Preparing the Battle for Ormpur

  • Devlin smirks at Grak's comments, then turns to address Dwin.

    "A whole 'nother breed of people are going to be staying and fortifying this place. These aren't your average farmers we're talking about here, that have lived here for years, and are now picking the dirt out from between their teeth. We're talking about seasoned veterans of war, Tempusan ragers, those of extreme resiliance.

    I do agree that being surrounded on all sides by enemies is somewhat uncomfortable, but when are we not?

    Only the strongest of warriors will belong in Ormpur. Those that can take the heat, and fend off major attacks. Retaking this place will be a great advantage to fending off enemies in Jiyyd, but possibly reopening trade routes to the North East and beyond.

    You really think a few Giants and Werewolves are going to harm or scare off a brigade of devout warriors of Tempus? We're talking about some of the best fighters in the world here. Please, don't mistake this boldness for stupidity. I believe we can more than handle what Ormpur can throw at us."

  • Dwin tilts his head a bit at Hammerhands answers

    My kin in the mountains are simple monk-folks. The best they could offer you is an ale or two.

    Information is of more value from them… perhaps they can tell us how large the giant and snow-gob clans are in the mountains. A few of em speak the common tongue. If you mention the Dwarven Hold, Koirin, or any of our names they should trust the druid enough to not consider him to be their next meal.

    Dwin makes eye contact with several of the people in the room that he has fought beside in battle, or grown to trust over the years.

    My bigger concern here, and humor me, folks... is why do this? Why collect all this power to create a fort deep inside a demon area? Why set yerselves up fer failure? You;'ll be surrounded by demons on one side, Giants and goblins on the other... possibly my friend Ostromog to the south.. and if yer lucky some old werewolves will come out of the old caves and pick the last meat off yer carcasses!

    Wouldnt it make alot more sense to use this force to attack and push the demons further east, out of Jiyyd itself? Aint that a better investment of yer resources?

    Ya speak of portals Dwin grins I think we all seen enough "portal problems" over the years... you really gonna open a portal and have the other end in the center of Peltarch? Tis a two-way opening! Seems like yet another decision that will be long remembered and resented, especially when ya got Snow-Giants goin fer a swim off the Peltarch docks. Sure as fark aint havin the other end of one o these portals anywhere near my realm.

    Perhaps if there was a clear goal, we could all come up with a plan? Now, I got here late… so maybe I missed that part?

  • ICC

    Grak, who happens to be present sneers at Hammerhands comment"Grak doubts dat dem people ere bes nut moving deir carcasser fer sum pretender called Tempuss". Und besides, why woulds anyone help yar quest fer pillagin da property of dem refugees who were living dere long before yar greedy snout smelled dem loot? Dont yar silly huumie law say dat bes outright banditry, should ya bes looting dem place… Or were yar laws only fer non-huumies?"

  • _Hammerhand nods to Dwin.
    "Not a bad idea to have someone to fly over to better scout the area. Didn't know about the dwarves in the mountain but it's definitly worth talking to them. I don't speak dwarven though.
    If those dwarves are willing, we could also see if they want to offer supplies in exchange for .. something else.

    All in all, getting a supply line set up and keeping it up will be the most difficult part of it all. I was thinking about seeing if there isn't a portal close to that fort we could use. It's not like we'd have to supply an entire city either. That fort can probably only hold a few dozen people at most, so maybe arranging for some mages to regularely teleport in a shipment of goods could be enough for the time being. Thing is, capturing that fort and consecrating it to Tempus will give everyone a strongpoint to venture out from, into Jiyyd or into the mountains."_

  • Belma'r shows up and offers his words of"wisdom"

    Erm? what about after we has cleaned it up. How is we gunna get supplys there through da demons? and what is gunna stop a Balor or three from tearing us outa there? takin it be easy keepin it gunna be expensive even just ta keep us fed.

  • Dwin shuffles in with 2 of his gold-cloaked bodyguards and another hooded dwarf-sized creature. After dismissing the gold cloaks to wait outside, the pair takes up a position not far from Devlin. after listening to some of the comments, and with an appropriate amount of mumbling, grunting, and Ronan-like headshaking, he stands.

    "you speak as if this battle's been won already. Land? Houses? Even at it's high point, that land has been dangerous. Snow-gobs, giants, duergar… Just some of the threats that've lived there since times-forgotten. If you get through the undead, you're hardly ready to start buildin houses or drinking tea.

    We've got kin in those mountains, at least I hope we still do. I recommend that ya ask one of the folks from the Circle to do some sky-spying for ya dwin makes a comical wing-flapping gesture so you know what you're dealin with. Gettin a message to the mountain kin would be helpful too.

    Walkin into this thing unaware of the existing--and future - threats is like entering a battle with no follow up plan. And as a bordering neighbor to these lands, I'm concerned if there's no plan!

  • ((Strepsiades is your DM to contact about this. I think DrDreadlock originally gave me the answer about the Kelemnvorites, though he couldn't DM this anymore due to RL and otherDM busy-ness))

    _"I'm pretty sure there'll be something worth salvaging. All the loot we get will be fairly divided, of course. As for land.. well if we can capture and hold that fort, we should be able to keep the immediate surroundings safe as well. There's not a lot of room there, but if you want to build a house outside the walls.. that might be possible. Let's focus on actually getting the area though.

    I don't know what's causing those undead to rise up, hardly my expertise. I'm hoping that the Kelemnvorites can give us some more information on that, or maybe one of the Spellweaver mages can. There's undead rising in a far greater area than just that fort, but if we can just stop them from rising there we'll already have cleared some part of it. It -could- be those demons.. I've seen a few walking in between the demons on the road east of Jiyyd, but I don't know if they're behind it or not. I've also heard about someone called the Dark Enchantress who might be responsible."_

  • _The Sail's lovable brute, AKA Jay, is seen standing by Sabre's and any other crew's side during the meeting. His arms are folded, and he looks mostly disinterested in it all, though he is likely there to help represent the Sails. He seems to give everyone in the meeting an equally sour look, not at all looking like he's in the mood to be bothered by anyone else. Occasionally, he whispers to Sabre with some sort of a disdainful look on his face, pointing out some of the attendees as he whispers.

    Ronan attends as well, as he isn't entirely fond of undead. He puts on a pleasent smile, and listens in on the plans for removing the taint from Ormpur. As Devlin and Kence mention coffers being filled, he merely shakes his head a bit. When he enters, he says:_

    I will help with this endeavor, if we know what we're getting into that is. The undead seem to keep rising after they are destroyed. I'd assume it has to do with those fiendish necromancers near Jiyyd, which probably means we'll have to get rid of the demons also if we want the undead gone. Any clue as to the true source of this though? Or are we marching in, hoping for the best?

  • From her usual table, Sabre gives Devlin a cheery mid-finger salute, then winks and raises her bottle, taking a long swig before resuming idle banter with any crew present.

  • @877b54e849=Archon_Prime:

    _"Right, I already talked to the temple of Kelemnvor and they said they'd help out as they could.

    //ooc intrest, which dm did you speak to? im neeedin to talk to somone about temple of kelemvor_

  • ICC

    _The Herald arches one of his delicate brows, and murmurs to Hammerhand.

    "Is there a physical reward for this? Coin, land or otherwise?"_

  • _"Right, I already talked to the temple of Kelemnvor and they said they'd help out as they could. Having priests and paladins of Kelemnvor to help out would be grand, though I'm also thinking holy water, silver arrows and things like that. Maybe you could nudge them about that again, Kosef. You probably have a better idea what's useful to have.

    No idea about the amount of numbers either. The undead that occupy the place right now aren't that impressive. I can clear out the fort by myself. But they keep on rising again, and if there's any intelligence behind these undead it's likely going to send in something tougher to take that fort from us again. Like those undead soldiers on the road between Jiyyd and Ormpur. It's hard to say at this point what we'll be facing, so we should keep the plan open to improvisation."_

  • Devlin plods heavily to the meeting, and strolls in with a bottle of stout in hand, smiling.

    "Estai will fall upon Ormpur, and we will claim the coffers."

  • Tregan joins in on the meeting asking plenty of question

    "My main question here is, what kind of numbers are we facin'?"

  • Symone Au'etine attends, but for the most part just listens to the attendees discussions.

  • Kosef attends the meeting in his yellow, silver and black armour, and offers an opinion.

    "You got some Kelemvorite priests lined up to help you there, Hammerhand? If not, this ain't going nowhere."