The Plague!
After a long exchange words with the senator Silmiel left satisfyed. Knowing things are taken seriously with he feeling of being part of the solution.
Silmiel is informed the initiative was ordered by the Senate.
Silmiel gos to the theater with a descided pace.then ask to speak the one who had that idea…she waits politely at the door.
It seems that the Theatre is being turned into a makeshift infirmary. Beds and supplies are being moved inside, though not without grumbling by many of the resident bards. With the theatre being one of the largest buildings in the city, it's expected there will be room for a good amount of plague-touched people. With the city's healers stretched as is, the question remains who is going to treat them all though.
Marie nods and smiles.
Of course, old friend. Anything that I can do to help is never too much trouble.
She takes Telli around to different families that she has spoken to, to introduce her and to let them know why she is in the docks, to help break the ice a little.
From there, the two of them start working together to identify those in need of healing, and how badly they are in need, what with the short incubation period of the disease.
((Fort roll 27))
With watching Silmiel's actions from the day prior Telli's mind crawls along with a purpose until well into the day something sparks. She waddles off to find Scuttle with the following on her heart.
"Miss Scuttle… Yuh and Telli done purdy good workings togeders in Oscura on da farm... was wonderings if would helpedededs Telli wid da docks districts and helps me finds folks need da mosts helps and helps me determines which ones need little bits helps ta get ems ta da next day...."
As the plague intensifies Telli's tactic to combat the plague shifts as well. Although she continues to administer remove disease, restoration, greater restoration and full healing spells to cure those afflicted. Telli now doubles her efforts by blessing people with strength, endurance, removing fear, and lesser restoration to the those who look as though they could survive another day with their ailments.
Whilst unskilled with healing, either of a natural or divine nature, Marie nonetheless tries to help out those in the docks district by spending time with them, hearing their concerns and trying to ease their fears and doubts.
She especially makes time for the children, giving them small toys and dolls that she has made, and playing games of hide and seek with them to try and keep their minds off the horrors of the plague.
Being the heroic, plague defeating character he is, Perriwig P. Doubleday has loaded his picnic baskets onto the back of his faithful steed, stowed a range of exciting style options, and declared himself on an extended holiday to the Silver Valley. He also tries to coax his badminton partner and mad hatress and milliner enthusiast Caramella Bestefaren to mount the stout little pony - called Sole Mornay - and come with him. Apparently unrelated to the staggering rows of septic Peltarchians. Aye right.
::Mariston and his fellow knights of the Order work tirelessly to aid the victims of the disease::
(the next day Silmiel returns with six removes diseases and 3 restorations also for bull strenght extended for those who carry in supplies and food.She thanks Teli for her advises and tels peacefull stories to the afflicted rolled 22 on perform that daySilmiel pass much time cooking meats after wards and makes sure any hungry gets feed).
::Recently there have been new outbreaks across the whole city, not only Dock district anymore. People are getting nervous as things seem to slip out of control. Lines that are waiting for healing are few days long::
as usual Silmiel use endurance on her self to help her resist diseases and prepares five remove diseases,seven lesser restorations and many healing spells before she heads to the confinment house in the docks distict
Telli watches the woman as she administers blessings of lesser restorations, and waddles up to her with a dopey grin.…
"Miss...Telli beens noticings das blessings nots do a lots fer sicks folks....yuh shoulds askedededs fer da full restorations or greater restorations on folks if cans... dat seems ta helpedededs ems mosts."
as usual Silmiel use endurance on her self to help her resist diseases and prepares five remove diseases,seven lesser restorations and many healing spells before she heads to the confinment house in the docks distict
((fort roll 25))
Telli waddles along the streets curing those she comes across… her priority pretty clear to tend to the most terminal first. Farmers often get priority as well as kin, although none are turned down until what gifts given to her by Chauntea are taxed in a given day. At which point she'll give what healing aid she can in terms of scrolls, potions and devoted attention to the nearby clinics if they need help.
//Lets keep the OOC to a minimum and I am sure the DM knows the ins and outs
::Those who help the suffering and are not protected from the disease like paladins…
// or as a monk, I believe, as monks also have immunity to disease.
((except magical or supernatural and is obtained at 5th lvl so hope it isn't magical
or you are above 5th lvl))
Being both an Archangel of the city and a squire in the Divine Shield, Elijah of Ilmater has been working days and nights in acquiring remedies, healing people with divine magic and trying to figure out the source of the plague.
::Divine healing seems to be main method of aid used by healers. It works, it seems::
Nyda visits briefly to determine the efficacy of Remove Disease on one of the victims.
(Or as monk. Counting starts from today, and its 1 rl day that counts, not IG day).