Told from the Rant Stand

  • _* Calen looks at Adrian and Mariston from the crowd and then his eyes turn to the man trying to get through the crowd and stands thinking for a few moments as the crowd seems to be doing then makes his way to the stand *

    Good People of Peltarch…. I stand before you now, not as a bard, not as a Senator, but as the same man that I came before you as in the past. One that, like you, has a family that I worry o'er.

    *pauses a moment and clears his voice *

    I have listened to this man and to the Senators and to both I see they are correct. For I am no bard and can not speak as one.

    *smiles to Adrian and nods a bow of respect, then looks to Mariston and does the same, then points out to the crowd gathered *

    You do deserve the truth. You are this cities lifeblood. You are the Jewel's heart. We are facing a very dangerous and at times lethal foe in facing this plague. We, are gathering as many forces in healing and blessings as possible to combat this foe. We are also asking for your help.

    *takes a deep breath releasing slowly, removing his cloak and laying it over the podium *

    I came to you during my campaign and told you that we all needed to stand together as one and work together for the rebuilding and betterment of the city and I promised I would fight for you no matter what and e'en if it meant my own life and I shall continue to do so, howe'er we need your help.

    *hand gentle yet firm to the podium, eyes traveling across the faces in the crowd slowly, attempting to ensure all feel as if he is speaking to them *

    Can we save e'eryone? No. Will we do e'erything within our power to do so? Yes. I know we are frightened, for our loved ones as well as ourselves, though we need to stand together now to get through this dark time. We must stand together, help one another, fight off the fear and help our neigbors, for they may be the ones that save my child, my family, or yours, or yours and yours.

    *pointing as he says "yours" *

    Yes I said fight the fear. Yes I said stick togehter. Yes I said help one another. Yes, I am saying do not panic. No sugar coating about it. We are in danger,though Together we shall make it through to the light at the end of the tunnel and there celebrate another grand victory for the Jewel, for our City, Peltarch.

    *With that said Calen takes his cloak from the podium and humbly steps down and through the crowd toward the city hall, asking of the gaurd and defenders the status of the city, along the way *_

  • :: shouts back as he tries to get thru the unruly mob::

    I merely wanted you to speak the plain truth and not like a bard. The people deserve it. They deserve honesty They are strong, you give them disservice by honey coating it.

  • "Well, you say that the people are strong. That the people will survive and prosper as long as we work together. I wonder, just where do you disagree with us then? Isn't that exactly what I said before?"

  • (( nope not evil))

    :: the man shakes his head and backs down from Mariston's aura::

    Have it as you will people of Peltarch. But take note how not one person could say what I said wrong.

    Makes you wonder yes?

  • ::Mariston merely looks over radiant, the aura around him bolstering those that are near him. //Aura of courage and a Charisma boosted to 26//::

    I spoke no falsehood.
    Now go take thine mewling elsewhere, there are tasks at hand, I shall return to mine duties aiding the city and its peoples.

    ::Mariston looks man in the eyes, unyielding and unflinching in his gaze //DE//::
    The city faces a threat, those that seek to sew discord work against the city and its people, they seek disruption and chaos. They seek to cause unrest and in doing so spread panic and pain. Do not listen to the words bandied by such people, for at times like these we must stand together as one

  • :: the man chuckles::

    You now make up accusations.

    Did I not say the people were strong? Did I not say they would survive? What words did I speak that were untrue about the people? What words did I say to bring down their spirit? Where did I question their faith?

    Maybe your helmet is on too tight if you can't even understand common. Tell me where I spook ill of the folk?

    :: looks to the crowd::

    Can any of you name one thing I said ill of you?

    One thing…please one?


    :: shakes head::

    Clean your ears man.

    No, you are the one trying to cause strife where there is none.

    I merely said the people need honesty, not honey coated lies. Now, tell me, is that illegal now? Denying the people the truth is now wrong? Apparently honesty is in such lack of abundance that it is considered offensive now and only for the special people.

    You speak of your deeds, I am sure they are great. But does that make you a better person? Does that make you wiser? You wear your wounds like a badge of some sort, like it gives you a greater insight.


    The city is better for your sacrifices don't get me wrong. But to imply that gives you some sort of divine insight is the height of hubris. A common soldier can fight all his life in wars, kill thousands by his blade alone. But that doesn't mean he is going to have some divine insight on how to make a souffle?

    :: looks to the Mariston::

    I could use a really good recipe for one by the way

    :: chuckles::

    Funny city you have here, where when someone asks for honesty they are rebuked and falsehoods made up about what they said.

    And the name is...

    ::frowns for a second and pats his clothes as if looking for something::

    Ah yes, the name is Hellfray. I am sure you have heard of me.

  • While the Dwarves of the Stonemasons Guild are generally appreciative of the solidarity offered by Folir, and a few of them still remember him from his previous time in the city, it seems that few if any of them are anything short of quite wealthy and comfortable at the moment, the devastation from the recent N'Jastian war having given their trade an abrupt and lucrative amount of business which is still ongoing (a fact they remark solely in dwarven, as it would be poor business practice to let everybody know how well they are doing). This doesn't stop them from enjoying the dark ale and chatting amiably with Nor about efforts to curb the Plague, however.

  • _A familiar dwarf, dressed in the dark colors that he adopted after spending considerable time in Peltarch during Lady Desiderata's days, leans heavily on a staff as he takes an elevated position before speaking.

    Clearing his throat he waits until some of the dwarven residents, either some stonemasons working on the wall or their clan members (women and children) are gathered by his cousin Nor, who runs the Extermination shop for him.

    He addresses them in dwarven then speaks in common so that everyone can understand what he is saying.

    Basically, he offers to the dwarves assistance without any charge, to assist them through this crisis of the plague. Ales, food, tools, and possible employment through his modest business, which can be found near the West Gate.

    If housing is an issue, the shop will be converted to house as many kin as possible.

    Foilir emphasizes that the dwarves must stick together and look out for each other. History has shown that the dwarves are used for their skills in the trades in the Jewel of the Icelake, but to little benefit. If armor, blades or any job that is deemed 'unfit' for the other races that populate the city, such as extermination, it falls on the dwarves.

    If anyone asks for an example, the dwarf on the stand is quick to point out there has been no dwarven Senator no Magistrate to represent their concerns.

    He ends the talk by telling any dwarves listening to speak with his cousin Nor, who raises a hand to that they can all see who he is. If there are any concerns that any clan have regarding any current difficulties making ends meet, to stop by the shop as Nor will pass them on, or they can request a face to face meeting with Foilir himself in his office in the shop.

    With his speech ended, the dwarf takes great care to get down from his perch, leaning on his staff heavily as if the weight of dwarven kind is on his shoulders.

    Ever present the Amn, the dwarven axe of kings, hangs at his side, emitting a soft and holy aura, gleeming in the sunlight. The armored dwarf takes great care to ensure his dark cloak is kept aside, so that all assembled kin can get a good look at the Holy axe as he steps down and makes his way through the crowd to his shop.

    He stops and speaks cordially to anyone who wishes to do so and through some pre-determined hand gestures, instructs Nor to hand out his personal reserves of Dolvak Dark ale, and whatever cured meats he has available.

    Leaving Nor behind he slowly and solidly makes his way West._

  • The crowd, remaining largely indecisive until Mariston speaks out, after which it is quick to turn against the unknown speaker, with derogatory remarks about him being "some stranger" or worse.

  • ::Looking from the crowd, as if preparing to speak himself Mariston looks to the man, wonders if it’s the same rabble-rouser who has spoken before, then speaks::

    I would know your name sir?

    The city shall stand strong as it has done before regardless of pathetic attempts of nay Sayers and their ilk to bring low the spirit and resolve of the brave and good folk of this city.

    The actions of the city hath with great success held back this plague, we hath not succumbed nor shall we to this current threat. This person ::peers at the man and fires a look to the guard:: would seek to undermine your spirit and resolve.

    I hath stood with thee for many years now, fought with thee and bled with thee, I hath always struggled and will continue to do so for the good of this city’s people.
    ::looks at the man:: I wonder if he can say the same?

    Do not listen to foolish words spoken by a foolish man, seek to uphold your resolve and faith. For I shall not waver in mine in thee.

  • "Then pray tell, what have you done to improve things for everyone else? Why do you not tell us all your name, so that we have a person to listen to, and not a nameless voice."

  • Laughter fills the air as the speech continues and seems to come from a man in well worn clothes

    This is a funny city…they let drunk dandies give delusional drivel.

    The man steps up on the stand after Adrian vacates

    Aye…all of you have had it bad, more so then others.

    But what you don't need now is flowery bard talk. The town needs a reality check. Things are bad, maybe not as bad as before but bad nonetheless. The only way you will survive is to except the hard truths.

    People are going to die, maybe your mother, your son, your daughter. It will get worse before it's better, likely much worse. But you can survive. What you need is the truth, how bad is it going to get? What do we need to do?

    What does a drunk man in golden armor and a fine cloak know about your pains? Does he hunger as you do? Has he held his child dying from the plague in his arms? I bet many a life would be saved if he sold his armor and cloak for cures for the people.

    Aye, you are strong. You will survive. But you are strong because of the common man's hard work, the guard's strong arm, the rich that work for the better of all. You will survive because of that, not because of flowery lies.

  • _One one clear afternoon, Adrian steps up on the stand. His golden armor has been polished to a brilliant shine, and his regal purple cloak has been cleaned and dyed again. He looks across the crowd with a reserved but peaceful smile, before taking a breath and beginning to speak.

    "Good people of Peltarch, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters and all those who would call our Jewel home.

    Times have not been easy on us. We have seen war. We have seen raids by monsters. We have seen dark things crawling out of the Underdark. And now we see plague. Truly, we are being tested. But for all the trials and troubles that vex us these days, I see a city growing stronger and more brilliant every day!
    I see a people with hope, that will not just break and flee when things look grim. I see a people proud of its home and fellow citizens, determined to not simply survive in this harsh land, but to prosper and shine above everything else! I see a people of goodness and kindness, with piety and virtue, and I am proud to have been chosen to serve you.

    Let not these little things break your spirit, good people! You have worked and fought and suffered far too hard to let these pitiful monsters or disease destroy everything. We are the People of Peltarch, strong and proud! We will look into the eyes of the abyss itself and say "No! This far, and no further!".

    The city is growing closer and closer to it's former height again, and higher! Trade again grows, the corruption of the past has been swept away by the tides of truth, and the future is brighter than ever. It will require hard work and struggle. It will require us to look after each other, to aid one another when we suffer. And yes, sometimes it will require sacrifice. But nothing will be wasted. Nothing will be for nothing. Have faith in our goodly gods. Have faith in your Senate. Have faith in your guards, and your defenders. But most of all, have faith in yourselves!
    Have faith that together, we will overcome any difficulty, and no monster, nor disease, no devil from the hells itself can stand against us!

    Peltarch Will Shine!"_

  • Though a decent amount of people cheer Calen's speech, when he steps down from the stand, few of the superstitious commonfolk are willing to actually shake hands with a man known to be unfavoured by the Gods, though many of them voice their support all the same.

  • ICC

    Grak leers from the crowd "Grak wonders whys ya lazy gits nae bes working, but ya bes bickering 'ere like group of pointyear females?! Shoulds dere bes issues, why ya rumormongers nay deal wit it bys drawing blood? Strongest bes right und weaker whelp bes unfit ere und gets banished frem dis stinky town. Grak bes sure dat sum of dem pass-dwellers welcome another tainted one among demselves

  • _*Senator Calen Finds his way to the stand and steps forth, head held high and looking all in the eye, as best he can with all the onlookers *

    Good people of Peltarch, I come here before you, though I do not feel I needed make such a public announcement.

    I am not one to hide anything from anyone, I have told many of my standing with my Lord Helm and YES he is still my Lord! AND I still wear the cracked symbol of Helm about my neck, until He sees fit that I shall wear different. I have e'en sat in Senator Ashalds advisor's own home and discussed it with him and his wife as friend's aft I continued my support of the Defenders of this great city, as I promised.

    *holds it up to all to see *

    I have not changed in my commitment to the city and have been working tirelessly to promote new businesses, entrepenures, to help out our gaurds and brave defenders with food and supplys and coin that I have collected so that my Promise of "Protection for All" is met.

    Senator Ashald has brought into question my integrity over my personal relationship with my Lord Helm. I did not come to you as a Paladin. I did not come to you as a knight. I came to you as a man of the people, one who lost his home, knows what it means to have to start o'er from the beginning, and build once again.

    I have spoken to many in the commons, the docks, and the commerce district to assure that all knew of what had happened, as I did not see the need to make a politicians speech because I did not come to you as a politician. You all know me, You all have seen my work, You all have heard me speak.

    I only ask of you to not listen to the rantings of a man that thinks himself better than everyone else. For if there is one amongst you that has not strayed in any manner from their God or Goddess, I congratulate you. For me, my Lord is showing me a new and brighter path and I do not allow it to interfere with my duty to you, the People of the Great city of Peltarch!

    *With that he steps down proud and strong looking each person in the eyes that he meets and shaking hands with most *_

  • Telli waddles off the stage and down the road muttering to herself at the BOo's… And Telli bled and kilts over twelve dozens a N'jast scums dats was comings ta pillage and rape yuhs city. Dis da danks… buncha farkings ingrates....

    Telli looks rather moody going to find Calen at once....

  • _While people listen to Telli at first, many remembering her from the central role she played during Calen's popular campaigns, once she starts decrying Rath Ashald many onlookers begin to boo her and more people simply turn and leave.

    Marison is received more attentively, being a rather popular figure, though his words are somewhat lost on many of the dock folks there. The general mood of the people remains rather hostile towards Senator Ashwynd, exacerbated by the general assumption that he was attempting to keep the matter a secret from them._

  • ::Watching Rath and then Telli Mariston, steps forth, resplendent in his armour and radiating an aura around him that is tangible. He looks heavenward a moment then addresses the group::

    Firstly, the matter of a paladin falling, is an ecumenical matter for the church of Helm and the doctrines there of. The path of the paladin is fraught with many tests of ones mettle and as such some stumble on their path. Not all fall to the depths to which Senator Ashald speaks. I do not defend Senator Calen as one of the Order of the Divine Shield, for he hath not been a member of our Order for a goodly number of months, rather that we seek to see what his deeds speak of.
    Senator Calen needs to search his soul and learn if he can serve helm as an honoured paladin, whether he is able to meet the standards, only Helm knows.

    ::with that Mariston steps down and makes his way back into the crowd::

  • Telli groans at the news and approaches the stand Calen's ever vigilant and stalwart protector both physically and verbally. She downs a potion or two rubbing some lotion on her face and adjusts her pigtails to be of the brightest continence she can muster.

    "Peltarch citizens ands friends… Telli gonna be brief and ta da point.

    She swallows in some air thinking upon the words she should say and the best way to deliver them. Her nervousness and fear of large crowds evident.

    "Mr Calen shoulds....and if Telli see's hims will MAKES hims address yuh da people next she see's hims... untils dens dough... Mr Calen fells... dat bads... buh resign... Telli says Fark Mr Ashald, juss cause someone falledededs don't means der heart filled wid bitter and bile. Mr Helm... ta be a paladin... dose are tough tings... Telli ain't heard he fells, and ain't heard why... buh one ting Telli do knows! Mr Calen ain't gonna decidedededs ta STAY fallens.... he gonna findededs outs whys and do all he cans ta gits unda Helms grace agains I bets.

    Who among yuh ain't neva madedededs a mistakes...EVA?"

    Telli looks around the assembly of citizens, adventurers, and merchants alike allowing the words to sink in.

    "Mr Ashald gives warning a da last paladins ta falls… Wull...Telli here ta tells yuh a da LAST person she knows dats fells...

    Dats me…."

    Telli frowns looking down to her feet some before raising her head again...

    "Telli poisonedededs a stream....ta hurts N'jast scums and keeps ems froms comings ta yer doorsteps....ta keeps ems froms comings ta Jiyyd's doorsteps fasta...."

    Telli fidgets her foot around the plank some signs of discomfort evident

    "...cause a its... aminals and da plants near dat streams was kilt.... dis causedededs Telli ta falls froms Chauntea's grace....

    Some a yuhs mights be what Telli what does this have to do with anything!"

    Telli pauses to let her last words sink in a little....

    "...It mean everyting… Mr Ashald say cause Calen fell he should resign or somehow he not gonna be a man a characters or honors... agains Telli's says Fark yuh Mr Ashald… Cause yuh know whats Telli done after she felledededs....

    Telli gone ta Chauntea everyday askings fer fergiveness....and during da next day....bled halfways ACROSS da pass ta keeps N'JASTS froms Peltarch!... Da Legion and Telli and everybodies else madededs dems pay fer EVERY inch dey tooks...

    Buh accordings Ta Mr Ashald...anyones who falledededs is on a path a destructions and ebils...

    Telli ain't ebils....and she ain't widout Chauntea's grace no mores... Telli and her better friends den eva before...and All da while Telli done what was right in her heart a hearts and whats honorables ta da peoples a Peltarchs... so agains Telli says... Fark yuh Mr Ashald

    Let Mr Calen speak afore yuh put vile poison inta da mind a da people...."

    Telli huffs as she waddles off the stage and down the steps.