A fresh faced gnomish mage, sitting in the Boarshead, inquiring to one of the many gruff dwarvish militia leaders at the time, on when they would stop being so… well, gruff, with everyone in town. Not too long after that, that gnome is now an unofficial member of said militia, patrolling the town much like any of the NPCs, getting 'spooked' by the omnipotent voice of the fabled DnD InfoServer that was Magi13... just to pass some time.
Dozens of people amassed around the Norwick south gates, or at least, the one tile row of space that was the Norwick side of the gates. Against these heroes, wave after wave of goblins, orcs, skeletons, hellspawn... really, waves of whatever creature was the first to be picked off of the DM spawner. Mindless combat, yet fun for all.
Founding the Silver Valley, or at least, making a shop and effectively getting a house for free as well. Founding a mage guild with a halfling that wanted to turn evil all the time (here's looking at you Majere). Getting conned into a marriage to a halfling that was evil all the time (Devo you tricky man).
Obtaining a role of some importance in Norwick, enough to get an office in the town hall. Christening that office with a fade to black affair with the evil married halfling, and then walking out of said office to find that two manly men had done the same thing, on the giant carpet in the lobby...
Discovering that the majority of militia in Norwick were crazy, and moving to the quaint village of Jiyyid because of it, thankfully the waves of monsters followed.
Hearing: "[shout]RandomDM: PVP Permission Granted. You know who you are." and thinking to myself "Oh, how quaint, someone is going to die."… Right as I roll a 20 on a will save against Phantasmal Killer, courtesy of her royal icequeen Aspera Chillwind, and the subsequent sprint through the Nars, with every random bandit in sight chasing after me (with less than 10 hp), until I can make it to Jiyyid...
And then... well, this is getting kind of rambly. I just wanted to post some memories of a time when I didn't care about what happened to anybody else's character, or what happened out of the game in the political pit that was IRC, back when I actually played... Narfell.
It is still there. Although the upheavals of the server have led to the whole valley being altered and it is no longer where you left it. It still sells hin sized things and other stuff.
It doesn't look the same inside though.
Since I didn't want to make a whole new thread for this, and I can kind of fit it into a Memories mindset…
Is Budo's store still in the Silver Valley, or has the violent nature of the area taken it's toll on a poor undefended building (that also happened to be the only 'real' building there)...?
I also remember when this forum was bustling, and every refresh lead to a sea of new posts
Oh good grief that drove me batty!… I'd go away for a day and there was 2-3 hours worth of reading waiting for you when you got back. grips head tenderly... The headaches and headaches of that era lol... I'd just finally say after a half hour to an hour..."Screw it I wanna play" lol...
I also remember when this forum was bustling, and every refresh lead to a sea of new posts