Marie's Diary - Notes of a travelling hin

  • The Fifth of Flamerule, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    I've been working on my tanning lately, to try and stay busy. Master Dwarf's death still plays on my mind, even though he told me to be at peace, that he was happy to die the way he did, for something he believed in.

    Nightmares plague my sleep, where I replay what happened, and I ask myself, what if I had gotten there quicker? What if I had willingly gone with the cultists, rather than fought? What if I had been stronger?

    I see him, being sacrificed, bound and gagged in the middle of a pentagram whilst cloaked figures chant around him, invoking dark magics. And I see him standing strong, even as the life is taken from his bones. But for a second, maybe not even that, I would swear he looks right at me, knowingly, and nods, as if to signify his approval.

    From those nightmares, I awake covered in a cold sweat, my breath short, and tears in my eyes. The bedsheets are clenched in my fists, as if I was trying to hold onto something, to keep myself from crying out.

    Sometimes, I even take his place, and I am the one sacrificed. And like him, I stand there strong, not crying out, not pleading for my life. I refuse to give them that satisfaction.

    But, would I be that strong? Could I endure such a thing? I know that others look to me for strength, and I would give it to them, I would make the Sisterhood strong, I would make the Order strong. But what if I cannot? What if I really am what my father called me, a weak excuse for a hin?

    I know that my first instinct in a difficult situation is to run. Does that come from wisdom, or cowardice? At the monastery, my Master taught me that one should not fight where ones enemies wish it, rather, that if at all possible, that one should choose the grounds upon which they fight. But am I trying to adhere to that, or am I merely trying to save my own hide?

    So many doubts plague me, so many fears. I wish Alexi were here to comfort me, he always seems to make these things easier.

    I guess I need to get used to standing alone.

  • The Sixteenth of Kythorn, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Norwick
    Weather: Snowing

    Been spending time with the Legion again, they've been at the front of the effort against the Hungry One and his minions so it seemed like the best place to be.

    In the last few weeks, I've been down into the Norwick Crypts, out to the Bugbears, the old Elven camp, and even to the Abyss. The last one was the worst, and by far the most worrying.

    One of the druid elders was kidnapped, and apparently they tracked her kidnappers to the old elven camp, south of Norrwick. We made our way forward and encountered heavy resistance, eventually even facing off against a demon that came through a portal.

    Aramuil, Belma'r, and Ronan managed to re-open the portal, and we went through it, ending up in the Abyss. It was dark, hot, and smelt like brimstone. Of course, there were demons there, succubi and winged horrors, not to mention a massive balor that we encountered and quickly retreated from.

    Unfortunately, Malika didn't make it out… she was the only druid with the group, and the only person who died.

    In the end, we got her body back at an auction, and were able to return her to life, but the whole thing feels like a failure. The druid who was kidnapped is apparently being kept in a cave to be used in a ritual to a demon prince, some think that cave will be here, others (like me) think it will be in the Abyss. I can't see why a demon would keep a captive here, when they would be stronger there.

    Now that I've been there, I have a better idea of what I'm going to be up against when I eventually make my pilgrimmage to retrieve Anju's soul. My resistance to fire will help me, but I need to be much stronger, and I'm going to need good support. I can't do it alone, that's for sure.

    I'm hoping when the time comes, that Telli, Linn, and Adelie will come with me. I haven't spoken with them about it yet, the time isn't here, and there's already so many things happening that it would be pointless to mention.

    The trick will not be getting there, it will be getting what I'm there for, and getting out again alive and intact.

    And even if I do recover her soul, will it be accepted by her god?

  • The Twentyfirst of Mirtul, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    Had a worrying encounter earlier. I was in the sewers beneath Peltarch, hunting rats for their hides when I was jumped by an undead assassin. It got in a few good hits initially, but after that, I kept my focus and took it down fairly quickly.

    I've spoken with the others in the Order, and they're in agreement that we need to go down there in force and clear the sewers out as best as we can, they seem to be almost breeding down there, there's that many of them.

    Undead there, undead down near Peltarch in the Rawlins, undead beneath Oscura, undead on the orc plains, it seems like the Hungry One is determined to wipe us all out with a veritable wave of undead.

    I still wish I knew why. There HAS to be some underlying reason for his hatred of this land and it's people. It can't just be random chance, or the roll of a dice. The answer either lies in the past, or the present.

    In any case, we need to keep looking for it, because I think in that reason, we'll find a way to stop him.

    The idea of not stopping him is not something we can entertain.

  • The Third of Mirtul, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Norwick
    Weather: Raining

    The snow has stopped for now, replaced by rain, even though we're heading into the colder months. Not sure how long it will last, but it's a good sign for us that whatever we're doing, it's the right thing.

    But there's been a complication. A priestess of Auril, a goddess of ice and evil, hoping to strike fear into the hearts of the people, has seized this opportunity to try and get more worshippers for her god. She says that it's because people have stopped worshipping Auril that the snow is returning… and people agree that when she's around, it does get colder, and ice creatures turn up. She's even turned some people to ice, even though they were eventually turned back, so I have no doubt that her god's power is in her.

    I haven't seen her myself, so I have no way of confirming or denying these things personally, but she does have some folks worried, especially in Norwick.

    I've taken some steps in the Grapevine to help the ladies deal with the changing weather, and the fear it brings. Lots of hot, thick meals, warm blankets, and a roaring fire. We've also got lots of supplies to get us through anything up to a year of being snowed in, should it get really bad, although I'm pretty sure we'll be sick of salted pork and lentils by the end of it.

    On top of that, I'm spending more time in Norwick again, trying to keep a closer eye on the ladies. I know the place can run mostly without me now, but there are some things that need more attention than others, and those ladies are very important to me, too important to be left to risk.

    Some of them are worried, remembering past events and seeing the chance that they could lose their home again, and lose people that they care about. Others, well, they're ignoring what's happening outside, and pretending that everything is fine. And yet, there are some who are staying positive, and doing what they can to keep the others busy, especially the children.

    Those ladies are the ones who are making this job easier. It's to them that I give my thanks that I can go out and work with other adventurers to do what we can, to stop this destruction before it goes any further. They give me the freedom to be what I can be, to do all that I can do.

    Everyone has a job to do, and working together, we'll get through this.

  • The Twentieth of Tarsakh, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    Well, I found out why it's snowing now. And I've also found a great many undead rising up, all from the same cause.

    There's a being they call the Hungry One… apparently it was once a minor god, but it went mad when there was a catastophe, and now it bring death, destruction, undeath, and snow, wherever it goes.

    For some reason though, its focus has shifted to Narfell. People are talking about ways to kill it, or ways to redeem it, but I'm yet to hear anyone ask why it's here, and what it's purpose is. I'd think that would be an important question to ask.

    Maybe they've already asked that question, and no-one knows. Or maybe they do know, and they're not saying, because it relates to things that most people aren't allowed to know about. In any case, it just adds another layer of peril to this already perilous land.

    I've heard that Ostromog is struggling with the Hungry One's attacks as well, so hopefully we can ignore him for the moment and focus on this new threat. The Legion, the Circle, Spellweaver, and the Order of the Watchful Repose are all getting behind this in different ways, large groups of adventurers are getting together to go out and stop what undead they can find, and in general, people are working together.

    It does leave me wondering though, how many folks are in this for the glory and the possible fortunes that could be won if a horde is found. Too often I've seen folks go out to fight some great evil, come back, and then fall out over a few trinkets. Linn thinks otherwise, but I'm not so sure.

    And thoughts like that, they lead me to question myself as well.

    Why am I adventuring? I could have moved on long ago... in fact, I had originally planned to spend only a year here, and to then head to new lands. I've gone from being a traveller, to being an adventurer, and it all happened because of a few people.

    It's true that I'm a lot better off financially than I was before I got here, and I've got a lot of nice trinkets myself. My name is known pretty well throughout the land here, I've got a good social standing, and I have some political power. All of these things were not things I was worried about before, and to be honest, they don't really worry me now.

    I could give all of that up today, and not care.

    And yet, I'm still here.

    I think part of it is a desire to help the people who are stuck here. I've not seen a land so beset with evil, and yet there is still hope here, where other lands would have already given in to the darkness.

    There's also the desire to better myself. Here, I know that no matter how strong I become, no matter how fast I can move, there will always be something to challenge me, to make me stop in my tracks and reconsider what course of action to take.

    And then, there's those I'm close to. Alexi, Linn, Adelie, Benji, Marty, they're the ones I would call kin. Beyond that, there are many who I know are friends. Telli, Ronan, Kosef, Ghorag, Wog, Terren, Anju, and many more. Some are closer than others, it's true, but they are all people I would gladly travel with, and fight side by side with.

    I think that last reason is the main reason I'm still here, when all is said and done. I could move on and the troubles of this realm would not be mine anymore, but there are too many folks that I care for to do that. My friends and those I call family, as well as the ladies at the Grapevine who depend on me and the other Sisters for everything in their lives.

    True wealth is found in friends, not in gold.

  • The Eleventh of Tarsakh, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    Another person close to me has died. The one who taught me new, unheard of techniques has passed over, never to return. And the only physical reminder I have of him is a set of robes that belonged to his enemies.

    I was out in the southern orc cave, training, when a female human came up to me, and told me that she wanted to sacrifice me in the Misty Cave! Well, I made short work of her after she tried to cast a spell on me and failed, went back to town briefly to rest and settle myself, then headed out to the Misty Cave to show them just what I thought of their idea of sacrificing me.

    I snuck from section to section of the cave, slaughtering all the cultists I found in my path. Eventually though, the cave was clear except for the final room, blocked off by a set of double doors. Opening the door a fraction, I snuck inside and struck a killing blow against one of the cultists… then I noticed the summoning circle, and the dead body of Master Dwarf.

    It was all I could do to control myself enough to despatch my foes, rather than snatch up his body and run for it. The last one I faced was their high priest, a man with a lot of magic to throw about. He blinded me, he weakened me, he even eventually paralysed me, but in the end I defeated him, and I threw his body down with a cry of rage.

    Once the room was clear, the spirit of Master Dwarf appeared to me, a spirit of water like that that resides within me! He told me that his death was not in vain, that he had died defending that which he believed in.

    His duty I have taken upon myself now, to guard an ancient enemy, an evil being of great power. Part of that being's spirit resides within me, imprisoned for all time. And now my Master can rest in peace. His body dissolved in front of me as I went to take it from that place, to put it to rest.

    Now I wear the robes I found in that place, knowing that a great dwarf has passed on, and I have another duty to perform now, one that will never end.

    Rest in Peace, my Master.

  • The Twentyninth of Ches, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    I can add another title to my list now, that of Knight Initiate.

    Wog approached me personally, and asked me to join the Order of Watchful Repose. Apparently, they're an organisation devoted to the destruction of undead, and the defeat of necromancers and their foul acts.

    I accepted his offer. It's something that resonates with me. I want to help protect this land as best as I can, and neither the Legion, nor any other military type organisation in this land holds as much interest for me as the Order does. I like the HDL, but I seem to be the only active hin in it at the moment, and it's kinda hard to be a one person organisation.

    There's a lot of things I want to talk to him about, things about me, and about events in the past that I've born witness to here, things that I'm sure he'll find interesting.

    He's said that if I work hard, and I'm willing, I could even become a full Knight.

    Imagine that, me, a Knight. Born the daughter of a farmer, sent from home at twelve to train at the monastery, rejected by her village at nineteen as being too weak… and then, a Knight.

    People could actually call me Lady Marie.

  • The Ninth of Ches, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    Well, we're offficially into Spring, and it's still snowing. I'm starting to get worried that there's something screwy happening here. My first few years here, it never snowed at all, and to go from that to snowing in Spring is very disconcerting.

    Folks don't seem to be talking about it at all, so I won't push for now, but I'm pretty sure it's not natural.

    I went on another trip with Linn and Adelie into the Underdark, my tactics are improving down there. I'm getting in more hits, and getting targetted less by the Duergar, as well as helping Adelie out more by knocking the stupid things over.

    The trips down there are pretty profitable, not just in terms of coin, but also training, and ore for Adelie's crafting. She's zooming along through her mining, and her weaponsmithing is going really well. If things keep going like this, within a few years she'll have made me that golden kama she promised.

    I also went on a trip with Quin to get him some ore from the Kuo-tua. We got lucky, and found copper in the sandy cave, so we didn't have to go too deep… but we also got unlucky and had some deep spiders set upon us.

    The same spiders that killed me all those years ago now.

    This time though, the battle was a lot simpler. A flurry of punches, kicks, and knee strikes, and they went down. Barely even hit me.

    Quin paid me well for my time, like he always does. We didn't make much coin at all, but it was a quick safe trip.

    The days are getting a bit repetitive at the moment, I hope something happens soon to break up the cycle a bit more.

    Variety is the spice of life, they say.

  • The Twentyfirst of Alturiak, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    Had some trouble today with a Vampire. Never fought one before, not keen to do it again. My ribs still ache from his blows.

    I was in town here, chatting with Kala about things when Yana, Nora, and Belma'r turned up, talking about a vampire that Bel had spotted. They restocked and were going to head out, so I joined them. Elidur happened to come along at that point, so the five of us made our way out to the northern orc cave to see if we could find him and end his foul existence.

    The orcs themselves seemed to be expecting our arrival, but their eyes were glazed over, as if they weren't completely under their own control. As we fought our way deeper, some of the orcs seemed confused and bewildered, others fought with unnatural ferocity and focus.

    We found troughs of blood, filled near overflowing.

    A giant near ghostly wolf with glowing red eyes plagued our steps, trying to distract and seperate us, yet when we challenged it, it would turn and depart, diving into cracks in the cave walls and turning into a mist.

    Finally, we faced him. The vampire. He taunted us, killed an orc we were trying to negotiate with, and damn near killed us all. He was strong… and quick. Talked of a brood that he served, and that soon they would feast on all of us.

    I tried to fight him, but could barely hurt him, and he healed faster than I could wound him. Retreat was the only option, and retreat we did, aided by a holy amulet that Yana had.

    I'm going to let Wog know, he seems to have a special interest in undead. Might be that he knows a way to combat the vampire. Without Yana there, I might not have made it out alive.

    I'm going to need to train harder.

  • The Fifth of Alturiak, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Norwick
    Weather: Snowing

    The weather seems to have turned even colder than normal here, as things are changing again. Cattle have been dying in the fields, and the ground is freezing solid overnight. Folks talk about different causes, some plausible, others not so much so.

    I've been helping the ladies to knit more blankets to stay warm. It keeps their minds off the troubles outside the front door of the Grapevine, as well as producing something handy to have. Heaven knows we can always do with more resources, and blankets will never be useless.

    They don't talk about much these days except for what is within our walls. The Sisters, the food, their families, even their dreams and longings. I think they've become accustomed to loss, and to suffering, even though I would do anything to give them a new life.

    The Sisters have talked and talked about a new home for our ladies, and for a new home to continue the rebuilding process that we started. And I want to see that happen. But I want it to come as soon as it can, not in a year, or ten years… it has to happen soon.

    The longer these ladies stay trapped within these walls, the more their spirits will die. They are here because they have nowhere else to be, and noone else to turn to.

    We need to give them something more.

  • The Eighteenth of Hammer, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Raining

    I'm not really sure what I can write about today, it's the quiet time of year right now, and people seem to be staying indoors out of the cold.

    I've spent time lately with a few different folk, but the one that sticks in my mind is Wog, a tall, well spoken half-orc. He's got a great sense of humour, and he's kind and intelligent. He's also got a great sense of self preservation, and knows when to fight, and when to run.

    I've spoken to him about joining the GGGGGG, he's quite interested. I think he's got a lot of experience and knowledge that would serve the guild well. Not to mention that he doesn't like the crafters union overly much either.

    The GGGGGG is really starting to shape up as an alternative to the Crafters Union, whilst not being a direct competitor. Strangely enough, I'm officially a member now as well… it kind of just happened. One day I was merely helping Benji out, the next I was up there with Benji, discussing the future plans and helping him design new inventions.

    We're thinking about basing the guild in the Silver Valley, depending on what the Council says to our ideas, and if the rest of our members agree to the idea. I'd like to see more business go to the Valley, as well as it being a lovely place to spend time.

    In any case, I'm working on two projects at the moment. One is to do with ammunition, and the other is to do with clothing... I can't say too much more, in case someone finds this diary, but I think they're both going to be very interesting come the next auction.

    Selling something that no-one else can make... a good business strategy.

  • The First of Hammer, 1510 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Raining

    Well today was interesting, and no doubt of that! I was out in the pass, keeping an eye on things near where the others want to build our new Sisterhood hall, when a group of Legionnaires came up, heading into the Gnoll woods. Lyte was there, and so was Benji and Wog, Rary, Telli, Calen, and Malika. As soon as Wog saw me, he cheerfully called me to "fall in" as it were, so I jumped on board and joined them on their trip. Turns out they were headed into the Cold Caves, so in we went.

    The trip seemed to go as normal, until we got into the caves proper. There we encountered human and ogre zombies, as well as humans with dire maces and whips, pushing the zombies into battle with us.

    Wave after wave of zombies moved against us, and fell, as well as the odd un-zombied ogre. Eventually though, we got to what we figured was the source of the undead, a portal with an altar to an unknown god.

    We tried all kinds of things to close the portal, but eventually after we had destroyed some kind of power crystal and the altar itself, the portal remained open. Every so often, undead came out of it, and very powerful ones too. We fought them as they appeared for a while, but that didn't seem to do anything either.

    So, figuring that the other end of the portal was somewhere else in the dungeon, we went to move on, but were stopped by an angel, who told us to use the power crystal on the altar to open the portal, and go to the other side to close it.

    Well, now we had a problem, didn't we! No altar, and no power crystal, although the broken shards of the crystal seemed to work well enough. We even managed to put the altar back together, but it just wouldn't work.

    Just as we were about to give up, a devil appeared, and offered to fix the altar for us so that we could open the portal, but she wanted a powerful magical item in exchange. Some of the others tried tricking her, or offering weak items, but she didn't fall for it at all. I didn't offer her anything, dealing with devils is a no no as far as I'm concerned, but in the end Telli gave her a powerful gem called a Saintsblood Pearl.

    I'm sad that Telli gave her such a noble thing, but I know she did it with good intentions, even knowing what the devil might do with it to corrupt it.

    The devil took her prize, activated the altar for us, and left in a shower of flames.

    With the altar re-activated, the portal became two way. Rary went through with a rope tied around his waist, and after waiting a few moments Lyte, Benji, Wog and I went through after him, knowing that he would probably need a hand.

    On the other side of the portal was a worked stone room, with five pillars of light in the middle of it, four raised platforms with pentagrams on them, and six precious stones, each a different colour. A puzzle to be solved.

    Wog and I took control, each of us putting two gems on two platforms. We must have picked right, because beams of light came down onto the platforms, the central pillars of light disappeared, the portal door at the start of the room opened, and the roof started collapsing.

    We made for the exit as quickly as we could. I managed to swipe one of the gems on the way out, I think it's called Alexandrite. In any case, we got out of there, fought our way to the surface and out of the gnoll woods, and headed back to civilisation.

    If I go on many more outings with the Legion, I might need to look at joining up with them. There's already quite a few folks in the Legion that I get along with well, so I don't think I'd have any issues like I do with the HDL, asides from the fact that I'm almost the only adventurer who is active in the HDL these days.

    Might have to talk to Marty about that.

  • The Eighteenth of Nightal, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Raining

    Things have been pretty quiet for me for the last few weeks, mind you this time of year seems to be quiet in general every year.

    There was a big auction, went for a day and a night. I spent way too much coin, but it's better to spend it on things that make people happy than to leave it in the bank, gathering dust. I bought some spell crystals for the GGGGGG, Benji wants them for one of his creations, they cost me over seven thousand gold. I also bought Alexi some dark leathers, they cost five thousand.

    I bought a big crossbow of cherrywood for myself, as Benji just didn't seem like he was going to be able to get one to me any time soon, as well as a spell crystal that would turn my skin to stone, an amulet that protects against the cold, and some magical bracers that turn blows from your body. Not sure what I'll do with the bracers, but they'll probably end up as a present to someone. Maybe a new adventurer I meet.

    Oh, and there have been some odd undead turning up lately. The first one I met talked about the a lock, and how it was bent. The second one told me that the page was missing, within the jewel. And the third one asked what time it was not, and said that the page was being watched by Waukeen. From what I can gather, it's to do with a statue that Telli and Grag broke, but what those undead are saying is pretty cryptic.

    Perhaps the strangest thing was a pair of beholders I came across, in the Underdark. I was coming back from a mining trip with Quin and Master Mord when we walked right into them! The really strange thing about them was that they didn't use magic from their eyes like normal undead do, and when they were dead I found armor and weapons on them, like the ones that the kuo-tua use.

    It was like a powerful mage had turned some kuo-tua into beholders… like a polymorph or something. But who, and why? And how? I know a lot of mages who would pay quite handsomely for such a spell.

    I should head out, I think Adelie needs me to go mining with her. With all this ore I'm hauling around, I'm starting to think I should become a miner myself. There'd be no shortage of people willing to help me out.

    Maybe something to consider.

  • The Eighth of Uktar, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: The Silver Valley
    Weather: Sunny

    Well, my training has finally paid off. Today, I challenged, and defeated, a Hin Fist Disciple of the Monastery here in the Valley.

    I was travelling through the Valley, catching up with friends when I heard some muttering between the guards about a new Hin Fist monk in town. I headed over quickly to the Monastery, and there he was, a fresh faced hin with an unusual name.

    I was given admission into the sparring room, where Mattie, the Hin Fist Disciple, had just defeated Ono Ryuko, the new hin. He looked a little sore, but otherwise okay, and definitely ready to learn more. We spoke for a time, about the realm and the difficulties involved in living here, and then we sparred.

    In the first round, I took him out with a single, well aimed strike.

    In the second, Mattie used a balm on him that turned his skin to stone. He lasted much longer that time, but he still went down and all he was able to do was graze my skin.

    After that, he sat back to watch Mattie and I spar.

    We prepared ourselves, and faced off, neither one looking away, focussed on the fight to come. I told her to engage when she was ready, and after a quick nod, she sprang into action, aiming a stunning blow at my chest.

    I dodged it, and we traded blows for a while. Finally, she managed to catch me a glancing blow to the head, stunning me for a few moments. She unleashed a flurry of strikes whilst I was helpless, hoping to take me down. Thankfully, I came around before she could finish me off and lashed out with my waterfall kick, knocking the wind out of her.

    Wasting no more time, I stepped in and used my rushing river move to bring her down, laying her out on the dojo matt, as she had done to me several years earlier.

    Once the match was officially over, I helped her to her feet, staying calm but feeling a great joy within myself, knowing that I had bested her at last, that I was strong enough to be considered a worthy leader.

    After that, we spoke for a time, and she spoke highly of my skill. It was a bit embarrassing to be praised so in a place of learning, but it made my heart sing.

    And yet the road before me goes on forever.

  • The Twentyfourth of Marpenoth, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: The Silver Valley
    Weather: Sunny

    I'm not sure why, but there seems to be a lot of undead around at the moment, or people trying to create undead. There's been that incident with the Legion and the broken statue… undead in the ruins of Jiyyd, and now, a group of unsavoury characters are trying to create more undead on the old war plains near Jiyyd.

    I met Kosef in the Peltarch commons, we chatted for a while and he told me that he was planning on exterminating the graverobbers that plague that old battlefield. After a while, Isenduil joined us, and the three of us made our way south through the Nars Pass.

    Kosef's a fairly new traveller to Narfell, he came from Damarra, says he used to be a soldier. He certainly carries himself like a soldier would, but his eyes are a lot cheerier than what I've seen on most professional men at arms. Probably something to do with the fact that he's his own man now, and not working under the service of some lord or another. He follows Kelemvor, the lord of the dead. It seems an odd choice, but I guess in his career he must have seen a lot of death, both at his own hands and the hands of his foes.

    Isenduil is a very odd elven priest of a deity called Fenmarel, a god concerned with exiles and feral elves. I guess he fits his god just right, but there's something about him that makes me uneasy. He's never said or done anything to upset me, but it feels like every time he looks at me, he sees a lesser being, something beneath him. That said, he uses his bow well, and is fairly open about using his god's blessings on his allies.

    Anyway, once we got to the temple of Kelemvor, we went inside so that Kosef could get some supplies and pray. The priests there blessed him, and our trip. But as we were leaving the temple, we came across a dwarf sleeping outside the gate, his spear and shield still in hand. Introducing himself as Stubs, he joined us and together we made our way across the Rift River on the ferry.

    Once out on the old war plain, we were almost immediately accosted by a woman in red and black armor. I stayed in the shadows, watching and waiting, in case I was needed, leaving the others to fight, they needed the combat experience far more than I do.

    Isenduil noticed some scavengers up on the hill of old ruined tower, so we made our way around to the ramp and I did a little scouting ahead. Six scavengers, and a man in red and black armor were there, patrolling backwards and forwards as if expecting someone. They didn't notice me, but I wasn't going to push my luck any further than I had to. So I went to the others and dragged them back from the ramp, giving them the positions and numbers of our foe.

    Stepping back into the shadows, I made my way ahead of them to the old ruined tower entrance to stop anyone trying to enter or exit the tower, and watched the fight unfold. Stubs went down, hit mightily by the man in red and black, but I was able to get him up and going again with little more than a few seconds out of his life missing. The six and one were defeated, and we had not been discovered by those within the tower ruins, so we stopped for a minute to regroup ourselves.

    Tactics were discussed, potions given around to make the others harder to hit. Healing was used, and tasks given out... it was almost as if we were a crack unit there for a specific mission, sticking to parameters and working cohesively.

    Sticking to the shadows, I moved inside ahead of the others to position myself, watching to see how the fight would unfold. Again, they had no idea of my presence, continuing to move around their room uneasily, seemingly still expecting someone. They referred to him as "Captain", but whether the title was a military one, a naval one, or merely an earnt moniker, we would never find out.

    Kosef and Stubs burst into the room, weapons bared and shouts of challenge ringing in our ears, Isenduil coming in quietly behind them, his bow promising swift death. The toughest looking enemy in the room was my target, and I stunned him from the shadows. He never saw me coming, and he never saw my fist as it hit him in the head, making his eyes water and his head spin.

    The others worked their way through their foes quickly, Stubs going down again whilst Kosef moved from foe to foe, ending up in front of the stunned warrior just as he came to his senses. I brought Stubs around again, and stepped in to help out Kosef, ending the life of the brute before us.

    We searched the room, finding freshly dug up corpses and black onyx, to be used for the creation of undead. And the man they called Captain was still to arrive.

    Getting ourselves into position, we prepared for his entry. Stubs climbed inside a crate, hoping to leap out and catch him by surprise, whilst Kosef stood in the middle of the room, Isenduil crouched behind some discarded wooden beams, and I hid in the shadows near the door.

    We waited, and watched.

    After a time, the sound of one approaching in fullplate could be heard. We prepared ourselves, and then a huge man walked through the door. He looked big, and he looked mean, like he'd sell his own grandmother for a few gold if he was given the option.

    He and Kosef traded verbal abuse for a few seconds, then I lashed out at him with my lasoo, holding him in place whilst the others moved in. He was tough, and hard to hit, but we persisted. Isenduil managed to stop him with a Hold spell, and Kosef called for us to halt so that he could be bound.

    I thought nothing of it, tying up this so called Captain, and passed the rope off to Kosef. After all, he was the one who started the mission, and it was something he lusted for with a religious zeal. Stubs took the opportunity whilst Kosef had his back turned, to kick the Captain in the mouth, teeth and blood pouring out freely as he screamed... and yet it didn't worry Kosef.

    We moved outside... and Kosef yammered on about the dead in the battleground, how they wouldn't be disturbed any longer... then went to draw a sword to execute the Captain.

    I cried out, alarmed that he would take such an action, but it was too late. He loosened his grip on the rope, and the villain ran off, shouting curses at us.

    We gave chase, and blows were traded back and forth, but in the open he was able to use magics and potions to evade us, eventually leading us into the swamp where we lost his trail in the mud.

    The others seemed to think nothing of running through the old Jiyyd ruins and into the swamp, but I knew better. I had to defeat a large bug that had picked up their scent, I'm not sure how they would have coped against it themselves, but they listened to reason and we abandoned our search, preferring to live than to wander aimlessly in a deadly swamp.

    We returned to the tower ruins, recovered the dead, and gave them a decent burial, leaving nothing of the bandits that we had defeated.

    I tried speaking with Kosef regarding his intent to execute the man, a prisoner, a man with no way to defend himself, but he would not listen. He sees it as his religious right to enforce the will of his god, regardless of the laws of the land, or what would be honourable.

    I hope that the next time that he and the Captain meet, that whoever loses will find death in battle and not outside of it, because I fear that the winner will not be merciful, nor honourable with the defeated.

    In any case, after all of that was finished, I made my way here, to the Valley. I used a few tanglefoot bags trying to recapture the Captain and needed to restock on them, plus I wanted to come somewhere quiet and peaceful to think on things.

    I trust Kosef, and I get along with him well, but his religious fervour is something I hadn't seen before. It's like what I saw in Dietrick, a flame within him that rises to the surface in the right circumstances, uncontrollable and consuming.

    A flame that will destroy all it touches.

  • The Seventeenth of Marpenoth, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Raining

    I got to see Alexi again today… after such a long time apart it was glorious to be with him. We talked and played, chased one another around, teased, and did all the normal things that we do together.

    It felt like... how can I describe it? Perhaps like the way that I can see Mama looked when Papa came back from a market ride to the coastal towns... he'd be gone for weeks and then when he came back, she'd just get this look, and it was like emotion poured out of her. Relief, happiness, love... It was at those times that I knew that they loved one another, no matter what difficulties they had.

    He told me that he'd been watching me from the shadows, looking after me, keeping an eye out for problems... and that he would always be there, watching over me. It was reassuring, but at the same time, it doesn't relieve the loneliness that I feel when he's away. He's a part of me, more than most could ever understand.

    He's not going to be around much it seems... there's something pulling him away. He won't talk about it, but I know that he'll keep coming back to me, regardless of what happens.

    Oh, how I wish we were both free of our responsibilities, so that we could be together now, but there's so many things that come between us, and work to keep us apart.

    No point dwelling on it though, this is our lot for now, and we have to deal with it and keep going. Can't just curl up in a ball and complain, it won't solve anything.

    One day though, things will be different.

  • The Twentyeighth of Eleint, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    I've spent a fair bit of time with Terren lately, getting to know him, mucking around, and so on. He's a really nice guy… definitely not someone that I'd want to be in a relationship with, but a nice guy nonetheless. I don't think I could handle his wandering ways... there's a lot more to life than sex, and I think that there are times when he forgets that.

    In any event... the reason this came up is that I gave him a full massage at the bathhouse... took me an hour. We chatted whilst I worked his muscles into a stress free state. Hedia was there for a while too, watching and listening. I don't mind, she's nice enough, but like Terren. Too focussed on sex.

    After a while, she left, saying that she had things she had to attend to... and Terren and I spoke about Hedia. He thought that she liked me quite a bit, and from there the topic moved on to other, more intimate topics. I could tell that she wasn't the only one interested in me. He pretty much said that he would like a wife like me, as if trying to subtly hint that he wouldn't mind adding to his family, even though he knew I wanted children and that he could never give them to me, let alone anything else.

    When I had finished and he sat up, he had to cover his lap with a towel... seems like the discussion got him all hot and bothered.

    I'll happily count him amongst my friends, but anything more than that, well, I'm just not interested. There needs to be more subtlety, more playing... more intimacy. And less wandering, even if no-one else has a problem with it.

    The man I eventually marry will be faithful.

  • The Fourth of Eleint, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Snowing

    It's the middle of Summer, and it's snowing in Peltarch! I know the land used to be like this, but it hasn't snowed here in years, and then it starts up in Summer!

    I got off the boat from Norwick and wandered into the commons to find folks throwing snowballs at one another, and marvelling at the wonder of this most unusual scene. Belma'r had even made a snowhin!

    I took the time to play and relax in the snow, having only ever seen it up high in the Giantspires. It was a little cold, but nothing that I couldn't handle. So I took the opportunity to sit under a tree and meditate. Ronan was also sitting there, we spoke for a time quietly, whilst he read a journal or something similar. He's an interesting fellow, but from what he said to me, he seems conflicted, perhaps in a way that he doesn't realise.

    He said that he stood apart from others, that he was unique, forging his own path. It's interesting that he said that, considering some of the things I've heard about him and the assassins that are after him. I get the feeling that there's a lot about him that he doesn't share with anyone, either from fear, or arrogance.

    He's powerful, but power isn't everything.

  • The Eighteenth of Eleasis, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: Peltarch
    Weather: Raining

    I finally have my boots!

    Sitting in the commons, waiting for Linn and Adelie to arrive, I was talking with some adventurers when Terren arrived with a pair of boots that were smoking, like they'd just been steamed or frozen really, really cold. He had a big grin on his face, and he smiled at me, happy with himself.

    Of course, I jumped up and ran over to him, and he gave me the boots. I had thought that they would make my feet move faster, or improve my reflexes somehow, but he made them do something slightly different. When I put them on for the first time, they kept smoking… but it was more like a mist than smoke. But that wasn't the strangest thing... they increased my peripheral vision so much that I can see behind my head!

    The sensation of being able to see everything all around me was disorientating at first. I almost fell over! But Terren helped me to a seat, and as I sat there, swinging my feet and turning my head this way and that, I slowly became accustomed to it.

    After maybe an hour, I decided to go for a walk, test out how they worked in combat. Every step I took was like I was floating, barely touching the ground. My feet slid forward as if in a dream, and I could see in all directions at once, sometimes even as if I was in the air, above the ground.

    The orcs sure weren't expecting the changes that they made to my combat ability. They didn't land a single blow on me. I can only imagine what I must have looked like to them, a small, speeding, red ghost of doom.

    I hope it gives me the edge I need.

  • The Twentysixth of Flamerule, 1509 by Dale Reckoning

    Location: A secret grotto (Not telling!)
    Weather: Warm and dry

    I went out and spent some time on the shores of the Icelace this week. I felt like something was calling me to the waters edge, to come and meditate there.

    So, I made my way out past the orcs and to the sandy beach below the cliffs. I told no-one where I was going, and took only what I would require; my clothes, some fresh food and water, and my diary. The rest I left at the Grapevine.

    The orcs didn't see me… they never do now unless I want them to. It's almost as if I can pass them like an underground stream, never seen, never heard.

    Sitting on the sand, my legs folded and my eyes closed in meditation, I opened my mind to the water and reached out, hoping to find some kind of presence there, or at the least a message that might have been left for me.

    Instead, all I could hear was the slow washing of the waves against the shore.

    I forced myself to calm further, and waited.

    And waited.

    A day and a night passed, and I sat there, unmoving. Waiting.

    I assured myself that I needed to be like water, to be patient and wait for whatever was in my path to be removed by my presence.

    So I waited some more.

    Another day and night passed.

    I took a little food and water at dawn the next morning, no more than I would need.

    Another day and night passed.

    As dawn approached for the third time since my arrival, I was close to passing out from exhaustion. I was cold, I was hungry, I was sore...

    And then it came to me.

    Is it that I am seeking to be like water so much that I am not allowing myself to learn from it?

    Here I was, sitting on the edge of the shore, trying to outlast the water, to wear it down.

    But water is what wears down all things, what outlasts all things. No matter how patient I am, no matter how powerful I become, no matter what obstacles I overcome, I will still never be truly water, for water will always defeat me. Like the sand beneath my body that was once a mighty cliff or boulder, before the power of water I am reduced to little more than grains of dust.

    My lesson learned, I travelled to my grotto, and curled up to rest, too exhausted to think any more on the subject. Nothing disturbed me, and I slept for a day and a night, awaking just before dawn today.

    Since then I've stepped outside once. It was raining, a sign to me that I am on the right path still. The water is within me, I can feel it welling up. And I am becoming stronger, although the progress seems slow.

    I watched the dawn through a cloudy and rain soaked sky, then returned to my grotto to eat and drink, and to write this entry. As I write, I'm reminded of where I started when I came to this land, and how much I've learnt, how far I've come.

    I was right before to think that for every step that I take, another two are added. Because water is eternal. It has no beginning, and no end. No matter how far I progress down the path, no matter how strong I become, no matter how fast, or how wise I become, I can never attain the perfection that I sought.

    I can never become water itself, but maybe I can become more like water.

    So there was a message for me in the lapping of the lake. A message that lay within the very essence of the water. A finite being cannot understand the infinite, and it cannot become one with the infinite. It is like trying to hold a river in your hand.

    Maybe I'm not failing after all, I've just been looking at this the wrong way.