Soup Kitchen Progress

  • Seventh Official Food Drive
    Date: Tarsakh, 5th day of Third Ride



    4.5 Tendays (1.5 Months) worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic, turnups]]

  • Senator Ronan Redralen makes an appearance near the newly forming soup kitchen, where he mostly just offers polite conversation, and a few jokes here and there. However, his appearance is brief, due to wanting to keep some distance from the tent city folk, more out of avoiding conflict than actual fear of the inhabitants. The time he does spend, he hands a colorful flower to each Sister, a different color for each individual, and encourages them in their actions with helping the city.

  • Docks District Sewer Patrol
    Date: Tarsakh, 1st day of Second Ride




    • Rats Exterminated
    • 2 Unquiet Dead laid to rest
    • 34 Small Hides cleaned & Donated to the Peltarch Trades and Craft Hall courtesy of The Sisterhood

  • Sixth Official Food Drive
    Date: Tarsakh, 2nd day of First Ride



    4.5 Tendays (1.5 Months) worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic]]

  • Saddened, but undeterred by the actions of some of the tent city inhabitants, Marie encourages the other ladies to keep the work up regardless of what is said, and not to turn away any who come to the for a meal.

    There are some who don't want our aid. That's fine, that's their choice. But, there are others who need it. We should keep working here, but stay out of the tent city, and let them come to us. Your safety is more important to me than any work we can do here, and I don't want to see any of you hurt.

    Sister Silmiel, thank you so much for your willingness to help with their ills. And Alberon, for stepping in to help. Sister Shade, you are an inspiration to us all.

    We need to stay here, and do what good we can, where we will be allowed to continue without harrassment.

  • Silmiel is effectively jostled out of the Tent City by two untalkative, burly looking sailor types, her presence seemingly decidedly unwelcome, much like most others who attempt to go there.

  • {Sister Silmiel goes from one person to an other looking for signs of illness or diseases,curing those who needs it and healing any wound.She makes pleasant converations with humors bringing as much happiness as she can about the tent city}

  • 'Welcome! You can start by keeping those tent city rioters from burning down the orphanage!' One of the women throws an apron at Alberon and makes room for him to help serve during the mid day meal rush. They point out Marie and Shade scurrying about for business discussions.

  • Alberon can be seen observing the soup kitchen with a smile while still helping around the docks as he is able. After a few days he decides to approach the group to offer more direct aid.

  • Fifth Official Food Drive
    Ches, 5th day of Third Ride



    2 Months worth of Rice

    100 Pounds of Rice

  • Guardian Marie and Little Sister Shade enter the crumbling orphanage the Selunites assist, next to the tent city, looking beat up and laden with huge burlap bags of rice.

    "Enough here for two months worth of soup!" The young half-elven exclaims, cheery despite her fresh bruses and an older injury, a slow-healing broken wrist. The women of the house gossip wondering what the Sisters have been doing to get the food, but greatful none-the-less.

    "We are working to secure flour now for a steady supply of fresh bread!" She tells the others as she prepares the cauldron.

    Just helping to make other's lives a little easier seems to be the greatest reward the young girl could hope for.

    As the days pass and the soup is handed out to any and all who wish it Shade takes a small batch and puts it out back behind the building next to the tent city away from public scrunity for any who might be too pround to ask for food, but might yet be hungry.

    She leaves quietly, after the children are asleep and under cover of darkness stalks the orcs on Duncan Hertwell's abandoned lands to the west, to take from them their ill-gotten gains to further supply the needy with food.

  • Brother Aelthas,

    I have done some digging since I last wrote you and see that after the war it was revealed that the Seafarer's old leader Vaster Ashald and a few others were involved in a scandal involving the witholding of food from citizens for better profits.

    I have never been one for this politics thing.. frankly I do not have a mind for it because it is well beyond me, but if the Guild helps us by allowing us to lease their property and establish this soup kitchen it should go a far way among the people to distance the current leaders from the old corrupt ones. Perhaps you can mention that to Senator Rath Ashald?

    May Selune guide you.

    Sister Shade

  • Forth Offical Food Drive
    Alturiak, 5th day of Third Ride


    5 Days worth of soup (4 days of meat soup, 1 day of fish soup)
    7 loaves of bread

    3.5 pounds of Fish
    7 pounds of pease [[garlic]]
    19 pounds of meat
    7 pounds of bread [[eggs]]

  • Brother Aelthas,

    Can you provide a character reference of myself and the Sisterhood of the Crimson Gloves to Senator Rath Ashald and Lord Oswald Morgenthau, senior member of the Seafarer's Guild and Lord Chadwick Whyte also of the Guild? The Guild owns the Bottleneck Apartments and Lord Morgenthau owns a stall we wish to rent.

    The long term vision I am looking at is the Temple Complex and new Selûnite orphanage behind City Hall, a Crimson Glove Peltarch Chapterhouse (halfway house and shelter for women, dining area) out of the Bottleneck apartments, and the soup kitchen… all in a line. Perhaps it will start to be considered something of a Charity Row?

    If this would in anyway compromise you or your duties I of course understand if you cannot provide such a reference. If there is a problem please seek me out to discuss this matter further if you so wish.

    Sister Shade

  • @308da277dc=Lairilwa:

    Master Troff,

    Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for the generosity the Legion has shown us in this endeavor.

    May Selûne watch over you and the Legionnaires as they fight to keep the peace. I hope once the new orphanage is running the Legion will send recruiters by to meet with and offer training to those older children who wish to pursue such a line of work some day. I do not know if you take on smith apprentices but perhaps you might find the occasional future artisan among us to learn your craft as well.

    May the Moonmaiden look down upon you with grace for all your days.

    And please, if you need anything please do not hesitate to ask.

    P.S. ~ Do you happen to know either the Guildmaster of the Fisherman's Union, Lord Oswald Morgenthau (who is also a senior member of the Seafarer's Guild)? or Lord Chadwick Whyte of the Seafarers Guild?
    If you, or any Guild members in good standing do would you mind putting in a good word for us with them? We currently are in talks to lease their premises for the soup kitchen and shelter.

    In deepest gratitude,
    Shade of Selûne & Little Sister of The Crimson Gloves

  • :A Legion runner leaves a message that Maythor Troff has placed an oder with the crafters union for tables,chairs,and lumber for fencing and tent polls.: The man delivers boxes full of tin bowls and plates to the workers at the soup kitchen. {complements of Master Troff}

  • Marie and Reriana deliver two hundred and twenty five pounds of salted venison for use in the soup kitchen, smiling as they do.

    That should see us through a month and a bit more.

  • @e25add3ef3=Lairilwa:

    Guildmaster Morgenthau,

    Greetings & Salutations,

    I write to you with a proposal on improving life and security along Mariado's Road.

    Please allow me to explain the vision and potential I see for the district. You may or may not know the Selunite Faith has been given permission by the city to begin construction of a temple complex behind City Hall. Its purpose is to breed tolerance and understanding among the different faiths as well as elevate hopes and ease suffering. If all goes according to plan the outside grounds will have a shrine to the goodly nature gods at its entrance and an open-air temple to the Moon Goddess Selune. Inside will be shrines to Tymora, Lathander, Mystra and most relevant to the district, Valkur. The upper level will consist of clerical study and meditation chambers and an orphanage run by the Sisters of Selune, as well as a school. The children will enter the clergy of their choice or can be apprenticed out to the Fisherman's Union. I have written Silverymoon and asked them to send some Swords of the Lady to help watch over the neighborhood.

    Besides being a devout to Selune I am also a little sister of the Crimson Gloves. The organization’s charter has many goals that are followed by my church. Working together we would like to lease your stall on Mariado's Road. If Lord Whyte also agrees to the proposal we will rent some of the ground floor suites of the Bottleneck Apartments as well.

    We would like to open a soup kitchen. Our goal is to take in the women and children who are on the streets and to give back to the community. By providing food we will improve the quality of life, lower crime, and by helping to offset costs those on the streets can afford a roof over their heads. We will improve the health of the district and the dockworkers and deck hands will be more productive. We would also like to broker a deal with the Fisherman's Union to purchase the leftover catch of each day.

    Finally, we will also arrest the vermin and undead problem coming up from the sewers as well as help defend from outside threats such as the lizardfolk that recently attacked.

    If you require character references I can contact the Defenders, Legion, Divine Shield, and a few Senators.

    I look forward to discussing this matter with you further.

    May the Moonmaiden Watch Over and Guide you.

    Sister Shade,
    Selunite Orphanage, 8th Street, Docks District


    Lord Chadwick Whyte,

    Greetings & Salutations,

    The Sisterhood of the Crimson Gloves would like to rent one, or perhaps both suites that are currently available in the Bottleneck Apartments, depending on the price. We wish to provide shelter to women and bake bread on the premises to hand out to those in need. As this location is across the street from the new temple complex that will soon begin construction behind City Hall it is perfect for our needs.

    If you require character references I can contact the Defenders, Legion, Divine Shield, and a few Senators.

    I look forward to discussing this matter with you further.

    May the Moonmaiden Watch Over and Guide you.

    Sister Shade,
    Selunite Orphanage, 8th Street, Docks District

  • Second Official Food Drive
    Date: Nightal, 4th day of Third Ride



    4 Days worth of soup (3 days of meat soup ((the 3rd day it is very thin)) , 1 day of fish soup)
    7 loaves of bread

    6 pounds of Fish
    4 pounds of pease [[garlic]]
    13 pounds of meat
    7.5 pounds of bread [[eggs]]

  • Dear Sir,

    Rather then see food go to waste, I would like to come to an ongoing arrangement with you to get all your leftover fish on a regular basis that might be in danger of spoiling. This food will go to the continued opperation of a soup kitchen we are trying to establish in the Docks District. Please let me know what you consider a fair offer.

    Thank you for your time.

    Little Sister Shade of the Crimson Gloves
    Selunite Orphanage, 8th Street, Docks District