in the battle against the demons and undead. In such matters the Knights of the Order hath excelled in the past.
    Though the question of what becomes of the fort afterwards is important. The fort if not going to the followers of Tempus shouldst be raised to the ground and the earth salted. I am not aiding any ambitious towns or groups to set up any further land grabbing. If tis to become a holy place this is well and good.

  • Mm, my offer to help is my own decision. It looks as if that this venture is mostly volunteering. I suppose we could cross the bridge of whom will guard the fort if we are successful.

    As our hinnish friend, Belma'r, mentioned… there is the possibility of encountering strong resistance in Jiyyd, such as hezrou, succubi, or even a balor. There may be devil who would tempt us with some sort of deal, which I should warn no one take such a deal.. it will not be worth it. I am guessing that these fiends will catch wind of this crusade and prepare accordingly when we arrive. Expect to be met with heavy resistance. Priests will be highly valuable in a fight against demons, devils, and undead... so I'd suggest asking any that may be willing to help.

  • Dwin smiles as Ronan finishes

    Surely the responsibility of keeping this fort safe should be shared by all sovereign groups… I would recommend that all interested parties supply whatever able-bodied warriors that they can. We of the Realm, being the closest surviving "neighbor" to this fort, surely have an interest in its safety--assuming that we find the source of the undead, of course.

    Otherwise, the question of who runs the fort will be the same as who chose to die at this fort.

  • Ronan waves a hand vaguely..

    Then we should look into the surrounding areas first before heading into the fort. I doubt whatever is creating these undead will make itself known or obvious to us.

    And if we are successful in removing the undead, whom then gets the fort? These Tempus followers? What if they do not come? What then? Since it is nearest to Jiyyd, I'd suggest it be made into an outpost for surviving Jiyyd soldiers, or the Legion. Perhaps this victory over the corrupted fort will give them hope of rebuilding Jiyyd in the future.

  • "We found the thing out of sheer dumb luck I suppose. Perhaps looking into what parts around Jiyyd are the most dense in undead, and begin looking around for hidden places they could most probably be in."

  • "Sounds like a good first step. Who knows how to locate celestials?"

  • @f35bc08fc8=Skeet:

    Perhaps somehow, they are drawing power from these celestials? I can only assume that where there was one, there could possibly be more of them. Maybe if they are freed, we will see a reduction in the undead."

    Dwin listens carefully to Devlin and then asks:

    "..seems to me THAT would be a better place to start, instead of placin' yerselves on an island in the middle of an undead sea, at the foot of the Coldstones. Before any o you run off on a fools-errand, why not get a better understanding of the powers you are up against!

    Dwin smirks in a friendly way towards Devlin

    I'd rather not have to go lookin' for a new Militia Commander, after all…"

  • It is perhaps uncertain just how long Yngdír had been standing and listening to the conversation, but it was clear that he'd heard enough.

    "_I have seen this fort, I think. From memory there is but one way in and only one way out, unless things have changed since then. If you reach the fort then you should know that the causeway is broad enough for six men abreast, this will make it difficult to defend for long - any way to further hinder the enemy's advance should be considered. Strong arms may not suffice.

    There is no gate to prevent your enemy. If you are lucky enough to get onto the high walls you may be able to shoot your arrows down upon them. If by chance you are able to take the fort, how long will your heroes stay to defend it once the prizes are distributed? Your numbers will melt away. Or you will all perish soon after. The dead will not rest. You will need rest. The dead will hunger for naught but your flesh and your souls. You will hunger but you will find no food there, would you trust the waters running through tainted soil? You have much to consider.

    So far you have given no reason except that you would rid Orumpur of the undead. I have heard the promise of prizes after the battle, salvaged fortunes. You who would use a god's name for your ambition. You who would lead your men to their deaths for land and the challenge. You will not lead me, and I pray that you will reconsider._"

  • @02d242d998=SummonerX:

    "The undead seem to keep rising after they are destroyed. I'd assume it has to do with those fiendish necromancers near Jiyyd, which probably means we'll have to get rid of the demons also if we want the undead gone. Any clue as to the true source of this though? Or are we marching in, hoping for the best?"

    "Some time ago, I was on a Union trip headed toward the Mintas Caves, and we went directly through Jiyyd to get there. We noticed that there were some odd undead coming out of a small underground home up on a ridge. We went to investigate, and undead, spectres, and other horrors began pouring out of the place, and we stayed to see them all through. At last though, when the undead stopped pouring, the ground seemed to quake a bit, and a bright light emerged from the home. A Lantern Archon, a celestial, came forth… and glimmered in recognition of our efforts, then faded away. No more undead ever came from that place.

    Perhaps somehow, they are drawing power from these celestials? I can only assume that where there was one, there could possibly be more of them. Maybe if they are freed, we will see a reduction in the undead."

  • Dwin smiles and raises both hands

    Well, thats great news that we have access to such amazing warriors…

    Perhaps they could take a few days off and help us with the Drow, Bugbear, Hoar-bandits and other threats facing us as well!

    You say this Warrior of Tempus might bring other warriors? I'd make damned sure of that before you embark on this... "challenge" of yours. Thats the exact type of plan I am suggesting you have in place.

    Yer about to stir up a hornets nest... ya best be ready to get stung a few times and take care of all the angry bugs lookin fer a new home.

  • _Hammerhand grins and calls the nearest waitress to bring another drink for Devlin.
    "Right. Why do this? For the challenge. Because we can. And because if this was easy it wouldn't be worth the trouble, and Tempus wouldn't consider the place worth blessing to keep out those undead and demons. Sure, it'll be a challenge. But so was N'Jast. And I'm pretty sure there were some pretty big challenges before that. Besides, demons thrive on fear. Going there and showing we – that is to say, those with the guts for it -- aren't impressed goes a good way to breaking their hold there. If we'd just cross the river, we'd probably be overwhelmed before we could even organise, and there's nowhere to retreat to there. Not that it wouldn't be an interesting challenge on its own, I think creating a strongpoint a little further in might be a better strategy.

    As for the portal.. well, if we can't find one that's already nearby and we can use, and we can create one that I was thinking of having it start from somewhere on the other side of the rift, near the temple of Kelemnvor --the divine influence of that should keep at least some things from getting trough-- and into a safe spot near the fort itself. I've scouted the area and there's a small glen with some ruins nearby that the undead haven't wandered into.

    The essence of the plan so far is pretty simple. Get into the fort and kill everything inside, then hold it long enough for the Battleguard I talked to before this meeting to arrive and consecrate the area. He might even bring some more warriors to help hold the area after that. Taking the fort won't be the hard part.. holding it will be. At least until that area is blessed. That will keep out most demons and undead, which is why they haven't destroyed that old temple of Helm yet. "_

  • Devlin smirks at Grak's comments, then turns to address Dwin.

    "A whole 'nother breed of people are going to be staying and fortifying this place. These aren't your average farmers we're talking about here, that have lived here for years, and are now picking the dirt out from between their teeth. We're talking about seasoned veterans of war, Tempusan ragers, those of extreme resiliance.

    I do agree that being surrounded on all sides by enemies is somewhat uncomfortable, but when are we not?

    Only the strongest of warriors will belong in Ormpur. Those that can take the heat, and fend off major attacks. Retaking this place will be a great advantage to fending off enemies in Jiyyd, but possibly reopening trade routes to the North East and beyond.

    You really think a few Giants and Werewolves are going to harm or scare off a brigade of devout warriors of Tempus? We're talking about some of the best fighters in the world here. Please, don't mistake this boldness for stupidity. I believe we can more than handle what Ormpur can throw at us."

  • Dwin tilts his head a bit at Hammerhands answers

    My kin in the mountains are simple monk-folks. The best they could offer you is an ale or two.

    Information is of more value from them… perhaps they can tell us how large the giant and snow-gob clans are in the mountains. A few of em speak the common tongue. If you mention the Dwarven Hold, Koirin, or any of our names they should trust the druid enough to not consider him to be their next meal.

    Dwin makes eye contact with several of the people in the room that he has fought beside in battle, or grown to trust over the years.

    My bigger concern here, and humor me, folks... is why do this? Why collect all this power to create a fort deep inside a demon area? Why set yerselves up fer failure? You;'ll be surrounded by demons on one side, Giants and goblins on the other... possibly my friend Ostromog to the south.. and if yer lucky some old werewolves will come out of the old caves and pick the last meat off yer carcasses!

    Wouldnt it make alot more sense to use this force to attack and push the demons further east, out of Jiyyd itself? Aint that a better investment of yer resources?

    Ya speak of portals Dwin grins I think we all seen enough "portal problems" over the years... you really gonna open a portal and have the other end in the center of Peltarch? Tis a two-way opening! Seems like yet another decision that will be long remembered and resented, especially when ya got Snow-Giants goin fer a swim off the Peltarch docks. Sure as fark aint havin the other end of one o these portals anywhere near my realm.

    Perhaps if there was a clear goal, we could all come up with a plan? Now, I got here late… so maybe I missed that part?

  • ICC

    Grak, who happens to be present sneers at Hammerhands comment"Grak doubts dat dem people ere bes nut moving deir carcasser fer sum pretender called Tempuss". Und besides, why woulds anyone help yar quest fer pillagin da property of dem refugees who were living dere long before yar greedy snout smelled dem loot? Dont yar silly huumie law say dat bes outright banditry, should ya bes looting dem place… Or were yar laws only fer non-huumies?"

  • _Hammerhand nods to Dwin.
    "Not a bad idea to have someone to fly over to better scout the area. Didn't know about the dwarves in the mountain but it's definitly worth talking to them. I don't speak dwarven though.
    If those dwarves are willing, we could also see if they want to offer supplies in exchange for .. something else.

    All in all, getting a supply line set up and keeping it up will be the most difficult part of it all. I was thinking about seeing if there isn't a portal close to that fort we could use. It's not like we'd have to supply an entire city either. That fort can probably only hold a few dozen people at most, so maybe arranging for some mages to regularely teleport in a shipment of goods could be enough for the time being. Thing is, capturing that fort and consecrating it to Tempus will give everyone a strongpoint to venture out from, into Jiyyd or into the mountains."_

  • Belma'r shows up and offers his words of"wisdom"

    Erm? what about after we has cleaned it up. How is we gunna get supplys there through da demons? and what is gunna stop a Balor or three from tearing us outa there? takin it be easy keepin it gunna be expensive even just ta keep us fed.