Oscura Event Night

  • As player activity within the city is low unless I hit a group of folks with a brick… I'd like to set a night for Oscura event-age. Keep in mind I'm in the US Eastern timezone.

    Tentatively, I'd like to say Tuesday Nights starting at 8pm...

    Any players with Oscuran interests out there have conflicts?

  • At the moment, it has to be a weekend.

    Give my commute time to work, and that the school year is just starting, my work day is usually 5am to 9pm with the commute and lessons to plan or papers to grade afterward.

    The plots are still being written (I've had a nice long PM exchange with another DM of late), but my time to get in-game and run them is going to be limited until I either move closer to work, or just Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

  • I concur. I've been around for the past two weeks sitting in Oscura and waiting for several hours. Are there any other days/times that would work?

  • ICC

    …perhaps we ought to choose a different time since the current one is unsuitable?

  • I filled in this time Dora, luckily I've been on a week off from uni 😛

  • Given that I woke up with my face on the keyboard and the DM client open (but not logged in) tonight at 3am, having fallen asleep around 9:30pm, some rescheduling may be involved. Stay tuned… :oops:

  • @4be465e26d=Dorakhan:

    Thus far, it's looking like Thursday night at 10pm EST is going to be a better answer?

    Wow. Ignore my last post. I definitely thought "Thursday" in this post was "Tuesday" facepalms In this case, I will not be able to make these :x

  • As a heads up, since my erratic schedule never allows me to set a specific time, if you see me IG, any interactions with NPCs can be sent through the channel to me.

  • Well, Thursday night at 10pm is now the apportioned time.

    I'm not going to simply throw out plot hooks to everyone standing around. This will be the time to investigate and interact with NPCs, etc. In the future on these nights, you may message the DM channel (just once please) with actions you'd like to take regarding particular NPCs or information retrieval from libraries, etc.

  • //Ah gotcha, I knew we had discussed that, but I've been slightly absent lately and didn't know if I'd missed something or not. Thanks Sethan.

  • @ba3598377c=Teringer:

    //er wait, did they change the location of the town crier?

    //You're thinking of the Herald, and not yet - waiting on a new location for that from Kuker/Dora.

  • //er wait, did they change the location of the town crier?

  • It's easy to become a citizen now 😛

    It doesn't matter too much, but don't expect to be praised or liked too much 😛

  • Dev

    I'm very interested in some sort of Oscura related event. My halfling isn't a citizen though. Does that matter?

  • Thumbs up

  • That'd work perfectly for me. I happen to finish my night class right at 9pm on Tuesday nights and don't have an early class on Wednesdays. If I'm not too exhausted I'll see about bringing Kayden around.

  • Thus far, it's looking like Thursday night at 10pm EST is going to be a better answer?

  • I'd love a scheduled night for an Oscuran event. I would definitely attend with one of my Oscuran PCs. That being said, it comes with some sad news at this point in time. I don't currently have access to my desktop which has NWN installed, as I am in between apartments. I wont be in my next place and using my desktop again until August 10th at the earliest. 😞
    There's no room on my laptop to install the game, and my attempts to put it on a large flashdrive failed. I could try again if I go dig the disks out of storage.

    Annnyways, any time in the evenings (EST) will work swell for me. I work morning to afternoons, but aside from spending time with the lady, I got free time all night.

  • I can make just about any night except monday night. After the beginning of august I'll have a lot more time on my hands (I hope).

  • Legion

    I'd be interested in bringing my Oscura PC but I probably wouldn't be able to make it until a later time like 11:00 PM EST.

  • ICC

    Didn't catch the EST time. Tuesdays at 5pm..I might be able to do that, actually. And Zanetar - you're alive?