Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • What began as a pleasant, crowded day at the commons, filled with light conversation and music by Lycka and Terry, abruptly ended by the arrival of a pale and sick man, dressed in rags. The man stumbled forwards with a half-choked plea for help, before collapsing to the ground. Horrific rumours then state that a giant, birdlike creature burst forth from inside the man, ripping him to pieces and attacking the gathered crowd. No further casualties are reported aside from the mysterious stranger, whose steps were traced to the south by an investigative party assembled from the crowd.

  • _The names of those who are reputed to have aided in bringing the blessed shroud of Ilmater to the City are being spoken of all over, whose miraculous powers are being hailed as the divine intervention in protecting Peltarch. None, however, are spoken more frequently nor more reverentially than that of Senator Mariston Thel's, of whom the tales are fast growing out of proportion.

    Men speak of Mariston arriving from the east, the Shroud billowing in his hands, the light of the dawn shilloutting him, and striding through the city, bringing relief from sickness to all who looked upon his benign countenance. Others speak of how he led the band of heroes to the east and found a place of such suffering from plague, that he fell to his knees, shedding a single tear, and a beggar dying of the plague, who was in truth the Lord of Mercy, Ilmater himself, handed him the shroud for his empathy.

    Though the Senator himself has spoken of the event only in light of praising those brave men and women who accompanied him, his modesty has done little to assuage the ever more fanciful tales of his miraculous deeds in defeating the plague._

  • has many are feasting to celebrate the leaves of the plague some rumors of it being caused by some sort of curse bestowed on a holy relique of ilmater would had been the cause,some even go as far as to claim that that relique was cleansed for all evil,wich removed the plague

  • With the plague getting as bad as it was, it was hard for some not to hear a small group of city employees and adventurers, in the commons speaking about heading off to cure it once and for all. The group leaving on a ship in the docks and returning several days later from the south. What exactly happened on the trip isn't known yet, but it seems they were successful, as the plague seems to be cured.

  • The blond verbal abusing priestess of Umberlee was spotted arm in arm with the savy Lathanderite Locrian disappearing into the Mermaid. They reappeared the next morning holding hands and for once, the priestess wasn't making rude comments to anyone. In fact, she actually seemed nice…

  • _A well-known-red-headed 'bard' is apparently telling a hilarious story about senators mud-wrestling in the commons in the late hours of the night! Apparently they were picking up handfuls of dirt and just slinging it at each other, and even rolling around in it.

    It's strange, his story suggests that there was more than one senator present - though some versions of the story mention Ronan more than anyone else, in such stories there is much mention of a charming little doll._

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    A bald man seeks out Duncan as well. He wears black and red armor trimmed with white, and has no signs of any runes on his head. Assuming he can gain audience with the man, he says, "I hear you need mercenaries?"

  • If Shade can find Duncan Hertwell she tells him how the Harvest Guildhall has been destroyed and her idea about how they should start a new guild with Duncan and the sisterhood as charter members. If he asks she tells him how the Sisterhood has been working to feed the people and additionally she mentions a long-term solution involving the building of a wall around his property and how the sisterhood would work to make this possible if some land can be set aside for them to farm and develop.

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    One large half-ork can be heard commenting recent rumors

    "Oi, dem huuuumies seem da gitting back inta their feets: Deir warparty scattered dem weak-bloods frem de farmlands und nows dey bes moving dem sick und worthless vermin inta dat large jester-building. Whut ya dinks, when they dink that bes enough crowded wit dem unworthy rabble, so dey put it dat building under torch, eh?

    Hmmz.. would dat wailing make dem mighty fine choir, eh? Nay more sick und non-working mouths ta feed und music inta yar ears in same moments… Aye, dem huuumies ere bes nay so silly afteralls. Har har har har."

  • _Jubilations! Word quickly spreads through the City that the Western Farmlands, owned by the independant farmer Duncan Hertwell, have been retaken in the first successful Defender Operation outside the City Walls since the N'Jast War. Admittedly, the Defenders merely commanded the mission, which was carried out by a half-dozen or more brave volunteers from the City's thriving Adventurer Community, which Lieutenant Lucy Rhodes of the Loyal Fists has reputedly been praising for their championing of Mister Hertwell's plight.

    The successful retaking has been followed by a slow but steady process of restoring the pillaged Farm to order, as well as building Watchfires so that should Orcs show signs of encroaching again, the residents may signal the City for aid. The retaking has proven to be quite a conversation piece in the local taverns, citizens happy to at last have a piece of good news to talk about.

    Not everybody is happy though, as the impending reopening of the Hertwell Farm is bad news for the Harvest Union, long opposed to Mister Hertwell's refusing to sell up his farm to them. The Union and Mister Hertwell seem to be trading their fortunes, as while his luck seems to be finally on the up, theirs is steadily declining with the continued jailing of their Guildmaster and the recent destruction of their Guildhall by rioters._

  • _No one out and about in the commerce district could have missed the spectacular re-appearance of the mystery-mage known as Leanna, her coming and going as usual heralded by bright light and sound. Huge, twirling dragon-shapes circled the sky, broken up into bright fireworks - skillful illusions, according to Lycka, the Cerulean Knight present at the time. Also pure illusion was the red dragon that landed at Leanna's side for a brief moment, nostrils flaring with life-like flame, and the terrifying Balor fought by the bravest of adventurers present turned out to be nothing more than a common rat. The sweet, candied apples that rained down afterwards were quite real, however, and reportedly delicious. Additional rumours of pink bunnies of doom and a girl turned penguin only add to Leanna's reputation of strange whimsy.

    Arguably more sinister, though far less visible was a later occurance at the commons, leaving both the city employees present, but perhaps mainly the Black Sails Captain Seesaw, quite disturbed. Rumour speak of some form of invisible stalker of undoubtedly ill intent, valiantly driven off by the city's forces._

  • Rumors also mention that Ludo the great would ahd been jailled for claiming loud and clear the he was a senator!

  • …rumors abound of a portly halfer passing out for hours in the middle of the Residential District walkway upon hearing that a guardsman had actually acquired the autograph of the famous Ludo. Those that pass this drooling mound of blue flesh might see the occasional twitch and the words "Loo-Loo" utter from it's mouth...

  • Rumours spread of an autograph-pedling Gnome, famous for claiming to be famous, being arrested… though unfortunately he seems to be of the view he was involved in some kind of street performance. He is currently sitting in a dank cell wondering when act II will be over and he can star in act III, "Ludo saves the day and then eats pie at the Inn".

    Ludo is rumoured to be moving being bouts of depression, sitting in the corner counting invisible turnips to demanding for menus, feasts, performers and tailors to service him in his cell.

    What is clear - the poor Gnome wants out!

  • A few people talk about things that have been said inside the mermaid by some of the advanturers ofcourse words could hav ben twisted and truth could have been extended but apparantly the extraordinairy trader Alexi would had turned down the romantic advances of a fine lass named Lia,who turned out to be cursed by some drow priestess.

    The Sharessan Priestess Silmiel seems to have lifted the curse from that Lia lass,words of extensive blessings used on Lia would had worn her out.
    Others stipulates the Silmiel was seen going after some orc highpriest just a few hours after.

    To think that those two (Alexi and Lia) where speaking in elven for hours just a few weeks ago and from the look of it that all seemed to be going just too well betwen the two.

    Advanturers are strange folks and things are never what they appear to be with them.

    • Foilir Dolvak can be seen searching out the dwarves of the stonemasons guild. He introduces himself to each one individually, with his cousin Nor who runs Dolvak Extermination Services following behind him pulling a cart.

    After he speaks to each stonemason, Nor hands Foilir two ales (Dolvak Dark) and some food, which Foilir then hands to the mason he was speaking to.

    Foilir also tells the stonemasons to spread the word amongst their families and any kin in the city that may not be working at the wall, that if they need anything with regards to the plague, be it foor or ale or clothes or a job or coin due to not being able to work due to illness, to come by his shop near the West Gate.

    He makes his way through all the workers, spending just a brief moment or two with each one, but responding to any dour dwarf humor with a yelled retort. Leaning on his staff and with a wave, he makes his way off to the East, grumbling and smiling as he comes back realizing his shop is to the West.

    Yes the dwarf has been getting lost quite a bit in the new landscaping of the city. He can no longer resolve where North is, or where the various landmarks that were burned into his brain are. Its as if the city was rearranged by a deranged bard. Well that is what he thinks anyway.

    With Nor following behind him, he loudly barks out for the stonemasons to hear, that Nor needs to great and treat each and every stonemason with respect, for they are his kin, and a part of their extended family. *

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    Arak´Hur is sitting next to Grakk

    O> Brethren Grakk speaks dah truth, deez big city bosses no know how rule it. Dem waste precious koin in poor soups and shelter fer deh homeless… Bah ! swats if dem wants waste coin dem could hand it to us and we wuld make guuwd use of dem koins!

    Common > Oy!! female... git yer pritee behind here an entertain us! We´s thirsty and we gots koin fer ale!

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    half-ork known as Grak is visiting Bait and tackle -inn
    "oi wench, ya bring Grak small keg of alu und yarself fer kompany, git!" looks to travellers and assembled people "ya rumormongers knows whut bes wrung wit dis silly town, eh? Shut yar yaps und Grak tells ya: it bes witout boss. Aye, like ship witoouts dem rudder. Grak has seen all of dem lanky senotors nosing aroond sum stinky female soup line und tending some weak und ill punylings. Tink abooot it. Alls o dem who shoulds bes building und managin dis tows, bes loitering und wenching wit sum penniless beggars und females.
    Wus dis de task ya voted dem ta does?
    Looks for the barmaid
    Now were dat ale und wench bes, Grak thirsties!
    slams his club to the table to make the point*

  • _A crowded commons once again erupted into bright light and sound bursts, heralding not the arrival of horrid beasts from the underworld this time, but rather that of a pretty, darkhaired young woman known to some as Leanna. Though normally giggly and more than a little whimsical, this time Leanna had graver concerns, speaking of a threat against the Weave itself, and a pair of highly magical boots in need of rescue from the wrong hands.

    Cerulean Knights Seth, Lycka, Sarah, Aristos and Attentus immediately took this task upon themselves, aided by all manner of bystanders, forming a mighty force that left the commons via a portal to a strange pocket plane. Rumour has it the group had a viciously hard fight on their hands, battling Sharran forces and their shadowy cohorts, but in the end, the group emerged not only weary, but perplexed, some speaking of a divine test. With them, the group brought the fabled pair of boots, but also a strange woman going by the name Tabatha, reportedly a high priestess of Mystra.

    A short few days later, dark energies and magical lighting strikes rocked the commerce district, resulting in one civilian casualty, a man who is said to have practically melted from within from the powerful blasts. Wraiths and spectres appeared in the wake of the storm, but with the quick intervention of Defenders Aelthas and Elena, Cerulean Knight Lycka, Senator Redralen and Bardic collegue apprentice Nure, the undead apparitions were disposed of without further casualties, and a summoning circle in Ashald Park successfully closed._

  • The Stonemasons Guild finally has gotten around to beginning the much needed repair work on the Western Walls, and the Western Gatehouse, much to the approval of the residents of the Commerce District. The dwarves of the Guild have also been seen flattening out an area of land west of the walls, where the old western Watchtower used to stand prior to its destruction at the hands of Sergeant Hakeswell of Highhold. Perhaps they will be attempting to rebuild it…though what the Orcs have to say about that is another story...