Gnome looking for legendary herring

  • A sturdy gnome, dressed in brown, green and yellow, has recently often seen in commons asking if anyone would have any recent information about sightings of legendary herring Volmari Silli that he has heard to be living in the Icelace Lake. Those who have entered into conversation with him, have been told that he has traveled a long way from the Marching Mountains of Calimshan to Peltarch to find this majestic fish. He claims to be most interested to hear any information about the herring, and wishes anyone with information to contact him. Apparently he might even be willing of paying for information that leads him on the right direction.

  • Legion

    Hmm … okay. I will have to go prepare the right rituals ... you know ... so I can talk with fish under water and all that.

  • Gnome twirls his moustache, and then gives out a warm smile and chuckles softly

    AaahYeees. ISooomeeeetiiiimeeesFoooorgeeeetThaaatCooommoooonsTooonguueeeShooouuuldBeeeSpookeenMoooreeeSloooowlyyy.

    Soooo.IWiiishNoootTooooKiiillIiitAaaatAaaall. IJuuustWiiishTooooHaaaveAaaChaaatWiiithIiit.

    Gnome gives a meaningful look at Marty with his eyes telling that this time you surely understood what I was saying, right?

  • Legion

    Marty looks at him in stunned confusion


  • Gnome looks Marty a bit amazed, then scratches the tip of his nose and replies with his bit too fast common

    OfCourseNot! IAmIntendingToHaveADecentAndLongDiscussionWithIt. IDoubtThereIsNoFellerInTheseLandsWhoWouldEvenDareToDreamOfSlayingItAndIfThereIsISurelyShallPutMyselfInBetweenTheVolmariAndThem

  • Legion

    While taking one of her regular breaks in the commons, Marty overhears talk of the man's quest.

    Well … I can talk to the fish for you and see if they have seen it. I mean, you plan to catch and kill this herring right?