Whispers at the Fire

  • It seems a somewhat distracted Mord dropped a gnomish firecraker in the fire near the town center. Though the resulting blast and flames startled a number of people, none were severely injured. Mord seemed somewhat disoriented and searched about for where the explosion may have come from.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word around town is that a gigantic goblin, nearly the size of a man, was engaged and defeated just inside the southern gate a few days back. Word is that it was encountered by a hoarran from the camp, and a rather tall hin warrior.

  • Those who wander south in Rawlinswood, have been lately noticing that large number of goblin corpses found on the ground seem to be missing their hands.

  • Unfortunately Yngdír hasn't been seen in Norwick main a lot lately, or anywhere out of the Rawlinswood. Although there are rare occasions that he will leave the forest. Apparently he still stands his vigil at the south gates and offers advice to those 'novice adventurers' he's supposed to be murdering. The quiet Ranger has said nothing about the song or any truths behind it in his defense or otherwise to anyone that it did not concern.

  • Several cheerful patrons of the Grapevine Inn (who were quite likely well paid) are eager to spread rumour of the elf Yngdir. They boast of how he enjoys shooting novice adventurers in the back over nothing!

  • ICC

    Word on the street is that a big number of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs have gathered in Norwick. From all directions, south, west, east, north… a large number of Half-orcskept showing up and gathered around the fire in Norwick. Roars and grunts, feet stomping... the loud sound of war drumms calling even more brethrens to that big gathering. Once the number was big enough, they left Norwick and headed North. Norwick´s Colonel Devlin DEsarion and guard Albrianna have witnessed the gathering of the half-orcs

  • After three days and nights of guarding the gates from excessive attacks from different races and species, Albryanna, Devlin, and Elyl retired to the Grapevine to treat themselves with flapjacks. Some patrons complained (and others laughed) as Albry and Dev took to wrestling on the floor over a flapjack which Albry had stolen from Dev's plate. Shortly after they were at it again, only this time Albry was attempting to forcefully stuff a flapjack down Dev's throat (those who stuck around after the first match know that this brawl ensued due to the fact that Dev kicked Albry off her chair). After tiring themselves to the point of passing out, they exchanged laughs and hugs and retired to the barracks for the night. Those who were at the inn to witness both banters know that Albry came out the victor both times

  • Ever since her recent return, Albryanna has been seen patrolling through the woods most every morning on a regular basis. Sometimes she returns with hardly a scratch, other times she appears to have fallen in a pit full of spikes. Either way, she shrugs it off and continues on with her duties about town

  • @5d6d9a86cb=Zangeen:

    Albryanna and Devlin were seen entering the militia barracks at dusk, and did not return until the next morning

    The entire next day, Devlin seems to constantly carry a satisfied grin across him face, is if he were the happiest man alive.

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and Colonel Devlin Desario, have been seen, at the Crafters Hall door step, enjoying their smoking habit and in light conversation regarding the various tobacco leaves, their aromas, texture and taste*

  • Albryanna and Devlin were seen entering the militia barracks at dusk, and did not return until the next morning

  • ICC

    *Another day is about to end, the sun starts to set and slowly the shadows and the howl of the owls take over the land. A small group of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs get ready for yet another night of patrol.

    Ahead of the Group, Arak´Hur can be seen leading Grakk, Vugar, Sgruud and Borag into Old Norwick area.

    The squeals of pain from the rats they exterminate with our mercy, can be heard from afar. They "litter" the area with big chunks of poisoned meat, to ensure that the rats that nibble it, will die soon after.

    From New Norwick overlook area, small fires can be seen to appear, here and there and the smell of burnt furr and leftovers can be sensed over the air.

    They then are seen entering the graveyard areas, only to be seen again when day breaks.

  • It seems that a certain blonde priestess of Umberlee has been seen around Norwick more often then is usual for one belonging to the Sail's. When she isn't wandering the Rawlins or drinking at the Inn, she has been seen in the company of a follower of Lathander.

  • ICC

    Rumour has it that, once more, a big number of Iron Chain Clan half-orcs have gathered in Norwick, once thier force was of a conciderable size, they left Norwick and headed South.
    Very few commoners knew what was thepurpose of such huge gathering, but some have heard a word…. Sgruud´s Rite of Passage.

  • Legion

    So far Benji has just been carrying it around showing it to people.

  • Word has it that there was an exchange of a massive ugly eyeball, and a rather heavy bag of gold between Devlin and Benji. It's said the eyeball came from a death spell slinging Beholder. Words are exchanged, and something is mentioned about "Being able to fit the eye in a jar…".

  • ICC

    *Another nights falls, and a fresh team of Iron Chain Clan Half-Orcs lead by Arak´Hur, Sgruud and Grakk, can be seen leaving the south gate and head to Old Norwick Area.

    From a high overlook spot, small fires could be seen burning brightly here and there, for any small fire that goes out, two or three start right away.

    Before daybreak, the three half-orcs can be seen entering norwick, badly wounded and with serious wounds… their, feet, ankles, legs and arms completly maked with dozens of bite marks.

    They can be overheard complaining about falling into a trap of hundreds of Dire Rats*

    // thank you DM-Stuiped, we had a blast!! 😄

  • _A weary group of Norwick's finest, including the Chancellor and his Colonel of the Militia, come shambling through the gates, carrying one of their own. After a brief stop and rest in the Healer's, they continue on with what appears to be a fallen warrior slumped (now on a horse) northward for a slightly longer journey.

    Their armor and equipment shows signs of serious fighting and scorching heat. Blast-marks appear in several places on heavily damaged platemail. Though few understandable sentences are heard, words such as "exploding, beholders and hobgoblins" are mumbled in the weary silence as they pass out the north gates._

  • ICC

    Gruul of the Iron Chain Clan returns from one of his many dawn patrols into the woods, many small puffs of smoke can be seen rising behind him down south in the morning sun. He heads as many times before out to the docks, were he checks on the poisoned meat traps and burns the corpses of any rats that have taken of the meat

  • Norwick Militia and town official Devlin praises the elven lass for her efforts.