Auction ((30 August, 00:01AM GMT))
A poster is is placed in a couple well noticeable places throughout the city.
_The first anniversary new years auction will be held the last day of this year, at the Peltarch's "Rant Stand". The auction will be held by Adelie de'Lanieth of the Defenders, and the profit goes toward Peltarch's Defensive Statue fund.
Those who wish to have some interesting magical trinkets of theirs auctioned, contact Adelie as soon as possible. Only a 5% share of the auction price will be taken toward the Statue Defense Fund, the rest goes to the one giving the item to be auctioned._
((The event will be held 00:01AMGMT (one minute after midnight
GMT), this Sunday (sunday, since it's minute past midnight). That's 7:00p.m. US eastern time, and Saturday. If some aussies could post what that is in their time, it would be appreciated.))
((2 hours until the auction!))
A man in worn clothes smirks and laughs
Obviously a ploy of some sort, or front for some criminals. They can't even keep it straight if it is a 'Defensive Statue fund' or a 'Statue Defense Fund'.
:: shakes his head::
I wouldn't trust goods from people that don't even know which fund they are working for.
No list will be given prior to the auction, to keep a factor of surprise.
As for crafted goods, they are accepted in low quantity, and must have a minimum price set. ((minimum price being their ooc minimum price))
WOuld Crafted goods be acceptable.?
Seth enquires if there is a list of goods to be auctioned available
I think that's 10 AM EAST Sunday.